Why Jeff Bezos is our greatest living CEO

The Harvard Business Review recently published its list of the 100 Best Performing CEOs.  This list is better than most because it looks at long-term performance of the CEO during his or her time in the job – with many on the list in service more than a decade.

#1 was Steve Jobs.  #2 is Jeff Bezos – making him the greatest living CEO.  It is startling just how well these two CEOs performed.  During Jobs' tenure Apple investors achieved a return of 66.8 times their money.  During Mr. Bezos' tenure shareholders achieved a remarkable 124.3 times return on their money.  In an era when most of us are happy to earn 5-10%/year – which equates to doubling your money about once a decade – these CEOs exceeded expectations 30-60 fold!

Both of these CEOs achieved greatness by transforming an industry.  We all know the Apple story.  From near bankruptcy as the Mac company Mr. Jobs led Apple into the mobile devices business, and created a transformation from Walkmen, Razrs and PCs to iPods, iPhones and iPads – to the detriment of Sony, Motorola, Nokia, Microsoft, HP and Dell. 

The Amazon story is all the more remarkable because it has been written in the far more mundane world of retail – not known for being nearly as fast-changing at tech.

Lest we forget, Amazon started as an on-line seller of books frequently unavailable at your local bookstore.  "What's a local bookstore?" you may now ask, because through continuous upgrading of its capability to build on the advances in internet usage – across machines, browsers, wi-fi and mobile – Amazon drove into bankruptcy such large booksellers as B.Dalton and Borders – leaving Barnes & Noble a mere shell of its former self and on tenous footing.  And the number of small bookshops has dropped dramatically.

But Amazon's industry transformation has gone far beyond bookselling.  Amazon was one of the first, and by most users considered the best, at offering a complete on-line storefront for any retailer who wants to sell goods through Amazon's site.  You can set up your inventory, display products, provide user information, manage a shopping cart and handle check out all through Amazon – with minimal technical skill.  This allowed Amazon to bring vastly more products to customers; and without adding all the inventory or warehousing cost.

As digital uses grew, Amazon moved beyond the slow-paced publishers to launch the Kindle and give us eReaders displacing paper books and periodicals.  But this was just the first salvo in the effort to promote additional on-line buying, as Amazon next launched Kindle Fire which at remarkably low cost gave people a tablet already set up for doing retail shopping at Amazon.

As Amazon launched its book downloads and on-line services, it built its own cloud services business to aid businesses and people in using tablets, and doing more things on-line; which further reinforced the digital retail world in which Amazon dominates.

And make no doubt about it, Kindle Fire – and the use of all other tablets – is the WalMart and other traditional brick-and-mortar retail killer.  Amazon is now a player in all pieces of the transition which is happening in retail, from traditional shopping to on-line. 

Demand for retail space in the USA began declining in 2009 and has not stopped.  Most analysts blamed it on the great recession.  But in retrospect we can now see it was the watershed year for customers to begin looking more, and buying more, on-line.  Now each year growth in on-line retail continues, while demand at traditional stores wanes.

Just look at this last holiday season.  To (hopefully) drive revenue stores were opening on Thanksgiving, and doing 24 and 48 hours of non-stop staffing and promotions to drive sales.  But it was mostly in vain, as traditional retail saw almost no gains.  Despite doing more and more of what they've always done – trying to be better, faster and cheaper – they simply could not change the trend away from shopping on-line and back into the stores.

For the last year the #1 trend in retailing has been "showrooming" where customers stand in a store with a smartphone comparison pricing on-line (most frequently Amazon) to the product on the shelf.  Retailers were forced to match on-line prices, despite their higher overhead, or lose the business.  And now Target has implemented a policy of price-matching Amazon for all of 2013 in hopes of slowing the trend to on-line purchasing.

Circuit City went bankrupt, which saved Best Buy as it picked up their lost business.  But now Best Buy is close to failure.  Same store sales at WalMart have been flat.  JCPenney recruited Apple's retail store wizard as CEO – but he's learned when you have to compete with Amazon life simply sucks.  Nobody in traditional retail has found a way to reverse the on-line shopping trend, which is still dominated by Amazon.

We all can learn from these two CEOs and the companies they built.  First, and foremost, is understand trends and align with them.  If you help people move in the direction they want to go life is easy, and growth can be phenomenal.  Trying to slow, stop or reverse a trend doesn't work, and is expensive. 

Second, don't ask customers what they want, instead give them what they need.  Customers may be on a trend, but they will frame their requests in the old paradigm.  By creating new trend-promoting products and solutions you can capture the customer and avoid head-to-head competition with the "old guard" titans selling the increasingly outdated solutions.  Don't build better brick-and-mortar, make brick-and-mortar obsolete.

