Microsoft ReOrg – Crafty or Confusing?

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer appears to be planning a major reorganization. The apparent objective is to help the company move toward becoming a "devices and services company" as presented in the company's annual shareholder letter last October. 

But, the question for investors is whether this is a crafty move that will help Microsoft launch renewed profitable growth, or is it leadership further confusing customers and analysts while leaving Microsoft languishing in stalled markets?  After all, the shares are up some 31% the last 6 months and it is a good time to decide if an investor should buy, hold or sell.

There are a lot of things not going well for Microsoft right now.

Everyone knows PC sales have started dropping.  IDC recently lowered its forecast for 2013 from a decline of 1.3% to negative 7.8%.  The mobile market is already larger than PC sales, and IDC now expects tablet sales (excluding smartphones) will surpass PCs in 2015.  Because the PC is Microsoft's "core" market – producing almost all the company's profitability – declining sales are not a good thing.

Microsoft hoped Windows 8 would reverse the trend.  That has not happened.  Unfortunately, ever since being launched Windows 8 has underperformed the horrific sales of Vista.  Eight months into the new product it is selling at about half the rate Vista did back in 2007 – which was the worst launch in company history.  Win8 still has fewer users than Vista, and at 4% share 1/10th the share of market leaders Windows 7 and XP. 

Microsoft is launching an update to Windows 8, called Windows 8.1 or "blue."  But rather than offering a slew of new features to please an admiring audience the release looks more like an early "fix" of things users simply don't like, such as bringing back the old "start" button.  Reviewers aren't talking about how exciting the update is, but rather wondering if these admissions of poor initial design will slow conversion to tablets.

And tablets are still the market where Microsoft isn't – even if it did pioneer the product years before the iPad. Bloomberg reported that Microsoft has been forced to cut the price of RT.  So far historical partners such as HP and HTC have shunned Windows tablets, leaving Acer the lone company putting out Windows a mini-tab, and Dell (itself struggling with its efforts to go private) the only company declaring a commitment to future products.

And whether it's too late for mobile Windows is very much a real question.  At the last shareholder meeting Nokia's investors cried loud and hard for management to abandon its commitment to Microsoft in favor of returning to old operating systems or moving forward with Android.  This many years into the game, and with the Google and Apple ecosystems so far in the lead, Microsoft needed a game changer if it was to grab substantial share.  But Win 8 has not proven to be a game changer.

In an effort to develop its own e-reader market Microsoft dumped some $300million into Barnes & Noble's Nook last year.  But the e-reader market is fast disappearing as it is overtaken by more general-purpose tablets such as the Kindle Fire.  Yet, Microsoft appears to be pushing good money after bad by upping its investment by another $1B to buy the rest of Nook, apparently hoping to obtain enough content to keep the market alive when Barnes & Noble goes the way of Borders.  But chasing content this late, behind Amazon, Apple and Google, is going to be much more costly than $1B – and an even lower probability than winning in hardware or software.

Then there's the new Microsoft Office.  In late May Microsoft leadership hoped investors would be charmed to hear that 1M $99 subscriptions had been sold in 3.5 months.  However, that was to an installed base of hundreds of millions of PCs – a less than thrilling adoption rate for such a widely used product.  Companies that reached 1M subscribers from a standing (no installed base) start include Instagram in 2.5 months, Spotify in 5 months, Dropbox in 7 months and Facebook (which pioneered an entire new marketplace in Social) in only 10 months.  One could have easily expected a much better launch for a product already so widely used, and offered at about a third the price of previous licenses.

A new xBox was launched on May 21st.  Unfortunately, like all digital markets gaming is moving increasingly mobile, and consoles show all the signs of going the way of desktop computers.  Microsoft hopes xBox can become the hub of the family room, but we're now in a market where a quarter of homes lead by people under 50 don't really use "the family room" any longer. 

xBox might have had a future as an enterprise networking hub, but so far Kinnect has not even been marketed as a tool for business, and it has not yet incorporated the full network functionality (such as Skype) necessary to succeed at creating this new market against competitors like Cisco. 

