What Steve Jobs Would Tell Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg was Time magazine's Person of the Year in December, 2010.  He was given that honor because Facebook dominated the emerging social media marketplace, and social media had clearly begun changing how people do things.  Despite his young age, Mr. Zuckerberg had created a phenomenon demonstrated by the hundreds of million new Facebook users.

But things have turned pretty rough for the young Mr. Zuckerberg. 

  • Facebook was pretty much forced, legally, to go public because it had accumulated so many shareholders.  The stock hit the NASDAQ with much fanfare in May, 2012 – only to have gone pretty much straight down since.  It now trades at about 50% of IPO pricing, and is under constant pressure from analysts who say it may still be overpriced.
  • Facebook discovered perhaps 83million accounts were fake (about  9%) unleashing a torrent of discussion that perhaps the fake accounts was a much, much larger number.
  • User growth has fallen to some 35% – which is much slower than initial investors hoped.  Combined with concerns about fake accounts, there are people wondering if Facebook growth is stalling.
  • Facebook has not grown revenues commensurate with user growth, and people are screaming that despite its widespread use Facebook doesn't know how to "monetize" its base into revenues and profits.
  • Mobile use is growing much faster than laptop/PC use, and Facebook has not revealed any method to monetize its use on mobile devices – causing concerns that it has no plan to monetize all those users on smartphones and tablets and thus future revenues may decline.
  • Zynga, a major web games supplier, announced weak earnings and said its growth was slowing – which affects Facebook because people play Zinga games on Facebook.
  • GM, one of the 10 largest U.S. advertisers, publicly announced it was dropping Facebook advertising because executives believed it had insufficient return on investment. Investors now fret Facebook won't bring in major advertisers.
  • Google keeps plugging away at competitive product Google+. And while Facebook  disappointed investors with its earnings, much smaller competitor Linked-in announced revenues and earnings which exceeded expectations.  Investors now worry about competitors dicing up the market and minimalizing Facebook's future growth.

Wow, this is enough to make 50-something CEOs of low-growth, non-tech companies jump with joy at the upending of the hoody-wearing 28 year old Facebook CEO.  Zynga booted its Chief Operating Officer and has shaken up management, and not suprisingly, there are analysts now calling for Mr. Zuckerberg to step aside and install a new CEO.

Yet, Mr. Zuckerberg has been wildly successful.  Much more than almost anyone else in American business today.  He may well feel he needs no advice.  But…. what do you suppose Steve Jobs would tell him to do? 

Recall that Mr. Jobs was once the young head of Apple, only to be displaced by former Pepsi exec John Sculley — and run out of Apple.  As everyone now famously knows, after a string of Apple CEOs led the company to the brink of disaster Mr. Jobs agreed to return and completely turned around Apple making it the most successful tech company of the last decade.  Given what we've observed of Mr. Jobs career, and read in his biography, what advice might he give Mr. Zuckerberg? 

  • Don't give up your job.  Not even partly.  If you create a "shadow" or "co" CEO you'll be gone soon enough.  Lead, quit or make the Board fire you.  If you had the vision to take the company this far, why would you quit? 
  • Nothing is more important than product.  Make Facebook's the best in the world.  Nothing less will allow a tech company to survive, much less thrive.  Don't become so involved with financials and analysts that you lose sight of your #1 job, which is to make the very, very best social media product in the world.  Never stop improving and perfecting.  If your product isn't obviously superior to other solutions you haven't accomplished your #1 priority.
  • Be unique.  Make sure your products fulfill needs no one else fulfills – at least not well.  Meet unserved and underserved needs so that people talk about your product and what it does – not how much it costs.  Make sure that Facebook has devoted, diehard customers that believe your products meet their needs so well they would not consider your competition.
  • Don't ask customers what they want – give them what they need.  Understand the trends and create future scenarios so you are constantly striving to create a better future, not just improve on history.  Never look backward at what you've done, but instead always look forward at creating what noone else has ever done.  Push your staff to create solutions that meet user needs so well that you can tell customers why they need your product in ways they never before considered.  
  • Turn your product releases into a show.  Don't just run out new products willy-nilly, or on a random timeline.  Make sure you bundle products together and make a big show of each release so you can describe the upgrades, benefits and superiority of what you offer for customers.  People need to understand the trends you are meeting, and need to see the future scenario you are creating, and you have to tell them that story or they won't "get it."
  • Price for profit.  You run a business, not a hobby or not-for-profit society.  If you do the product right you shouldn't even be talking about price – so price to make ridiculous margins by industry standards.  At Apple, Next and Pixar the products were never the cheapest, but they accomplished what customers needed so well that we could price high enough to make margins that supported additional product development.  And you can't remain the best solution if you don't have enough margin to keep developing future products.
  • Don't expect products to sell themselves.  Be the #1 passionate spokesperson for the elegance and superiority of your products.  Never stop beating the drum for the unique capability and superiority of your product, in every meeting, all the time, never ending.  People like to "revert to the mean" so you have to keep telling them that isn't good enough – and you have something far superior that will greatly improve their success.
  • Never miss an opportunity to compare your products to competition and tell everyone why your products are far better.  Don't disparage the competition, but constantly reinforce that you are first, you are ahead of everyone else, you are far better — and the best is yet to come!  Competition is everywhere, and listen to the Andy Groves advice "only the paranoid survive."  You aren't satisfied with what the competition offers, and customers should not be satisfied either.  Every once in a while give people a small glimpse as to the radically different world you see in 3-5 years so they buy what you are selling in order to prepare for that future world.
  • Identify key customers that need your solution and SELL THEM.  Disney needed Pixar, so we made sure they knew it.  Identify the customers who can gain the most from doing business with you and SELL THEM.  Turn them into lead customers, obtain their testimonials and spread the word.  If GM isn't your target, who is?  Find them and sell them, then tell us all how you will build on those early accounts to eventually dominate the market – even displacing current solutions that are more popular.  If GM is your target then make the changes you need to make so you can SELL THEM.  Everyone wants to do business with a winner, so you must show you are a winner.
  • Identify 5 of your competition's biggest customers (at Google, Yahoo, Linked-in, etc.) and make them yours.  Demonstrate your solutions are superior with competitive wins.
  • Hire someone who can talk to the financial community for you – and do it incredibly well.  While you focus on future markets and solutions someone has to tell this story to the financial analysts in their lingo so they don't lose faith (and they are a sacrilegious lot who have no faith.)  Keep Facebook out of the forecasting game, but you MUST create and maintain good communication with analysts so you need someone who can tell the story not only with products and case studies but numbers.  Facebook is a disruptive innovation company, so someone has to explain why this will work.  You blew the IPO road show horribly by showing up at meetings in a hoodie – so now you need to make amends by hiring someone who will give them faith that you know what you're doing and can make it happen.

These are my ideas for what Steve Jobs would tell Mark Zuckerberg.  What are yours?  What do you think the #1 CEO of the last decade would say to the young, embattled CEO as he faces his first test under fire leading a public company?

Buy Facebook Now – Catch a lucky break!

On May 18 Facebook went public with an opening price of $38/share.  Now, after just 2 weeks, it's more like $28.  Ouch – a 25%+ drop in such a short time makes nobody happy.  Except buyers.  And if you are interested in capturing a high rate of return with little risk, this is your lucky break!

The values of publicly traded companies change, often dramatically, based upon changes in performance and investor expectations about the future.  Trying to profit off fast price changes is the world of traders – and the vast majority of them lose fortunes rather than create them.  Knowing how to ignore whipsaw events, and invest in good companies when they are out of favor is important to long-term wealth creation. 