So, what's stopping you from growing your business like Apple or Amazon?  What keeps you from being the next Steve Jobs, or Jeff Bezos?  Can you spot trends and provide trend-supporting solutions for customers?  Or are you stymied because you're spending too much time trying to defend and extend your old business in the face of game changing trends.

The Day TV Died – Winners and Losers (Comcast, Disney, CBS)

Remember when almost everyone read a daily newspaper

Newspaper readership peaked around 2000.  Since then printed media has declined, as readers shifted on-line.  Magazines have folded, and newspapers have disappeared, quit printing, dramatically cut page numbers and even more dramatically cut staff. 

Amazingly, almost no major print publisher prepared for this, even though the trend was becoming clear in the late 1990s. 

Newspapers are no longer a viable business.  While industry revenue grew for
almost 2 centuries, it collapsed in a mere decade.

Newspaper ad spending 1950-2010
Chart Source: BusinessInsider.com

This market shift created clear winners, and losers.  On-line news sites like Marketwatch and HuffingtonPost were clear winners.  Losers were traditional newspaper companies such as Tribune Corporation, Gannett, McClatchey, Dow Jones and even the New York Times Company.  And investors in these companies either saw their values soar, or practically disintegrate. 

In 2012 it is equally clear that television is on the brink of a major transition.  Fewer people are content to have their entertainment programmed for them when they can program it themselves on-line.  Even though the number of television channels has exploded with pervasive cable access, the time spent watching television is not growing.  While simultaneously the amount of time people spend looking at mobile internet displays (tablets, smartphones and laptops) is growing at double digit rates.

Web v mobile v TV consumption
Chart Source: Silicone Alley Insider Chart of the Day 12/5/12

It would be easy to act like newspaper defenders and pretend that television as we've known it will not change.  But that would be, at best, naive.  Just look around at broadband access, the use of mobile devices, the convenience of mobile and the number of people that don't even watch traditional TV any more (especially younger people) and the trend is clear.  One-way preprogrammed advertising laden television is not a sustainable business. 

So, now is the time to prepare.  And change your business to align with impending new realities.

Losers, and winners, will be varied – and not entirely obvious.  Firstly, a look at those trying to maintain the status quo, and likely to lose the most.

Giant consumer goods and retail companies benefitted from the domination of television.  Only huge companies like P&G, Kraft, GM and Target could afford to lay out billions of dollars for television ads to build, and defend, a brand.  But what advantage will they have when TV budgets no longer control brand building?  They will become extremely vulnerable to more innovative companies that have better products and move on fast lifecycles. Their size, hierarchy and arcane business practices will lead to huge problems.  Imagine a raft of new Hostess Brands experiences.

Even as the trends have started changing these companies have continued pumping billions into the traditional TV networks as they spend to defend their brand position.  This has driven up the value of companies like CBS, Comcast (owns NBC) and Disney (owns ABC) over the last 3 years substantially. But don't expect that to last forever. Or even a few more years.

Just like newspaper ad spending fell off a cliff when it was clear the eyeballs were no longer there, expect the same for television ad spending.  As giant advertisers find the cost of television harder and harder to justify their outlays will eventually take the kind of cliff dive observed in the chart (above) for newspaper advertising.  Already some consumer goods and ad agency executives are alluding to the fact that the rate of return on traditional TV is becoming sketchy.

So far, we've seen little at the companies which own TV networks to demonstrate they are prepared for the floor to fall out of their revenue stream.  While some have positions in a few internet production and delivery companies, most are clearly still doing their best to defend & extend the old business – just like newspaper owners did.  Just as newspapers never found a way to replace the print ad dollars, these television companies look very much like businesses that have no apparent solution for future growth.  I would not want my 401K invested in any major network company.

And there will be winners.

For smaller businesses, there has never been a better time to compete.  A company as small as Tesla or Fisker can now create a brand on-line at a fraction of the old cost.  And that brand can be as powerful as Ford, and potentially a lot more trendy. There are very low entry barriers for on-line brand building using not only ad words and web page display ads, but also using social media to build loyal followers who use and promote a brand.  What was once considered a niche can become well known almost overnight simply by applying the new dynamics of reaching customers on-line, and increasingly via mobile.  Look at the success of Toms Shoes.

Zappos and Amazon have shown that with almost no television ads they can create powerhouse retail brands.  The new retailers do not compete just on price, but are able to offer selection, availability and customer service at levels unachievable by traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.  They can suggest products and prices of things you're likely to need, even before you realize you need them.  They can educate better, and faster, than most retail store employees.  And they can offer great prices due to less overhead, along with the convenience of shipping the product right into your home. 