Thankfully, after more than a decade losing money, xBox reached break-even recently.  However, margins are only 15%, compared to historical Microsoft margins of 60% in "core" products.  It would take a major growth in gaming, plus a big market share gain, for Microsoft to hope to replace lost PC profits with xBox sales.  Microsoft has alluded to xBox being the next iTunes, but lacking mobility, or any other game changer, it is very hard to see how that claim holds water.

The Microsoft re-org has highlighted 3 new divisions focused on servers and tools, Skype/Lync and xBox.  What is to happen with the business which has driven three decades of Microsoft growth – operating systems and office software – is, well, unclear.  How upping the focus on these three businesses, so late in the market cycle, and with such low profitability will re-invigorate Microsoft's value is, well, unclear. 

In fact, given how Microsoft has historically made money it is wholly unclear what being a "devices and services" company means.  And this re-organization does nothing to make it clear. 

My past columns on Microsoft have led some commenters to call me a "Microsoft hater."  That is not true.  More apt would be to say I am a Microsoft bear.  Its historical core market is shrinking, and Microsoft's leadership invested far too much developing new products for that market in hopes the decline would be delayed – which did not work.  By trying to defend and extend the PC world Microsoft's leaders chose to ignore the growing mobile market (smartphones and tablets) until far too late – and with products which were not game changers. 

Although Microsoft's leaders invested heavily in acquisitions and other markets (Skype, Nook, xBox recently) those very large investments came far too late, and did little to change markets in Microsoft's favor. None of these have created much excitement, and recently Rick Sherland at Nomura securities came out with a prediction that Microsoft might well sell the xBox division (a call I made in this column back in January.)

As consumers, suppliers and investors we like the idea of a near-monopoly.  It gives us comfort to believe we can trust in a market leader to bring out new products upon which we can rely – and which will continue to make long-term profits.  But, good as this feels, it has rarely been successful.  Markets shift, and historical leaders fall as new competitors emerge; largely because the old leadership continues investing in what they know rather than shifting investments early into new markets.

This Microsoft reorganization appears to be rearranging the chairs on the Titanic.  The mobile iceberg has slashed a huge gash in Microsoft's PC hull.  Leadership keeps playing familiar songs, but the boat cannot float without those historical PC profits. Investors would be smart to flee in the lifeboat of recent share price gains. 

Dell – Take the Money and Run! Innovation trumps execution.

Michael Dell has put together a hedge fund, one of his largest suppliers and some debt money to take his company, Dell, Inc. private.  There are large investors threatening to sue, claiming the price isn't high enough.  While they are wrangling, small investors should consider this privatization manna from heaven, take the new, higher price and run to invest elsewhere – thankful you're getting more than the company is worth.

In the 1990s everybody thought Dell was an incredible company.  With literally no innovation a young fellow built an enormously large, profitable company using other people's money, and technology.  Dell jumped into the PC business as it was born.  Suppliers were making the important bits, and looking for "partners" to build boxes.  Dell realized he could let other people invest in microprocessor, memory, disk drive, operating system and application software development.  All he had to do was put the pieces together. 

Dell was the rare example of a company that was built on nothing more than execution.  By marketing hard, selling hard, buying smart and building cheap Dell could produce a product for which demand was skyrocketing.  Every year brought out new advancements from suppliers Dell could package up and sell as the latest, greatest model.  All Dell had to do was stay focused on its "core" PC market, avoid distractions, and win at execution.  Heck, everyone was going to make money building and selling PCs.  How much you made boiled down to how hard you worked.  It wasn't about strategy or innovation – just execution. 

Dell's business worked for one simple reason.  Everybody wanted PCs.  More than one.  And everybody wanted bigger, more powerful PCs as they came available.  Market demand exploded as the PC became part of everything companies, and people, do.  As long as demand was growing, Dell was growing.  And with clever execution – primarily focused on speed (sell, build, deliver, get the cash before the supplier has to be paid) – Dell became a multi-billion dollar company, and its founder a billionaire with no college degree, and no claim to being a technology genius.

But, the market shifted.  As this column has pointed out many times, demand for PCs went flat – never to return to previous growth rates.  Users have moved to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, while corporate IT is transitioning from PC servers to cloud services.  iPad sales now nearly match all of Dell's sales.  Dell might well be the world's best PC maker, but when people don't want PCs that doesn't matter any more.