Investors make money by understanding product markets and the companies supplying them, then investing in companies that build upon trends to create revenue growth with high rates of return over several years.  In the forgettable 1999 movie "Blast from the Past" (Brendan Fraser, Christopher Walken, Sissy Spacek) a family moves into its nuclear blast shelter in 1960 during a panic, and doesn't come out for 35 years.  Fortunately, the father had bought shares of AT&T and other companies aligned with 1960 trends, and the family discovers upon re-emergence it is quite wealthy. 

Creating investment wealth means acting like them, buying shares in companies building on trends so you can hold shares for years without much worry.

If ever there was a company aligned with trends, it is Facebook.  The company did not create 900million users in 8 years by being lucky.  Facebook is the ultimate information era company.  Facebook is not a fad – any more than television or telephones were fads in 1960.  Just like they provided fundamental new ways of acquiring and disseminating information Facebook is the newest, most efficient and effective way for connecting and communicating in 2012.

When television appeared the mass population said "why?" There was radio, which was cheap, and older users said TV reduced the use of imagination.  And television was not available many hours per day.  But it didn't take long for CBS and its brethren to prove it could attract eyeballs, and soon Proctor & Gamble started paying for programming so it could promote its soaps (remember "soap operas?") Soon other companies developed programs strictly so they could promote their products. The "Ted Mack Amateur Hour" was sponsored by Geritol, and viewers were reminded of that over and over for 30 minutes every week.  Eventually the TV ad model changed, but the lesson is clear -  when you can attract eyeballs it has value and there will be businesses creative enough to take advantage.

Now television watching is declining.  Instead, people are spending more time on the internet – including via mobile devices.  And the location attracting the most people, and by far for the most minutes per day, is Facebook.  Facebook's access to so many people, so often, creates an audience many businesses and non-profits want to tap. 

Further, in the networked world Facebook not only has eyeballs, it delivers up to those eyeballs some 9 million apps, and knows what everyone wants, where they come from and where they go next.  Beyond the industrial-era business of selling ads (like Google,) Facebook's information business has significant value for anyone trying to promote or sell a solution.  Facebook is a repository of information about people, and their behavior, never before seen, understood or developed for use.

Around the IPO, General Motors decided to drop its  Facebook advertising.  That freaked some investors.  Cries arose that social media is somehow broken, and unable to develop a business model. 

Let's keep in mind who we're talking about here – GM.  Not the most innovative, forward thinking company, to put it mildly.  GM, like a lot of other plodding, but big spending, large companies has approached social media like it is just television on the web – and would prefer to simply put up a television ad on a Facebook like link.  Whoa! That would be akin to a 1960s TV ad that was simply the text from a newspaper ad.  Nobody would read it, and it simply wouldn't work. 

Television required a new kind of communication to reach customers – and social media does as well.  TV required the ad be entertaining, with movement, product use demonstrations, and video plus audio to go with the words.  Connecting with users was harder, but the message (and connection) could be far more robust.  And that is what advertisers are being forced to learn about Facebook/Social.  It has new requirements, but once understood companies can be remarkably successful at connecting with potential customers – far more than the traditional one-way approach of historical advertising.

Paid promotion on Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg – a one-way approach to advertising sure to create short-term revenue but not terribly robust.  Beyond that, social media changes everything. Retail, for example, is fast shifting from pushing inventory to being all about understanding the customer and offering them what they need in an anticipatory way (think Amazon rather than Best Buy.)  And nowhere can you better understand customer needs than by social media participation.  By being an information company, rather than an industrial company, FB is remarkably well positioned to create growth – for everybody that figures out how to use this remarkable platform.

As Facebook's shares kept falling this week, more attention was paid to whether traditional advertisers would buy FB.  And much was made about whether the "metrics" were there to justify social media investments.  This micro-management approach clearly misses the main point.  People are already on Facebook, their numbers are growing, their uses are growing, their time on the site is growing, and the benefits of using Facebook are growing.  Trying to measure Facebook use the way you would measure a print ad – or even a Google Adword buy – is simply using the wrong tool.

When P&G first started producing television "soaps" their competition sat back and said "look at what television advertising costs, compared to print and compared to pushing products into the local stores.  What is the return for each of those television shows?  Can it be justified? I think it is smarter to keep doing what we've done while P&G throws money at ads you can't measure."  By moving beyond the historically myopic view of trying to find returns at the micro level P&G quickly became (at the time) the world's largest consumer goods company.  Early TV advertisers followed the trend, knowing their participation would create returns far in excess of doing more of the old thing. And that is the direction of social media.

There was a lot of anticipatory excitement for the Facebook IPO.  Lots of people wanted shares, and couldn't buy them in advance.  The public, and the Morgan Stanley investment bankers, clearly thought the shares would go up.  Oops.  But that's a lucky thing for investors. Especially small investors, usually unable to participate in a "hot" IPO.  Now anybody can buy FB shares at a 25% discount to the offering price – a better deal than the institutional buyers that usually get the "sweet" deal little guys never see. 

If you are an employee, short term you might be unhappy.  But if you are an investor, be happy that worries about Greece, the Euro's future, domestic politics, a lousy jobs report and simple myths like  "sell in May and go away" have been a drag on equities this month – and diminished interest in Facebook. 

Buy FB shares, then forget about them for a while.  What you care about isn't the value of FB shares in 4 days, 4 weeks or 4 months – you care about 4 years.  If you missed the chance to buy Microsoft in 1986, or Amazon in 1997, or Apple in 2000, or Google in 2004 then don't miss this one.  There will be volatility, but the trends are all in your favor.

The Good, Bad and Ugly – Apple, Google and Dell

The Good – Apple

Apple's latest news to start paying a big dividend, and buying back shares, is a boon for investors.  And it signals the company's future strength.  Often dividends and share buybacks indicate a company has run out of growth projects, so it desires to manipulate the stock price as it slowly pays out the company's assets.  But, in Apple's (rare) case the company is making so much profit from existing businesses that they are running out of places to invest it – thus returning to shareholders!

With a $100B cash hoard, Apple anticipates generating at least another $150B of free cash flow, over and above needs for ongoing operations and future growth projects, the next 3 years.  With so much cash flowing the company is going to return money to investors so they can invest in other growth projects beyond those Apple is developing.  Exactly what investors want! 

I've called Apple the lowest risk, highest return stock for investors (the stock to own if you can only own one stock) for several years.  And Apple has not disappointed.  At $600/share the stock is up some 75% over the last year (from about $350,) and up 600% over the last 5 years (from about $100.)  And now the company is going to return investors $10.60/year, currently 1.8% – or about 4 times your money market yield, or about 75% of what you'd get for a 10 year Treasury bond. Yet investors still have a tremendous growth in capital opportunity, because Apple is still priced at only 14x this year's projected earnings, and 12 times next year's projected earnings!

Apple keeps winning.  It's leadership in smart phones continues, as the market converts from traditional cell phones to smart phones.  And its lead in tablets remains secure as it sells 3 million units of the iPad 3 over the weekend.  In every area, for several years, Apple has outperformed expectations as it leads the market shift away from traditional PCs and servers to mobile devices and using the "cloud." 

The Bad – Google

Google was once THE company to emulate.  At the end of 2008 its stock peaked at nearly $750/share, as everyone thought Google would accomplish nothing short of world domination (OK, a bit extreme) via its clear leadership in search and the way it dominated internet usage.  But that is no longer the case, as Google is being eclipsed by upstarts such as Facebook and Groupon.