And as people quit watching preprogrammed TV, where will they go for content?  Anybody streaming will have an advantage – so think Netflix (which recently contracted for all the Disney content,) Amazon, Pandora, Spotify and even AOL.  But, this will also benefit those companies providing content access such as Apple TV, Google TV, YouTube (owned by Google) to offer content channels and the increasingly omnipresent Facebook will deliver up not only friends, but content — and ads. 

As for content creation, the deep pockets of traditional TV production companies will likely disappear along with their ability to control distribution.  That means fewer big-budget productions as risk goes up without revenue assurances. 

But that means even more ability for newer, smaller companies to create competitive content seeking audiences.  Where once a very clever, hard working Seth McFarlane (creator of Family Guy) had to hardscrabble with networks to achieve distribution, and live in fear of a single person controlling his destiny, in the future these creative people will be able to own their content and capture the value directly as they build a direct audience.  A phenomenon like George Lucas will be more achievable than ever before as what might look like chaos during transition will migrate to a much more competitive world where audiences, rather than network executives, will decide what content wins – and loses.

So, with due respects to Don McLean, will today be the day TV Died?  We will only know in historical context.  Nobody predicted newspapers had peaked in 2000, but it was clear the internet was changing news consumption behavior.  And we don't know if TV viewership will begin its rapid decline in 2013, or in a couple more years. But the inevitable change is clear – we just don't know exactly when.

So it would be foolish to not think that the industry is going to change dramatically.  And the impact on advertising will be even more profound, much more profound, than it was in print.  And that will have an even more profound impact on American society – and how business is done. 

What are you doing to prepare?



Gladiators get killed. Dump Wal-Mart; Buy Amazon

Wal-Mart has had 9 consecutive quarters of declining same-store sales (Reuters.)  Now that’s a serious growth stall, which should worry all investors.  Unfortunately, the odds are almost non-existent that the company will reverse its situation, and like Montgomery Wards, KMart and Sears is already well on the way to retail oblivion.  Faster than most people think.

After 4 decades of defending and extending its success formula, Wal-Mart is in a gladiator war against a slew of competitors.  Not just Target, that is almost as low price and has better merchandise.  Wal-Mart’s monolithic strategy has been an easy to identify bulls-eye, taking a lot of shots.  Dollar General and Family Dollar have gone after the really low-priced shopper for general merchandise.  Aldi beats Wal-Mart hands-down in groceries.  Category killers like PetSmart and Best Buy offer wider merchandise selection and comparable (or lower) prices.  And companies like Kohl’s and J.C. Penney offer more fashionable goods at just slightly higher prices.  On all fronts, traditional retailers are chiseling away at Wal-Mart’s #1 position – and at its margins!

Yet, the company has eschewed all opportunities to shift with the market.  It’s primary growth projects are designed to do more of the same, such as opening smaller stores with the same strategy in the northeast (Boston.com).  Or trying to lure customers into existing stores by showing low-price deals in nearby stores on Facebook (Chicago Tribune) – sort of a Facebook as local newspaper approach to advertising. None of these extensions of the old strategy makes Wal-Mart more competitive – as shown by the last 9 quarters.

On top of this, the retail market is shifting pretty dramatically.  The big trend isn’t the growth of discount retailing, which Wal-Mart rode to its great success.  Now the trend is toward on-line shopping.  MediaPost.com reports results from a Kanter Retail survey of shoppers the accelerating trend:

  • In 2010, preparing for the holiday shopping season, 60% of shoppers planned going to Wal-Mart, 45% to Target, 40% on-line
  • Today, 52% plan to go to Wal-Mart, 40% to Target and 45% on-line.

This trend has been emerging for over a decade.  The “retail revolution” was reported on at the Harvard Business School website, where the case was made that traditional brick-and-mortar retail is considerably overbuilt.  And that problem is worsening as the trend on-line keeps shrinking the traditional market.  Several retailers are expected to fail.  Entire categories of stores.  As an executive from retailer REI told me recently, that chain increasingly struggles with customers using its outlets to look at merchandise, fit themselves with ideal sizes and equipment, then buying on-line where pricing is lower, options more plentiful and returns easier!

While Wal-Mart is huge, and won’t die overnight, as sure as the dinosaurs failed when the earth’s weather shifted, Wal-Mart cannot grow or increase investor returns in an intensely competitive and shifting retail environment.