Which is why Dell's sales, and profits, began to fall several years ago.  And even though Michael Dell returned to run the company 6 years ago, the downward direction did not change.  At its "core" Dell has no ability to innovate, or create new products.  It is like HTC – merely a company that sells and assembles, with all of its "focus" on cost/price.  That's why Samsung became the leader in Android smartphones and tablets, and why Dell never launched a Chrome tablet.  Lacking any innovation capability, Dell relied on its suppliers to tell it what to build.  And its suppliers, notably Microsoft and Intel, entirely missed the shift to mobile.  Leaving Dell long on execution skills, but with nowhere to apply them.

Market watchers knew this. That's why  Dell's stock took a long ride from its lofty value on the rapids of growth to the recent distinctly low value as it slipped into the whirlpool of failure.

Now Dell has a trumped up story that it needs to go public in order to convert itself from a PC maker into an IT services company selling cloud and mobile capabilities to small and mid-sized businesses.  But Dell doesn't need to go private to do this, which alone makes the story ring hollow.  It's going private because doing so allows Michael Dell to recapitalize the company with mountains of debt, then use internal cash to buy out his stock before the company completely fails wiping out a big chunk of his remaining fortune.

If you think adding debt to Dell will save it from the market shift, just look at how well that strategy worked for fixing Tribune Corporation. A Sam Zell led LBO took over the company claiming he had plans for a new future, as advertisers shifted away from newspapers.  Bankruptcy came soon enough, employee pensions were wiped out, massive layoffs undertaken and 4 years of legal fighting followed to see if there was any plan that would keep the company afloat.  Debt never fixes a failing company, and Dell knows that.  Dell has no answer to changing market demand away from PCs.

Now the buzzards are circlingHP has been caught in a rush to destruction ever since CEO Fiorina decided to buy Compaq and gut the HP R&D in an effort to follow Dell's wild revenue ride.  Only massive cost cutting by the following CEO Hurd kept HP alive, wiping out any remnants of innovation.  Now HP has a dismal future.  But it hopes that as the PC market shrinks the elimination of one competitor, Dell, will give newest CEO Whitman more time to somehow find something HP can do besides follow Dell into bankruptcy court.

Watching as its execution-oriented ecosystem manufacturers are struggling, supplier Microsoft is pulling out its wallet to try and extend the timeline.  Plundering its $85B war chest, Microsoft keeps adding features, with acquisitions such as Skype, that consume cash while offering no returns – or even strong reasons for people to stop the transition to tablets. 

Additionally it keeps putting up money for companies that it hopes will build end-user products on its software, such as its $500M investment in Barnes & Noble's Nook and now putting $2B into Dell.  $85B is a lot of money, but how much more will Microsoft have to spend to keep HP alive – or money losing Acer – or Lenovo?  A billion here, a billion there and pretty soon it adds up to a lot of money!  Not counting losses in its own entertainmnet and on-line divisions.  The transition to mobile devices is permanent and Microsoft has arrived at the game incredibly late – and with products that simply cannot obtain better than mixed reviews.

The lesson to learn is that management, and investors, take a big risk when they focus on execution.  Without innovation, organizations become reliant on vendors who may, or may not, stay ahead of market transitions.  When an organization fails to be an innovator, someone who creates its own game changers, and instead tries to succeed by being the best at execution eventually market shifts will kill it.  It is not a question of if, but when.

Being the world's best PC maker is no better than being the world's best maker of white bread (Hostess) or the world's best maker of photographic film (Kodak) or the world's best 5 and dime retailer (Woolworth's) or the world's best manufacturer of bicycles (Schwinn) or cold rolled steel (Bethlehem Steel.)  Being able to execute – even execute really, really well – is not a long-term viable strategy.  Eventually, innovation will create market shifts that will kill you.

Sell Microsoft NOW – Game over, Ballmer loses

Microsoft needed a great Christmas season.  After years of product stagnation, and a big market shift toward mobile devices from PCs, Microsoft's future relied on the company seeing customers demonstrate they were ready to jump in heavily for Windows8 products – including the new Surface tablet.

But that did not happen. 