What happened?  Even though it had a vaunted policy of allowing employees to spend 20% of their time on anything they desired, Google never capitalized on the great innovations created.  Products like Google Wave and Google Powermeter were created, launched – and then subsequently left without sponsors, management attention, resources or even much interest.  Just as recently happened with GoogleTV.

They floundered, despite identifying very good solutions for pretty impressive market needs, largely because management chose to spend almost all its attention, and resources, defending and extending its on-line ad sales created around search. 

  • YouTube is a big user environment, and one of the most popular sites on the web.  But Google still hasn't really figured out how to generate revenue, or profit, from the site.  Despite all the user activity it produces a meager $1.6B annual revenue – and nearly no profit.
  • Android may have share rivaling Apple in smartphones, but it is nowhere in tablets and thus lags significantly in the ovarall market with share only about half iOS.  Worse, Android smartphones are not nearly as profitable as iPhones, and now Google has made an enormous, multi-billion investment in Motorola to enter this business – and compete with its existing smartphone manufacturers (customers.)  To date Android has been a product designed to defend Google's historical search business as people go mobile – and it has produced practically no revenue, or profit.
  • Chrome browsers came on the scene and quickly grew share beyond Firefox.  But, again, Google has not really developed the product to reach a dominant position.  While it has good reviews, there has been no major effort to make it a profitable product.  Possibly Google fears fighting IE will create a "money pit" like Bing has become for Microsoft in search?
  • Chromebooks were a flop as Google failed to invest in robust solutions allowing users to link printers, MP3 players, etc. – or utilize a wide suite of thin cloud-based apps.  Great idea, that works well, they are a potential alternative to PCs, and some tablet applications, but Google has not invested to make the product commercially viable.
  • Google tried to buy GroupOn to enter the "local" ad marketplace, but backed out as the price accelerated.  While investors may be happy Google didn't overpay, the company missed a significant opportunity as it then faltered on creating a desirable competitive product.  Now Google is losing the race to capture local market ads that once went to newspapers.

While Google chose to innovate, but not invest in market development, it missed several market opportunities.  And in the meantime Google allowed Facebook to sneak up and overtake its "domination" position. 

Facebook has led people to switch from using the internet as a giant library, navigated by search, to a social medium where referrals, discussions and links are driving more behavior.  The result has advertisers shifting their money toward where "eyeballs" are spending most of their time, and placing a big threat on Google's ability to maintain its historical growth.

Thus Google is now dumping billions into Google+, which is a very risky proposition.  Late to market, and with no clear advantage, it is extremely unclear if Google+ has any hope of catching Facebook.  Or even creating a platform with enough use to bring in a solid, and growing, advertiser base. 

The result is that today, despite the innovation, the well-known (and often good) products, and even all the users to its sites Google has the most concentrated revenue base among large technology companies.  95% of its revenues still come from ad dollars – mostly search.  And with that base under attack on all fronts, it's little wonder analysts and investors have become skeptical.  Google WAS a great company – but it's decisions since 2008 to lock-in on defending and extending its "core" search business has made the company extremely vulnerable to market shifts. A bad thing in fast moving tech markets.

Google investors haven't fared well either.  The company has never paid a dividend, and with its big investments (past and future planned) in search and handsets it won't for many years (if ever.)  At $635/share the stock is still down over 15% from its 2008 high.  Albeit the stock is up about 8.5% the last 12 months, it has been extremely volatile, and long term investors that bought 5 years ago, before the high, have made only about 7%/year (compounded.)

Google looks very much like a company that has fallen victim to its old success formula, and is far too late adjusting to market shifts.  Worse, its investments appear to be a company spending huge sums to defend its historical business, taking on massive gladiator battles against Apple and Facebook – two companies far ahead in their markets and with enormous leads and war chests. 

The Ugly – Dell

Go back to the 1990s and Dell looked like the company that could do no wrong.  It went head-to-head with competitors to be the leader in selling, assembling and delivering WinTel (Windows + Intel) PCs.  Michael Dell was a modern day hero to other leaders hoping to match the company's ability to focus on core markets, minimize investments in anything else, and be a world-class supply chain manager.  Dell had no technology or market innovation, but it was the best at beating down cost – and lowering prices for customers.  Dell clearly won the race to the bottom.

But the market for PCs matured.  And Dell has found itself one of the last bachelors at the dance, with few prospects.  Dell has no products in leading growth markets, like smartphones or tablets.  Nor even other mobile products like music or video.  And it has no software products, or technology innovation. Today, Dell is locked in gladiator battles with companies that can match its cost, and price, and make similarly slim (to nonexistent) margins in the generic business called PCs (like HP and Lenovo.)

Dell has announced it intends to challenge Apple with a tablet launch later in 2012.  This is dependent upon Microsoft having Windows 8 ready to go by October, in time for the holidays.  And dependent upon the hope that a swarm of developers will emerge to build the app base for things that already exist on the iPad and Android tablets.  The advantage of this product is as yet undefined, so the market is yet undefined.  The HOPE is that somehow, for some reason, there is a waiting world of people that have delayed purchase waiting on a Windows device – and will find the new Dell product superior to a $299 Apple 2 already available and with that 500,000 app store.

Clearly, Dell has waited way, way too long to deal with changing its business.  As its PC business flattens (and soon shrinks) Dell still has no smartphone products, and is remarkably late to the tablet business.  And it offers no clear advantage over whatever other products come from Windows 8 licensees.  Dell is in a brutal world of ever lower prices, shrinking markets and devastating competition from far better innovators creating much higher, and growing, profits (Apple and Amazon.)

For investors, the ride from a fast moving boat in the rapids into the swamp of no growth – and soon the whirlpool of decline – has been dismal.  Dell has never paid a dividend, has no free cash flow to start paying one now, and clearly no market growth from which to pay one in the future.  Dell's shares, at $17, are about the same as a year ago, and down about 20% over the last 5 years. 

Leaders in all businesses have a lot to learn from looking at the Good, Bad and Ugly.  The company that has invested in innovation, and then invested in taking that innovation to market in order to meet emerging needs has done extremely well.  By focusing on needs, rather than business optimization, Apple has been able to shift with markets – and even enhance the market shift to position itself for rapid, profitable growth.

Meanwhile, companies that have focused on their core markets and products are doing nowhere near as well.  They have missed market shifts, and watched their fortunes decline precipitously.  They were once very profitable, but despite intense focus on defending their historical strengths profits have struggled to grow as customers moved to alternative solutions.  By spending insufficient time looking outward, at markets and shifts, and too much time inward, on defending and extending past successes, they now face future jeopardy.

Twitter and Linked-In Drove one of 2011’s Fastest Growing Companies

Everyone hears about the growth at Apple.  But far too few of us hear about great growth stories of start-up companies in non-tech industries that use today's sales tools to change the game and steal sales leadership from traditional competitors. 

Jefferson Financial, which moved its headquarters from New York to Louisville, created dramatic, rapid growth using Twitter and Linked-in to take on industry giants like Schwab and B of A's Merrill Lynch.  Readers should take this story to heart, because it shows the kind of success small and medium-sized businesses can have when they break out of traditional thinking and invest in new sales tools while stalwarts remain stuck doing the same old thing with diminishing results.

The Jefferson Financial Story – from Ron Volper, Ph.D

Companies that reduce their sales and marketing budgets in this tough economy—as most have– are doing exactly the wrong thing. While many are trying to cut their way out of the recession, the companies that are thriving in this economy are growing their way out by investing more in sales and marketing. And by capitalizing on new trends, such as social media and technology, to reach out to their customers.
That's what enabled Jefferson National Financial to grow its 2010 $180 million revenues to $280 million in 2011 (a 55% annual increase!) — and capture the dominant market share from much larger companies like Charles Schwab — selling financial products such as variable rate annuities to registered investment advisors and their clients throughout the US.

While most industry competitors cut their sales and customer service teams in the recessionary economy, Jefferson National tripled its sales team from 2010 to 2011.  While competitors slashed advertising and marketing, Jefferson National substantially increased its advertising and marketing budget. Sound risky?  Read on for the results.

Jefferson National combined hi-tech and hi-touch. For example, it used LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube to reach financial advisors (the intermediaries that recommend its products) and their clients (the investors). The company capitalized on a slew of tweets and re-tweets highlighting its relocation to Louisville and the creation of 95 new high paying management jobs. Social excitement induced both the mayor and the governor to attend a celebratory event, and encouraged the governor to designate a day as Jefferson National Day – creating a low cost media following of the company, its products and its success.

Successful viral marketing combined hi-tech social involvement with classic event marketing.

Lacking anything exciting to say, many of Jefferson's competitors reduced their fees (prices) for products and services to maintain revenues.  Jefferson National was able to maintain its fees by successfully pitching its story directly to customers on-line, then following up with personal assistance, adding value and promoting a successful investor story.  As a result, after only 5 years the company increased its fund offerings from 75 to 350.

Jefferson National leveraged its technology to help financial advisors grow their practices. By hosting financial advisor webinars on how to use Linked-in and other social media to gain referrals from existing clients it created a loyal, growing set of distributors and happy clients.

Additionally, Jefferson National used technology to give financial advisors “an end to end solution” demonstrating to investors on-line, regardless location, the power of tax deferred investment growth, regardless of whether the investor was conservative or aggressive. 

The result – the company generated $1 billion in sales since inception and became the market share leader.

According to the Ron Volper Group’s recent analysis of 125 companies (including Jefferson National), 80% of companies that were successful in the 2008-2010 down market (as measured by meeting and exceeding their revenue and earnings goals and capturing market share) recognized that customer buying behavior changed, and altered their sales and marketing approach while their less successful peers kept doing "more of the same."

Unfortunately, too many companies exacerbated failure by cutting  advertising and marketing budgets.  Today customers demand 8 touches (or contacts) to make a buying decision; whereas prior to 2008 they required only 5 touches. While competition has toughened, customers have simultaneously become MORE demanding!  The winners, like Jefferson National, recognized that social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are immediate and inexpensive ways to attract attention and have followers share their success messages with their networks. Simultaneously they continued to advertise and promote their products in traditional ways, appealing to the widest swath of prospects.

Most companies have not accepted the increased customer demand for increased touch, without higher prices.  Most have not modified their marketing and sales approach to take account of changes in customer buying behavior. That’s why this is a perfect time for many small and mid-sized companies to adopt new technologies.  These are the "slings" which can allow modern-day business Davids to attack lethargic Goliaths.

Thanks to my colleague Ron Volper for sending along this story.  He is a believer that anyone can grow, even in this economy.  RON VOLPER, Ph.D., is a leading authority on business development and author of Up Your Sales in a Down Market. As Managing Partner of the Ron Volper Group—Building Better Sales Teams, he has advised 90 Fortune 500 Companies and many mid-sized companies on how to increase sales in tough times and good times; and he has trained over 30,000 salespeople and executives over the past 25 years.

I hope your company can take this story to heart and find ways to incorporate new tools f0r creating growth as market shifts make old strategies less valuable, while creating new opportunities.


Buy Facebook, P&G’s CEO told you to

Buy Facebook.  I don't care what the IPO price is.

Since Facebook informed us it was going public, and it's estimated IPO valuation was reported, debate has raged over whether the company could possibly be worth $75-$100B.  Almost nobody writes that Facebook is undervalued, but many question whether it is overvalued. 

If you are a trader, moving in and out of positions monthly and using options to leverage short-term price swings then this article is not for you.  But, if you are an investor, someone who holds most stock purchases for a year or longer, then Facebook's IPO may be undervalued.  The longer you can hold it, the more you'll likely make.  Buy it in your IRA if possible, then let it build you a nice nest egg.

About 85% of Facebook's nearly $4B revenues, which almost doubled in 2011, are from advertising.  So understanding advertising is critical to knowing why you want to buy, and hold, Facebook

Facebook has 28% of the on-line display ad market, but only 5% of all on-line advertising.  On-line advertising itself is generally predicted to grow at 16%/year.  But there is a tremendous case to be made that the market will grow a whole lot faster, and Facebook's share will become a whole lot larger.

At the end of January Proctor & Gamble's stock took a hit as earnings missed expectations, and the CEO projected a tough year going forward.  He announced 1,600 layoffs, many in marketing, as he admitted the ad budget was going to be "moderated" – code for cut.  While advertising had grown at 24%/year sales were only growing at 6%.  He then admitted that the "efficiency" of on-line advertising was demonstrating the ability to be much higher than traditional advertising.  In other words, he is planning to cut traditional marketing and advertising, such as coupon printing and ads in newspapers and television, and spend more on-line.

P&G spends about $10B/year on advertising.  2.5x the Facebook revenue.  Now, imagine if P&G moves 10% – or 25% – of its advertising from television (which is now a $250B market) on-line.  That is $1-$2.5B per year, from just one company!  Such a "marginal" move, by just one company, adds 1-3% to the total on-line market.  Now, magnify that across Unilever, Danon, Kimberly-Clark, Colgate, Avon, Coke, Pepsi …… the 200 or 300 largest advertisers and it becomes a REALLY BIG number.

The trend is clear.  People spend less time watching TV and reading newspapers.  We all interact with information and entertainment more and more on computers and mobile devices.  Ad declines have already killed newspapers, and television is on the precipice of following its print brethren.  The market shift toward advertising on-line will continue, and the trend is bound to accelerate. 

Last year P&G launched an on-line marketing program for Old Spice.  The CEO singled out the 1.8 billion free impressions that received on-line.  When the CEO of one of the world's largest advertisers takes note, and says he's going to move that way, you can bet everyone is going to head that direction.  Especially as they recognize the poor "efficiency" of traditional media spending.

And don't forget the thousands of small businesses that have much smaller budgets.  Most of them rarely, or never, could afford traditional media.  On-line is not only more effective, but far cheaper.  Especially as mobile devices makes local marketing even more targeted and effective.  So as big companies shift to on-line we can expect small to medium sized businesses to shift as well, and new advertisers are being created which will expand the market even further.  This trend could lead to a much faster organic market growth rate beyond 16% – perhaps 25% or even more!

Which brings us back to Facebook, which will be the primary beneficiary of this market shift. 

Facebook is rapidly catching up with Google in the referral business.  850 million users is important, because it shows the ability Facebook has to bring people on-line, keep them on-line and then refer them somewhere.  The kind of thing that made Google famous, big and valuable with search a decade ago.  In fact, people spend much more time on Facebook than they do Google.  When advertisers want to reach their audience they go where the people are (and are being referred) and that is Facebook.  Nobody else is even close. 

The good thing about having a big user base, and one that shares information, is the ability to gather data.  Just like Google kept all those billions of searches to analyze and share data, increasingly Facebook is able to do the same.  Facebook will be able to tell advertisers how people interact, how they move between pages, what keeps them on a page and what leads to buying behavior.  Facebook uses this data to help users be more effective, just like Google does to help us do great searches.  But in the future Facebook can package and sell this data to advertisers, helping  them be more effective, and they can use it for selling, and placing, ads.