With the data now coming it, it is clear the market movement away from Microsoft products, toward Apple and Android products, has not changed.  On Christmas eve, as people turned on their new devices and launched their first tweet, Surface came in dead last – a mere 2% compared to the number of people tweeting from iPads (Kindle was second, Android third.)  Looking at more traditional units shipped information, UBS analysts reported Surface sales were 5% of iPads shipped.  And the usability reviews continue to run highly negative for Surface and Win8.

This inability to make a big splash, and mount a serious attack on Apple/Android domination, is horrific for Microsoft primarily because we now know that traditional PC sales are well into decline.  Despite the big Win8 launch and promotion, holiday PC sales declined over 3% compared to 2011 as journalists reported customers found "no compelling reason to upgrade."  Ouch!

Looking deeper, for the 4th quarter PC sales declined by almost 5% according to Gartner research, and by almost 6.5% according to IDC.  Both groups no longer expect a rebound in PC shipments, as they believe homes will no longer have more than 1 PC due to the mobile device penetration  – the market where Surface and Win8 phones have failed to make any significant impact or move beyond a tiny market share.  Users increasingly see the complexity of shifting to Win8 as not worth the effort; and if a switch is to be made consumer and businesses now favor iOS and Android.

Microsoft's monopoly over personal computing has evaporated.  From 95% market domination in 2005 share has fallen to just 20% in 2012 (IDC, Goldman Sachs.)  Comparing devices, in 2005 there were 55 Windows devices sold for every Apple device; today explosive Apple sales has lowered that multiple to a mere 2! (Asymco).  Universally the desire to upgrade Microsoft products has simply disappeared, as XP still has 40% of the Windows market – and even Vista at 5.7% has more users than Win8 which has only achieved a 1.75% Windows market share despite the long wait and launch hoopla. And with all future market growth coming in tablets, which are expected to more than double unit volume sales by 2016, Microsoft is simply not in the game.

These trends mean nothing short of the ruin of Microsoft.  Microsoft makes more than 75% of its profits from Windows and Office.  Less than 25% comes from its vaunted servers and tools.  And Microsoft makes nothing from its xBox/Kinect entertainment division, while losing vast sums on-line (negative $350M-$750M/quarter).  No matter how much anyone likes the non-Windows Microsoft products, without the historical Windows/Office sales and profits Microsoft is not sustainable.

So what can we expect at Microsoft:

  1. Ballmer has committed to fight to the death in his effort to defend & extend Windows.  So expect death as resources are poured into the unwinnable battle to convert users from iOS and Android.
  2. As resources are poured out of the company in the Quixotic effort to prolong Windows/Office, any hope of future dividends falls to zero.
  3. Expect enormous layoffs over the next 3 years.  Something like 50-60%, or more, of employees will go away.
  4. Expect closure of the long-suffering on-line division in order to conserve resources.
  5. The entertainment division will be spun off, sold to someone like Sony or even Barnes & Noble, or dramatically reduced in size.  Unable to make a profit it will increasingly be seen as a distraction to the battle for saving Windows – and Microsoft leadership has long shown they have no idea how to profitably grow this business unit.
  6. As more and more of the market shifts to competitive cloud businesses Apple, Amazon and others will grow significantly.  Microsoft, losing its user base, will demonstrate its inability to build a new business in the cloud, mimicking its historical experiences with Zune (mobile music) and Microsoft mobile phones.  Microsoft server and tool sales will suffer, creating a much more difficult profit environment for the sole remaining profitable division.

Missing the market shift to mobile has already forever tarnished the Microsoft brand.  No longer is Microsoft seen as a leader, and instead it is rapidly losing market relevancy as people look to Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, Facebook and others for leadership.   The declining sales, and lack of customer interest will lead to a tailspin at Microsoft not unlike what happened to RIM.  Cash will be burned in what Microsoft will consider an "epic" struggle to save the "core of the company." 

But failure is already inevitable.  At this stage, not even a new CEO can save Microsoft.  Steve Ballmer played "Bet the Company" on the long-delayed release of Win8, losing the chance to refocus Microsoft on other growing divisions with greater chance of success.  Unfortunately, the other players already had enough chips to simply bid Microsoft out of the mobile game – and Microsoft's ante is now long gone – without holding a hand even remotely able to turn around the product situation.