Facebook usage is dominant in social media, but becoming more dominant in all internet use.  Like how Windows became the dominant platform for PC users, Facebook is well on its way to being the platform for how we use the web.  Email will be less necessary as we communicate across Facebook with those we really want to know.  Information on topics of interest will stream to us through Facebook because we select them, or our friends refer them.  Solving problems will use referrals more, and searching less.  The platform will help us be much more efficient at using the internet, and that reinforces more usage and more users.  All the while attracting more advertisers.

The big losers will be traditional media.  We may watch sports live, but increasingly we'll be unwilling to watch streaming TV as the networks trained boomers.  Companies like NBC will suffer just as newspaper giants such as Tribune Corp., New York Times and Dow Jones.  Ad agencies will have a very tough time, as ad budgets drop their placement fees will decline concomittantly.  Lavish spending on big budget ads will also decline. 

Anyone in on-line advertising is likely to be a winner initially.  Linked-in, Twitter, Pinterest and Google will all benefit from the market shift.  But the biggest winner of all will be Facebook.

What if the on-line ad market grows 25%/year (think not possible? look at how fast the smartphone and tablet markets have grown while PC sales have stagnated last 2 years as that market shifted.  And don't forget that incremental amount could easily happen just by the top 50 CPG companies moving 10% of their budget!)?   That adds $20-$25B incrementally.  If Facebook's share shifts from 5% to 10% that would add $2-2.5B to Facebook first year; more than 50%! 

Blow those numbers up just a bit more.  Say double on-line advertising and give Facebook 20% share as people drop email and traditional search for Facebook – plus mobile device use continues escalating.  Facebook revenues could double up, or more, for several years as trends obsolete newspapers, magazines, televisions, radios, PCs and traditional thoughts about advertising.

If you missed out on AT&T in the 1950s, IBM in the 1960s, Microsoft in 1980, or Apple in 2000, don't miss this one.  Forget about all those spreadsheets and short-term analyst forecasts and buy the trend.  Buy Facebook.

Who’s CEO of the Year? Bezo’s (Amazon) or Page (Google)?

Turning over a new year inevitably leads to selections for "CEO of the Year."  Investor Business Daily selected Larry Page of Google 3 weeks ago, and last week Marketwatch.com selected Jeff Bezos of Amazon.  Comparing the two is worthwhile, because there is almost nothing similar about what the two have done – and one is almost sure to dramatically outperform the other.

Focusing on the Future

What both share is a willingness to focus their companies on the future.  Both have introduced major new products, targeted at developing new markets and entirely new revenue streams for their companies.  Both have significantly sacrificed short-term profits seeking long-term strategic positioning for sustainable, higher future returns.  Both have, and continue to, spend vast sums of money in search of competitive advantage for their organizations.

And both have seen their stock value clobbered.  In 2011 Amazon rose from $150/share low to almost $250 before collapsing at year's end to about $175 – actually lower than it started the calendar year.  Google's stock dropped from $625/share to below $475 before recovering all the way to $670 – only to crater all the way to $585 last week.  Clearly the analysts awarding these CEOs were looking way beyond short-term investor returns when making their selections.  So it is more important than ever we understand what both have done, and are planning to do in the future, if we are to support either, or both, as award winners.  Or buy their stock.

Google participates in great growth markets

The good news for Google is its participation in high growth markets.  Search ads continue growing, supplying the bulk of revenues and profits for the company.  Its Android product gives Google great position in mobile devices, and supporting Chrome applications help clients move from traditional architectures and applications to cloud-based solutions at lower cost and frequently higher user satisfaction.  Additionally, Google is growing internet display ad sales, a fast growing market, by increasing participation in social networks. 

Because Google is in high growth markets, its revenues keep growing healthily.  But CEO Page's "focus" leadership has led to the killing of several products, retrenching from several markets, and remarkably huge bets in 2 markets where Google's revenues and profits lag dramatically – mobile devices and search.

Because Android produces no revenue Google bought near-bankrupt Motorola to enter the hardware and applications business becoming similar to Apple – a big bet using some old technology against what is the #1 technology company on the planet.  Whether this will be a market share winner for Google, and whether it will make or lose money, is far from certain. 

Simultaneously, the Google+ launch is an attempt to take on the King Kong of social – Facebook – which has 800million users and remarkable success.  The Google+ effort has been (and will continue to be) very expensive and far from convincing.  Its product efforts have even angered some people as Google tried steering social networkers rather heavy-handidly toward Google products – as it did with "Search plus Your World" recently.

Mr. Page has positioned Google as a gladiator in some serious "battles to the death" that are investment intensive.  Google must keep fighting the wounded, hurting and desperate Microsoft in search against Bing+Yahoo.  While Google is the clear winner, desperate but well funded competitors are known to behave suicidally, and Google will find the competition intensive.  Meanwhile, its offerings in mobile and social are not unique.  Google is going toe-to-toe with Apple and Facebook with products which show no great superiority.  And the market leaders are wildly profitable while continuously introducing new innovations.  It will be tough fighting in these markets, consuming lots of resources. 

Entering 3 gladiator battles simultaneously is ambitious, to say the least.  Whether Google can afford the cost, and can win, is debatable.  As a result it only takes a small miss, comparing actual results to analyst expectations, for investors to run – as they did last week.

 Amazon redefines competition in its markets

CEO Bezos' leadership at Amazon is very different.  Rather than gladiator wars, Amazon brings out products that are very different and avoids head-to-head competitionAmazon expands new markets by meeting under- or unserved needs with products that change the way customers behave – and keeps competitors from attacking Amazon head-on:

  • Amazon moved from simply selling books to selling a vast array of products on the web.  It changed retail buying not by competing directly with traditional retailers, but by offering better (and different) on-line solutions which traditional retailers ignored or adopted far too slowly.  Amazon was very early to offer web solutions for independent retailers to use the Amazon site, and was very early to offer a mobile interface making shopping from smartphones fast and easy.  Because it wasn't trying to defend and extend a traditional brick-and-mortar retail model, like Wal-Mart, Amazon has redefined retail and dramatically expanded shopping on-line.
  • Amazon changed the book market with Kindle.  It utilized new technology to do what publishers, locked into traditional mindsets (and business models) would not do.  As the print market struggled, Amazon moved fast to take the lead in digital publishing and media sales, something nobody else was doing, producing fast revenue growth with higher margins.
  • When retailers were loath to adopt tablets as a primary interface for shoppers, Amazon brought out Kindle Fire.  Cleverly the Kindle Fire is not directly positioned against the king of all tablets – iPad – but rather as a product that does less, but does things like published media and retail very well — and at a significantly lower price.  It brings the new user on-line fast, if they've been an Amazon customer, and makes life simple and easy for them.  Perhaps even easier than the famously easy Apple products.

In all markets Amazon moves early and deftly to fulfill unmet needs at a very good price.  And then it captures more and more customers as the solution becomes more powerful.  Amazon finds ways to compete with giants, but not head-on, and thus rapidly grow revenues and market position while positioning itself as the long term winner.  Amazon has destroyed all the big booksellers – with the exception of Barnes & Noble which doesn't look too great – and one can only wonder what its impact in 5 years will be on traditional retailers like Kohl's, Penney's and even Wal-Mart.  Amazon doesn't have to "win" a battle with Apple's iPad to have a wildly successful, and profitable, Kindle offering.