Game over. Ballmer loses. And if you keep your money invested in Microsoft it will disappear along with the company.   

Microsoft Win8 Tablet Is Not a Game Changer

While there is an appropriately high interest in the Win8 Tablet announcement from Microsoft today, there is no way it is going to be a game changer.  Simply because it was never intended to be.

Game changers meet newly emerging, unmet needs, in new ways.  People are usually happy enough, until they see the new product/solution and realize "hey, this helps me do something I couldn't do before" or "this helps me solve my problem a lot better."  Game changers aren't a simple improvement, they allow customers to do something radically different.  And although at first they may well appear to not work too well, or appear too expensive, they meet needs so uniquely, and better, that they cause people to change their behavior.

Motorola invented the smart phone.  But Motorola thought it was too expensive to be a cell phone, and not powerful enough to be a PC.  Believing it didn't fit existing markets well, Motorola shelved the product.

Apple realized people wanted to be mobile.  Cell phones did talk and text OK – and RIM had pretty good email.  But it was limited use.  Laptops had great use, but were too big, heavy and cumbersome to be really mobile.  So Apple figured out how to add apps to the phone, and use cloud services support, in order to make the smart phone fill some pretty useful needs – like navigation, being a flashlight, picking up tweets – and a few hundred thousand other things – like doctors checking x-rays or MRI results.  Not as good as a PC, and somewhat on the expensive side for the device and the AT&T connection, but a whole lot more convenient.  And that was a game changer.

From the beginning, Windows 8 has been – by design – intended to defend and extend the Windows product line. Rather than designed to resolve unmet needs, or do things nobody else could do, or dramatically improve productivity over all other possible solutions, Windows 8 was designed to simply extend Windows so (hopefully) people would not shift to the game changer technology offered by Apple and later Google. 

The problem with trying to extend old products into new markets is it rarely works.  Take for example Windows 7.  It was designed to replace Windows Vista, which was quite unpopular as an upgrade from Windows XP.  By most accounts, Windows 7 is a lot better.  But, it didn't offer users anything that that made them excited to buy Windows 7.  It didn't solve any unmet needs, or offer any radically better solutions.  It was just Windows better and faster (some just said "fixed.")

Nothing wrong with that, except Windows 7 did not address the most critical issue in the personal technology marketplace.  Windows 7 did not stop the transition from using PCs to using mobile devices.  As a result, while sales of app-enabled smartphones and tablets exploded, sales of PCs stalled:

PC shipments stalled 6-2012
Chart reproduced with permission of Business Insider Intelligence 6/12/12 courtesy of Alex Cocotas

People are moving to the mobility provided by apps, cloud services and the really easy to use interface on modern mobile devices.  Market leading cell phone maker, Nokia, decided it needed to enter smartphones, and did so by wholesale committing to Windows7.  But now the CEO, Mr. Elop (formerly a Microsoft executive,) is admitting Windows phones simply don't sell well.  Nobody cares about Microsoft, or Windows, now that the game has changed to mobility – and Windows 7 simply doesn't offer the solutions that Apple and Android does.  Not even Nokia's massive brand image, distribution or ad spending can help when a product is late, and doesn't greatly exceed the market leader's performance.  Just last week Nokia announced it was laying off another 10,000 employees.

Reviews of Win8 have been mixed.  And that should not be surprising.  Microsoft has made the mistake of trying to make Win8 something nobody really wants.  On the one hand it has a new interface called Metro that is supposed to be more iOS/Android "like" by using tiles, touch screen, etc.  But it's not a breakthrough, just an effort to be like the existing competition.  Maybe a little better, but everyone believes the leaders will be better still with new updates soon.  By definition, that is not game changing.

Simultaneously, with Win8 users can find their way into a more historical Windows inteface.  But this is not obvious, or intuitive.  And it has some pretty "clunky" features for those who like Windows.  So it's not a "great" Windows solution that would attract developers today focused on other platforms.

Win8 tries to be the old, and the new, without being great at either, and without offering anything that solves new problems, or creates breakthroughs in simplicity or performance.

Do you know the story about the Ford Edsel?

By focusing on playing catch up, and trying to defend & extend the Windows history, Microsoft missed what was most important about mobility – and that is the thousands of apps.  The product line is years late to market, short on apps, short on app developers and short on giving anyone a reason to really create apps for Win8.

Some think it is good if Microsoft makes its own tablet – like it has done with xBox.  But that really doesn't matter.  What matters is whether Microsoft gives users and developers something that causes them to really, really want a new platform that is late and doesn't have the app base, or the app store, or the interfaces to social media or all the other great thinks they already have come to expect and like about their tablet (or smartphone.) 

When iOS came out it was new, unique and had people flocking to buy it.  Developers could only be mobile by joining with Apple, and users could only be mobile by buying Apple.  That made it a game changer by leading the trend toward mobility. 

Google soon joined the competition, built a very large, respectable following by chasing Apple and offering manufacturers an option for competing with Apple. 

But Microsoft's new entry gives nobody a reason to develop for, or buy, a Win8 tablet – regardless of who manufactures it.  Microsoft does not deliver a huge, untapped market.  Microsoft doesn't solve some large, unmet need.  Microsoft doesn't promise to change the game to some new, major trend that would drive early adopters to change platforms and bring along the rest of the market. 

And making a deal so a dying company, on the edge of bankruptcy – Barnes & Noble – uses your technology is not a "big win."  Amazon is killing Barnes & Noble, and Microsoft Windows 8 won't change that.  No more than the Nook is going to take out Kindle, Kindle Fire, Galaxy Tab or the iPad.  Microsoft can throw away $300million trying to convince people Win8 has value, but spending investor money on a dying businesses as a PR ploy is just stupid.

Microsoft is playing catch up.  Catch up with the user interface.  Catch up with the format.  Catch up with the device size and portability.  Catch up with the usability (apps).  Just catch up. 

Microsoft's problem is that it did not accept the PC market was going to stall back in 2008 or 2009.  When it should have seen that mobility was a game changing trend, and required retooling the Microsoft solution suite.  Microsoft dabbled with music mobility with Zune, but quickly dropped the effort as it refocused on its "core" Windows.  Microsoft dabbled with mobile phones across different solutions including Kin – which it dropped along with Microsoft Mobility.  Back again to focusing on operating systems.  By maintaining its focus on Windows Microsoft hoped it could stop the trend, and refused to accept the market shift that was destined to stall its sales.

Microsoft stock has been flat for a decade.  It's recent value improvement as Win8 approaches launch indicates that hope beats eternally in some investors' breasts for a return of Microsoft software dominance.  But those days are long past.  PC sales have stalled, and Windows is a product headed toward obsolescence as competitors make ever better, more powerful mobile platforms and ecosystems.  If you haven't sold Microsoft yet, this may well be your last chance above $30.  Ever.

OOPS! 5 CEOs that Should Have Already Been Fired (Cisco, GE, WalMart, Sears, Microsoft)

This has been quite the week for CEO mistakes.  First was all the hubbub about Scott Thompson, CEO of Yahoo, inflating his resume to include a computer science degree he did not actually receive.  According to Mr. Thompson someone at a recruiting firm added that degree claim in 2005, he didn't know it and he's never read his bio since.  A simple oversight, if you can believe he hasn't once read his bio in 7 years, and he didn't think it was ever important to correct someone who introduced him or mentioned it.  OOPS – the easy answer for someone making several million dollars per year, and trying to guide a very troubled company from the brink of failure. Hopefully he is more persistent about checking company facts.

But luckily for him, his errors were trumped on Thursday when Jamie Dimon, CEO of J.P.MorganChase notified the world that the bank's hedging operation messed up and lost $2B!!  OOPS!  According to Mr. Dimon this is really no big deal. Which reminded me of the apocryphal Senator Everett Dirksen statement "a billion here, a billion there and pretty soon it all adds up to real money!" 

Interesting "little" mistake from a guy who paid himself some $50M a few years ago, and benefitted greatly from the government TARP program.  He said this would be "fodder for pundits," as if we all should simply overlook losing $2B?  He also said this was "unfortunate timing."  As if there's a good time to lose $2B? 