The successful CEO's role is different than many expect

A recent RHR International poll of 83 mid-tier company CEOs (reported at Business Insider) discovered that while most felt prepared for the job, most simultaneously discovered the requirements were not what they expected.  In the past we used to think of a CEO as a steward, someone to be very careful with investor money.  And someone expected to know the business' core strengths, then be very selective to constantly reinforce those strengths without venturing into unknown businesses.

But today markets shift quickly.  Technology and global competition means all businesses are subject to market changes, with big moves in pricing, costs and customer expectations, very fast.  Caretaker CEOs are being crushed – look at Kodak, Hostess and Sears.  Successful CEOs have to guide their businesses away from investing in money-losing businesses, even if they are part of the company's history, and toward rapidly growing opportunities created by being part of the shift.  Disruptors are now leading the success curve, while followers are often sucking up a lot of profit-killing dust.

Amazon bears similarities to the Apple of a decade ago.  Introducing new products that are very different, and changing markets.  It is competing against traditional giants, but with very untraditional solutions.  It finds unmet needs, and fills them in unique ways to capture new customers – and creates market shifts.

Google, on the other hand, looks a lot like the lumbering Microsoft.  It has a near monopoly in a growing market, but its investments in new markets come late, and don't offer a lot of innovation.  Google's products end up competing directly, somewhat like xBox did with other game consoles, in very, very expensive – usually money-losing – competition that can go on for years. Google looks like a company trying to use money rather than innovation to topple an existing market leader, and killing a lot of good product ideas to keep pouring money into markets where it is late and not terribly creative.

Which CEO do you think will be the winner in 2015?  Into which company are you prepared to invest?  Both are in high growth markets, but they are being led very, very differently.  And their strategies could not be more different.  Which one you choose to own – as a product customer or investor – will have significant consequences for you (and them) in 3 years. 

It's worth taking the time to decide which you think is the right leadership today.  And be sure you know what leadership principles you are adopting, and following in your organization.

Buy Into Trends – Buy Chipotle Sell McDonald’s

Revenue growth is a wonderful thing.  It is so much more fun to work in a growing company than one that isn’t.  And high growth is possible, even in this struggling economy, if leaders focus on trends.

Take for example Chipotle.  Whether you eat there or not, Chipotle has grown rather spectacularly.  From 16 units in 1998 it grew to 500 by 2005 and has 1,100 company owned and operated stores today.  Revenues have more than doubled since 2005, to about $2B, while sales/store increased almost 12% in 2010.  And investors have been well rewarded, with a market cap increase of 6x in the last 5 years!

Chipotle chart 12.12.11
Chart source Yahoo.com 12.12.11

Chipotle hit on a trend it called “Food with Integrity.”  While that is far from explicit, Chipotle has made a practice of talking about being “natural.”  Chipotle often buys local produce for its units, claims to use “natural” meat, presumably with fewer additives, and brags about having no hormones in its dairy products.  Such claims have tied into customer trends for better nutrition, higher food safety and improved taste.  This allows Chipotle to grow in the most intensely competitive of industries, even during a struggling economic time.

Compare this with McDonald’s.  This is not a random selection, as McDonald’s was a 1998 investor in Chipotle, and put around $360M into the chain fueling early growth.  McDonald’s was handsomely rewarded for this, receiving around $1.5B (4x) return on its investment when selling Chipotle to the public in 2006.

At the time, McDonald’s was in a horrible situation. It’s stock had dropped from a high of $50 in 2000 to a low of $14 in 2004.  McDonald’s took the money from the Chipotle sale and invested all of it in new capital expenditures to defend the McDonald franchise.  The good news was that “turnaround” worked and McDonald’s has recaptured its value, roughly doubling market capitalization the last 5 years.

One could consider both of these success stories, unless you look deeper. 

Chipotle increased its valued by 6x, McDonald’s by 2x – so investors in the former did fully 3x better than the latter.  And where Chipotle is expected to increase the number of its stores by at least another 1/3 in the next few years, McDonald’s struggles to find growth markets. Clearly, investors that swapped their McDonald’s stock for Chipotle’s stock in 2006 did far better – and have prospects of continuing to do even better still with at least some analysts expecting Chipotle to hit $400/share within a year, for another 20% pop.

Chipotle v McD chart 12.12.11
Source: Yahoo.com 12.12.11

McDonald’s strategy was built on a 1960s trend for speed and consistency in food.  That trend served McDonald’s well for 2 decades, but is far less interesting today.  In its effort to generate revenues recently McDonald’s brought us a re-introduced 20 year old product called McRib this October – a product who’s ingredients have people asking questions about health and safety (TheWeek.com “What’s the McRib made of, anyway?) as we learn its mostly high fat pig innards and salt.  While McDonald’s has recovered from 2004, is it a platform for growth?

Chipotle is using trends to find new products, new marketing themes, and even a new store concept, Shophouse Southeast Asian Grill, for organic growth.  Where McDonald’s is fixated on defending its historical business irrespective of trends, Chipotle is busy investing in current trends.

One has to wonder, what if instead of selling Chipotle, McDonald’s leadership had turned upside down?  What if all that management attention had gone into exploding Chipotle’s footprint faster?  Introducing even more products? And what if McDonald’s had accepted the trends propelling Chipotle growth and applied them to McDonald’s to give that chain a different customer value proposition and real new products?

McDonald’s could have acted more like Apple.  Where McDonald’s has at its core fried meat sandwiches and deep fried potatoes, Apple had its “core” the Macintosh.  But instead of investing its resources into defending its core, Apple invested in new products and markets where the trend was more favorable.  As a result its market cap grew by 4.5x during the last 5 years, compared to the more subdued 2x at McDonalds – and Apple demonstrated that even very large market cap companies can grow at very high rates when they adopt growth strategies tied to trends.

Chipotle v McD v AAPL 12.12.11
Source: Yahoo.com 12.12.11

There are a lot of businesses struggling to grow today.  But most aren’t really trying.  They keep doing more of what they’ve always done, and hoping for a better result! They don’t accept that trends go in new directions, causing markets to shift.  When markets shift, those who follow the trends do far better than those stuck trying to defend their past strategies.  It’s smart to act like, and invest in, Chipotle while avoiding the rut that is McDonald’s.


Leadership Matters – Ballmer vs. Bezos

Not far from each other, in the area around Seattle, are two striking contrasts in leadership.  They provide significant insight to what creates success today.

Steve Ballmer leads Microsoft, America's largest software company.  Unfortunately, the value of Microsoft has gone nowhere for 10 years.  Steve Ballmer has steadfastly defended the Windows and Office products, telling anyone who will listen that he is confident Windows will be part of computing's future landscape.  Looking backward, he reminds people that Windows has had a 20 year run, and because of that past he is certain it will continue to dominate.

Unfortunately, far too many investors see things differently.  They recognize that nearly all areas of Microsoft are struggling to maintain sales.  It is quite clear that the shift to mobile devices and cloud architectures are reducing the need, and desire, for PCs in homes, offices and data centers.  Microsoft appears years late recognizing the market shift, and too often CEO Ballmer seems in denial it is happening – or at least that it is happening so quickly.  His fixation on past success appears to blind him to how people will use technology in 2014, and investors are seriously concerned that Microsoft could topple as quickly DEC., Sun, Palm and RIM. 

Comparatively, across town, Mr. Bezos leads the largest on-line retailer Amazon.  That company's value has skyrocketed to a near 90 times earnings!  Over the last decade, investors have captured an astounding 10x capital gain!  Contrary to Mr. Ballmer, Mr. Bezos talks rarely about the past, and almost almost exclusively about the future.  He regularly discusses how markets are shifting, and how Amazon is going to change the way people do things. 