But neither of these problems will likely result in the CEOs losing their jobs.  As obviously damaging as both mistakes are, which would naturally have caused us mere employees to instantly lose our jobs – and potentially be prosecuted – CEOs are a rare breed who are allowed wide lattitude  in their behavior.  These are "one off" events that gain a lot of attention, but the media will have forgotten within a few days, and everyone else within a few months.

By comparison, there are at least 5 CEOs that make these 2 mistakes appear pretty small.  For these 5, frequently honored for their position, control of resources and personal wealth, they are doing horrific damage to their companies, hurting investors, employees, suppliers and the communities that rely on their organizations.  They should have been fired long before this week.

#5 – John Chambers, Cisco Systems.  Mr. Chambers is the longest serving CEO on this list, having led Cisco since 1995 and championed much of its rapid growth as corporations around the world began installing networks.  Cisco's stock reached $70/share in 2001.  But since then a combination of recessions that cut corporate IT budgets and a market shift to cloud computing has left Cisco scrambling for a strategy, and growth.

Mr. Chambers appears to have been great at operating Cisco as long as he was in a growth market.  But since customers turned to cloud computing and greater use of mobile telephony networks Cisco has been unable to innovate, launch and grow new markets for cloud storage, services or applications.  Mr. Chambers has reorganized the company 3 times – but it has been much like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  Lots of confusion, but no improvement in results.

Between 2001 and 2007 the stock lost half its value, falling to $35.  Continuing its slide, since 2007 the stock has halved again, now trading around $17.  And there is no sign of new life for Cisco – as each earnings call reinforces a company lacking a strategy in a shifting market.  If ever there was a need for replacing a stayed-in-the-job too long CEO it would be Cisco.

#4 – Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric (GE).  GE has only had 9 CEOs in its 100+ year life.  But this last one has been a doozy.  After more than a decade of rapid growth in revenue, profits and valuation under the disruptive "neutron" Jack Welch, GE stock reached $60 in 2000.  Which turns out to have been the peak, as GE's value has gone nowhere but down since Mr. Immelt took the top job.

GE was once known for entering and changing markets, unafraid to disrupt how the market performed with innovation in products, supply chain and operations.  There was no market too distant, or too locked-in for GE to not find a way to change to its advantage – and profit.  But what was the last market we saw GE develop?  What has Mr. Immelt, in his decade at the top of GE, done to keep GE as one of the world's most innovative, high growth companies?  He has steered the ship away from trouble, but it's only gone in circles as it's used up fuel. 

From that high in 2001, GE fell to a low of $8 in 2009 as the financial crisis revealed that under Mr. Immelt GE had largely transitioned from a manufacturing and products company into a financial house.  He had taken what was then the easy road to managing money, rather than managing a products and services company.  Saved from bankruptcy by a lucrative Berkshire Hathaway, GE lived on.  But it's stock is still only $19, down 2/3 from when Mr. Immelt took the CEO position. 

"Stewardship" is insufficient leadership in 2012.  Today markets shift rapidly, incur intensive global competition and require constant innovation.  Mr. Immelt has no vision to propel GE's growth, and should have been gone by 2010, rather than allowed to muddle along with middling performance.

#3 – Mike Duke, WalMart.  Mr. Duke has been CEO since 2009, but prior to that he was head of WalMart International.  We now know Mr. Duke's business unit saw no problems with bribing foreign officials to grow its business.  Just on the basis of knowing about illegal activity, not doing anything about it (and probably condoning and recommending more,) and then trying to change U.S. law to diminish the legal repurcussions, Mr. Duke should have long ago been fired. 

It's clear that internally the company and its Board new Mr. Duke was willing to do anything to try and grow WalMart, even if unethical and potentially illegal.  Recollections of Enron's Jeff Skilling, Worldcom's Bernie Ebbers and Hollinger's Conrdad Black should be in our heads.  How far do we allow leaders to go before holding them accountable?

But worse, not even bribes will save WalMart as Mr. Duke follows a worn-out strategy unfit for competition in 2012.  The entire retail market is shifting, with much lower cost on-line companies offering more selection at lower prices.  And increasingly these companies are pioneering new technologies to accelerate on-line shopping with easy to use mobile devices, and new apps that make shopping, paying and tracking deliveries easier all the time.  But WalMart has largely eschewed the on-line world as its CEO has doggedly sticks with WalMart doing more of the same.  That pursuit has limited WalMart's growth, and margins, while the company files further behind competitively. 

Unfortunately, WalMart peaked at about $70 in 2000, and has been flat ever since.  Investors have gained nothing from this strategy, while employees often work for wages that leave them on the poverty line and without benefits.  Scandals across all management layers are embarrassing. Communities find Walmart a mixed bag, initially lowering prices on some goods, but inevitably gutting the local retailers and leaving the community with no local market suppliers.  WalMart needs an entirely new strategy to remain viable – and that will not come from Mr. Duke.  He should have been gone long before the recent scandal, and surely now.

#2 Edward Lampert, Sears Holdings.  OK, Mr. Lampert is the Chairman and not the CEO – but there is no doubt who calls the shots at Sears.  And as Mr. Lampert has called the shots, nobody has gained.

Once the most critical force in retailing, since Mr. Lampert took over Sears has become wholly irrelevant.  Hoping that Mr. Lampert could make hay out of the vast real estate holdings, and once glorious brands Craftsman, Kenmore and Diehard to turn around the struggling giant, the stock initially took off rising from $30 in 2004 to $170 in 2007 as Jim Cramer of "Mad Money" fame flogged the stock over and over on his rant-a-thon show.  But when it was clear results were constantly worsening, as revenues and same-store-sales kept declining, the stock fell out of bed dropping into the $30s in 2009 and again in 2012. 

Hope springs eternal in the micro-managing Mr. Lampert.  Everyone knows of his personal fortune (#367 on Forbes list of billionaires.)  But Mr. Lampert has destroyed Sears.  The company may already be so far gone as to be unsavable.  The stock price is based upon speculation of asset sales.  Mr. Lampert had no idea, from the beginning, how to create value from Sears and he surely should have been gone many months ago as the hyped expectations demonstrably never happened.

#1 – Steve Ballmer, Microsoft.  Without a doubt, Mr. Ballmer is the worst CEO of a large publicly traded American company.  Not only has he singlehandedly steered Microsoft out of some of the fastest growing and most lucrative tech markets (mobile music, handsets and tablets) but in the process he has sacrificed the growth and profits of not only his company but "ecosystem" companies such as Dell, Hewlett Packard and even Nokia.  The reach of his bad leadership has extended far beyond Microsoft when it comes to destroying shareholder value – and jobs.

Microsoft peaked at $60/share in 2000, just as Mr. Ballmer took the reigns.  By 2002 it had fallen into the $20s, and has only rarely made it back to its current low $30s value.  And no wonder, since execution of new rollouts were constantly delayed, and ended up with products so lacking in any enhanced value that they left customers scrambling to find ways to avoid upgrades.  By Mr. Ballmer's own admission Vista had over 200 man-years too much cost, and its launch still, years late, has users avoiding upgrades.  Microsoft 7 and Office 2012 did nothing to excite tech users, in corporations or at home, as Apple took the leadership position in personal technology.

So today Microsoft, after dumping Zune, dumping its tablet, dumping Windows CE and other mobile products, is still the same company Mr. Ballmer took control over a decade ago.  Microsoft is  PC company, nothing more, as demand for PCs shifts to mobile.  Years late to market, he has bet the company on Windows 8 – as well as the future of Dell, HP, Nokia and others.  An insane bet for any CEO – and one that would have been avoided entirely had the Microsoft Board replaced Mr. Ballmer years ago with a CEO that understands the fast pace of technology shifts and would have kept Microsoft current with market trends. 

Although he's #19 on Forbes list of billionaires, Mr. Ballmer should not be allowed to take such incredible risks with investor money and employee jobs.  Best he be retired to enjoy his fortune rather than deprive investors and employees of building theirs.

There were a lot of notable CEO changes already in 2012.  Research in Motion, Best Buy and American Airlines are just three examples.  But the 5 CEOs in this column are well on the way to leading their companies into the kind of problems those 3 have already discovered.  Hopefully the Boards will start to pay closer attention, and take action before things worsen.