Mr. Bezos' fixation on the future has created incredible growth for Amazon.  In its "core" book business, when publishers did not move quickly toward trends for digitization Amazon created and launched Kindle, forever altering publishing.  When large retailers did not address the trend toward on-line shopping Amazon expanded its retail presence far beyond books, including more products  and a small armyt of supplier/partners.  When large PC manufacturers did not capitalize on the trend toward mobility with tablets for daily use Amazon launched Kindle Fire, which is projected to sell as many as 12 million units next year (AllThingsD.com)

Where Mr. Ballmer remains fixated on the past, constantly reinvesting  in defending and extending what worked 20 years ago for Microsoft, Mr. Bezos is investing heavily in the future.  Where Mr. Ballmer increasingly looks like a CEO in denial about market shift, Mr. Bezos has embraced the shifts and is pushing them forward. 

Clearly, the latter is much better at producing revenue growth and higher valuation than the former.

As we look around, a number of companies need to heed the insight of this Seattle comparison:

  • At AOL it is unclear that Mr. Armstrong has a clear view of how AOL will change markets to become a content powerhouse.  AOL's various investments are incoherent, and managers struggle to see a strong future for AOL.  On the other hand, Ms. Huffington does have a clear sense of the future, and the insight for an entirely different business model at AOL.  The Board would be well advised to consider handing the reigns to Ms. Huffington, and pushing AOL much more rapidly toward a different, and more competitive future.
  • Dell's chronic inability to identify new products and markets has left it, at best, uninteresting.  It's supply chain focused strategy has been copied, leaving the company with practically no cost/price advantage.  Mr. Dell remains fixated on what worked for his initial launch 30 years ago, and offers no exciting description of how Dell will remain viable as PC sales diminish.  Unless new leadership takes the helm at Dell, the company's future  5 years hence looks bleak.
  • HP's new CEO Meg Whitman is less than reassuring as she projects a terrible 2012 for HP, and a commitment to remaining in PCs – but with some amorphous pledge toward more internal innovation.  Lacking a clear sense of what Ms. Whitman thinks the world will look like in 2017, and how HP will be impactful, it's hard for investors, managers or customers to become excited about the company.  HP needs rapid acceleration toward shifting customer needs, not a relaxed, lethargic year of internal analysis while competitors continue moving demand further away from HP offerings.
  • Groupon has had an explosive start.  But the company is attacked on all fronts by the media.  There is consistent questioning of how leadership will maintain growth as reports emerge about founders cashing out their shares, highly uneconomic deals offered by customers, lack of operating scale leverage, and increasing competition from more established management teams like Google and Amazon.  After having its IPO challenged by the press, the stock has performed poorly and now sells for less than the offering price.  Groupon desperately needs leadership that can explain what the markets of 2015 will look like, and how Groupon will remain successful.

What investors, customers, suppliers and employees want from leadership is clarity around what leaders see as the future markets and competition.  They want to know how the company is going to be successful in 2 or 5 years.  In today's rapidly shifting, global markets it is not enough to talk about historical results, and to exhibit confidence that what brought the company to this point will propel it forward successfully. And everyone recognizes that managing quarter to quarter will not create long term success.

Leaders must  demonstrate a keen eye for market shifts, and invest in opportunities to participate in game changers.  Leaders must recognize trends, be clear about how those trends are shaping future markets and competitors, and align investments with those trends.  Leadership is not about what the company did before, but is entirely about what their organization is going to do next. 

Update 30 Nov, 2011

In the latest defend & extend action at Microsoft Ballmer has decided to port Office onto the iPad (TheDaily.com).  Short term likely to increase revenue.  But clearly at the expense of long-term competitiveness in tablet platforms.  And, it misses the fact that people are already switching to cloud-based apps which obviate the need for Office.  This will extend the dying period for Office, but does not come close to being an innovative solution which will propel revenues over the next decade.

Gladiators get killed. Dump Wal-Mart; Buy Amazon

Wal-Mart has had 9 consecutive quarters of declining same-store sales (Reuters.)  Now that’s a serious growth stall, which should worry all investors.  Unfortunately, the odds are almost non-existent that the company will reverse its situation, and like Montgomery Wards, KMart and Sears is already well on the way to retail oblivion.  Faster than most people think.

After 4 decades of defending and extending its success formula, Wal-Mart is in a gladiator war against a slew of competitors.  Not just Target, that is almost as low price and has better merchandise.  Wal-Mart’s monolithic strategy has been an easy to identify bulls-eye, taking a lot of shots.  Dollar General and Family Dollar have gone after the really low-priced shopper for general merchandise.  Aldi beats Wal-Mart hands-down in groceries.  Category killers like PetSmart and Best Buy offer wider merchandise selection and comparable (or lower) prices.  And companies like Kohl’s and J.C. Penney offer more fashionable goods at just slightly higher prices.  On all fronts, traditional retailers are chiseling away at Wal-Mart’s #1 position – and at its margins!

Yet, the company has eschewed all opportunities to shift with the market.  It’s primary growth projects are designed to do more of the same, such as opening smaller stores with the same strategy in the northeast (Boston.com).  Or trying to lure customers into existing stores by showing low-price deals in nearby stores on Facebook (Chicago Tribune) – sort of a Facebook as local newspaper approach to advertising. None of these extensions of the old strategy makes Wal-Mart more competitive – as shown by the last 9 quarters.

On top of this, the retail market is shifting pretty dramatically.  The big trend isn’t the growth of discount retailing, which Wal-Mart rode to its great success.  Now the trend is toward on-line shopping.  MediaPost.com reports results from a Kanter Retail survey of shoppers the accelerating trend:

  • In 2010, preparing for the holiday shopping season, 60% of shoppers planned going to Wal-Mart, 45% to Target, 40% on-line
  • Today, 52% plan to go to Wal-Mart, 40% to Target and 45% on-line.

This trend has been emerging for over a decade.  The “retail revolution” was reported on at the Harvard Business School website, where the case was made that traditional brick-and-mortar retail is considerably overbuilt.  And that problem is worsening as the trend on-line keeps shrinking the traditional market.  Several retailers are expected to fail.  Entire categories of stores.  As an executive from retailer REI told me recently, that chain increasingly struggles with customers using its outlets to look at merchandise, fit themselves with ideal sizes and equipment, then buying on-line where pricing is lower, options more plentiful and returns easier!

While Wal-Mart is huge, and won’t die overnight, as sure as the dinosaurs failed when the earth’s weather shifted, Wal-Mart cannot grow or increase investor returns in an intensely competitive and shifting retail environment.

The winners will be on-line retailers, who like David versus Goliath use techology to change the competition.  And the clear winner at this, so far, is the one who’s identified trends and invested heavily to bring customers what they want while changing the battlefield.  Increasingly it is obvious that Amazon has the leadership and organizational structure to follow trends creating growth:

  • Amazon moved fairly quickly from a retailer of out-of-inventory books into best-sellers, rapidly dominating book sales bankrupting thousands of independents and retailers like B.Dalton and Borders.
  • Amazon expanded into general merchandise, offering thousands of products to expand its revenues to site visitors.
  • Amazon developed an on-line storefront easily usable by any retailer, allowing Amazon to expand its offerings by millions of line items without increasing inventory (and allowing many small retailers to move onto the on-line trend.)
  • Amazon created an easy-to-use application for authors so they could self-publish books for print-on-demand and sell via Amazon when no other retailer would take their product.
  • Amazon recognized the mobile movement early and developed a mobile interface rather than relying on its web interface for on-line customers, improving usability and expanding sales.
  • Amazon built on the mobility trend when its suppliers, publishers, didn’t respond by creating Kindle – which has revolutionized book sales.
  • Amazon recently launched an inexpensive, easy to use tablet (Kindle Fire) allowing customers to purchase products from Amazon while mobile. MediaPost.com called it the “Wal-Mart Slayer

 Each of these actions were directly related to identifying trends and offering new solutions.  Because it did not try to remain tightly focused on its original success formula, Amazon has grown terrifically, even in the recent slow/no growth economy.  Just look at sales of Kindle books:

Kindle sales SAI 9.28.11
Source: BusinessInsider.com

Unlike Wal-Mart customers, Amazon’s keep growing at double digit rates.  In Q3 unique visitors rose 19% versus 2010, and September had a 26% increase.  Kindle Fire sales were 100,000 first day, and 250,000 first 5 days, compared to  80,000 per day unit sales for iPad2.  Kindle Fire sales are expected to reach 15million over the next 24 months, expanding the Amazon reach and easily accessible customers.

While GroupOn is the big leader in daily coupon deals, and Living Social is #2, Amazon is #3 and growing at triple digit rates as it explores this new marketplace with its embedded user base.  Despite only a few month’s experience, Amazon is bigger than Google Offers, and is growing at least 20% faster. 

After 1980 investors used to say that General Motors might not be run well, but it would never go broke.  It was considered a safe investment.  In hindsight we know management burned through company resources trying to unsuccessfully defend its old business model.  Wal-Mart is an identical story, only it won’t have 3 decades of slow decline.  The gladiators are whacking away at it every month, while the real winner is simply changing competition in a way that is rapidly making Wal-Mart obsolete. 

Given that gladiators, at best, end up bloody – and most often dead – investing in one is not a good approach to wealth creation.  However, investing in those who find ways to compete indirectly, and change the battlefield (like Apple,) make enormous returns for investors.  Amazon today is a really good opportunity.

The Case for Buying Netflix. Really.

Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, has long been considered a pretty good CEO.  In January, 2009 his approval ranking, from Glassdoor, was an astounding 93%.  In January, 2010 he was still on the top 25 list, with a 75% approval rating. And it's not surprising, given that he had happy employees, happy customers, and with Netflix's successful trashing of Blockbuster the company's stock had risen dramaticall,y leading to very happy investors.

But that was before Mr. Hastings made a series of changes in July and September.  First Netflix raised the price on DVD rentals, and on packages that had DVD rentals and streaming download, by about $$6/month.  Not a big increase in dollar terms, but it was a 60% jump, and it caught a lot of media attention (New York Times article).  Many customers were seriously upset, and in September Netflix let investors know it had lost about 4% of its streaming subscribers, and possibly as many as 5% of its DVD subscribers (Daily Mail). 

No investor wants that kind of customer news from a growth company, and the stock price went into a nosedive.  The decline was augmented when the CEO announced Netflix was splitting into 2 companies.  Netflix would focus on streaming video, and Quikster would focus on DVDs. Nobody understood the price changes – or why the company split – and investors quickly concluded Netflix was a company out of control and likely to flame out, ruined by its own tactics in competition with Amazon, et.al.

Neflix Price chart 10-3-2011 Yahoo (Source: Yahoo Finance 3 October, 2011)

This has to be about the worst company communication disaster by a market leader in a very, very long time.  TVWeek.com said Netflix, and Reed Hastings, exhibited the most self-destructive behavior in 2011 – beyond even the Charlie Sheen fiasco! With everything going its way, why, oh why, did the company raise prices and split?  Not even the vaunted New York Times could figure it out.

But let's take a moment to compare Netflix with another company having recent valuation troubles – Kodak. 

Kodak invented home photography, leading it to tremendous wealth as amature film sales soared for seveal decades.  But last week Kodak announced it was about out of cash, and was reaching into its revolving credit line for some $160million to pay bills.  This latest financial machination reinforced to investors that film sales aren't what they used to be, and Kodak is in big trouble – possibly facing bankruptcy.  Kodak's stock is down some 80% this year, from $6 to $1 – and quite a decline from the near $80 price it had in the late 1990s.

Kodak stock price chart 10-3-2011 Yahoo
(Source: Yahoo Finance 10-3-2011)

Why Kodak declined was well described in Forbes.  Despite its cash flow and company strengths, Kodak never succeeded beyond its original camera film business.  Heck, Kodak invented digital photography, but licensed the technology to others as it rabidly pursued defending film sales.  Because Kodak couldn't adapt to the market shift, it now is probably going to fail.

And that is why it is worth revisiting Netflix.  Although things were poorly explained, and certainly customers were not handled well, last quarter's events are the right move for investors in the shifting at-home video entertainment business:

  1. DVD sales are going the direction of CD's and audio cassettes.  Meaning down.  It is important Netflix reap the maximum value out of its strong DVD position in order to fund growth in new markets.  For the market leader to raise prices in low growth markets in order to maximize value is a classic strategic step.  Netflix should be lauded for taking action to maximize value, rather than trying to defend and extend a business that will most likely disappear faster than any of us anticipate – especially as smart TVs come along.
  2. It is in Netflix's best interest to promote customer transition to streaming.  Netflix is the current leader in streaming, and the profits are better there.  Raising DVD prices helps promote customer shifting to the new technology, and is good for Netflix as long as customers don't change to a competitor.
  3. Although Netflix is currently the leader in streaming it has serious competition from Hulu, Amazon, Apple and others.  It needs to build up its customer base rapidly, before people go to competitors, and it needs to fund its streaming business in order to obtain more content.  Not only to negotiate with more movie and TV suppliers, but to keep funding its exclusive content like the new Lillyhammer series (more at GigaOm.com).  Content is critical to maintaining leadership, and that requires both customers and cash.
  4. Netflix cannot afford to muddy up its streaming strategy by trying to defend, and protect, its DVD business.  Splitting the two businesses allows leaders of each to undertake strategies to maximize sales and profits.  Quikster will be able to fight Wal-Mart and Redbox as hard as possible, and Netflix can focus attention on growing streaming.  Again, this is a great strategic move to make sure Netflix transitions from its old DVD business into streaming, and doesn't end up like an accelerated Kodak story.

Historically, companies that don't shift with markets end up in big trouble.  AB Dick and Multigraphics owned small offset printing, but were crushed when Xerox brought out xerography.  Then, afater inventing desktop publishing at Xerox PARC, Xerox was crushed by the market shift from copiers to desktop printers – a shift Xerox created. Pan Am, now receiving attention due to the much hyped TV series launch, failed when it could not make the shift to deregulation.  Digital Equipment could not make the shift to PCs.  Kodak missed the shift from film to digital.  Most failed companies are the result of management's inability to transition with a market shift.  Trying to defend and extend the old marketplace is guaranteed to fail.

Today markets shift incredibly fast.  The actions at Netflix were explained poorly, and perhaps taken so fast and early that leadership's intentions were hard for anyone to understand.  The resulting market cap decline is an unmitigated disaster, and the CEO should be ashamed of his performance.  Yet, the actions taken were necessary – and probably the smartest moves Netflix could take to position itself for long-term success. 

Perhaps Netflix will fall further.  Short-term price predictions are a suckers game.  But for long-term investors, now that the value has cratered, give Netflix strong consideration.  It is still the leader in DVD and streaming.  It has an enormous customer base, and looks like the exodus has stopped.  It is now well organized to compete effectively, and seek maximum future growth and value.  With a better PR firm, good advertising and ongoing content enhancements Netflix has the opportunity to pull out of this communication nightmare and produce stellar returns.