The winners will be on-line retailers, who like David versus Goliath use techology to change the competition.  And the clear winner at this, so far, is the one who’s identified trends and invested heavily to bring customers what they want while changing the battlefield.  Increasingly it is obvious that Amazon has the leadership and organizational structure to follow trends creating growth:

  • Amazon moved fairly quickly from a retailer of out-of-inventory books into best-sellers, rapidly dominating book sales bankrupting thousands of independents and retailers like B.Dalton and Borders.
  • Amazon expanded into general merchandise, offering thousands of products to expand its revenues to site visitors.
  • Amazon developed an on-line storefront easily usable by any retailer, allowing Amazon to expand its offerings by millions of line items without increasing inventory (and allowing many small retailers to move onto the on-line trend.)
  • Amazon created an easy-to-use application for authors so they could self-publish books for print-on-demand and sell via Amazon when no other retailer would take their product.
  • Amazon recognized the mobile movement early and developed a mobile interface rather than relying on its web interface for on-line customers, improving usability and expanding sales.
  • Amazon built on the mobility trend when its suppliers, publishers, didn’t respond by creating Kindle – which has revolutionized book sales.
  • Amazon recently launched an inexpensive, easy to use tablet (Kindle Fire) allowing customers to purchase products from Amazon while mobile. MediaPost.com called it the “Wal-Mart Slayer

 Each of these actions were directly related to identifying trends and offering new solutions.  Because it did not try to remain tightly focused on its original success formula, Amazon has grown terrifically, even in the recent slow/no growth economy.  Just look at sales of Kindle books:

Kindle sales SAI 9.28.11
Source: BusinessInsider.com

Unlike Wal-Mart customers, Amazon’s keep growing at double digit rates.  In Q3 unique visitors rose 19% versus 2010, and September had a 26% increase.  Kindle Fire sales were 100,000 first day, and 250,000 first 5 days, compared to  80,000 per day unit sales for iPad2.  Kindle Fire sales are expected to reach 15million over the next 24 months, expanding the Amazon reach and easily accessible customers.

While GroupOn is the big leader in daily coupon deals, and Living Social is #2, Amazon is #3 and growing at triple digit rates as it explores this new marketplace with its embedded user base.  Despite only a few month’s experience, Amazon is bigger than Google Offers, and is growing at least 20% faster. 

After 1980 investors used to say that General Motors might not be run well, but it would never go broke.  It was considered a safe investment.  In hindsight we know management burned through company resources trying to unsuccessfully defend its old business model.  Wal-Mart is an identical story, only it won’t have 3 decades of slow decline.  The gladiators are whacking away at it every month, while the real winner is simply changing competition in a way that is rapidly making Wal-Mart obsolete. 

Given that gladiators, at best, end up bloody – and most often dead – investing in one is not a good approach to wealth creation.  However, investing in those who find ways to compete indirectly, and change the battlefield (like Apple,) make enormous returns for investors.  Amazon today is a really good opportunity.

The Wal-Mart Disease


  • Many large, and leading, companies have not created much shareholder value the last decade
  • A surprising number of very large companies have gone bankrupt (GM) or failed (Circuit City)
  • Wal-Mart is a company that has generated no shareholder value
  • The Wal-Mart disease is focusing on executing the business's long-standing success formula better, faster and cheaper — even though it's not creating any value
  • Size alone does not create value, you have to increase the rate of return
  • Companies that have increased value, like Apple, have moved beyond execution to creating new success formulas

Have you noticed how many of America's leading companies have done nothing for shareholders lately?  Or for that matter, a lot longer than just lately.  Of course General Motors wiped out its shareholders.  As did Chrysler and Circuit City.  The DJIA and S&P both struggle to return to levels of the past decade, as many of the largest companies seem unable to generate investor value.

Take for example Wal-Mart.  As this chart from InvestorGuide.com clearly shows, after generating very nice returns practically from inception through the 1990s, investors have gotten nothing for holding Wal-Mart shares since 2000.

Walmart 20 year chart 10-10

Far too many CEOs today suffer from what I call "the Wal-Mart Disease."  It's an obsession with sticking to the core business, and doing everything possible to defend & extend it — even when rates of return are unacceptable and there is a constant struggle to improve valuation.

Fortune magazine's recent puff article about Mike Duke, "Meet the CEO of the Biggest Company on Earth" gives clear insight to the symptoms of this disease. Throughout the article, Mr. Duke demonstrates a penchant for obsessing about the smallest details related to the nearly 4 decade old Wal-Mart success formula.  While going bananas over the price of bananas, he involves himself intimately in the underwear inventory, and goes cuckoo over Cocoa Puffs displays.  No detail is too small for the attention of the CEO trying to make sure he runs the tightest ship in retailing.  With frequent references to what Wal-Mart does best, from the top down Wal-Mart is focused on execution.  Doing more of what it's always done – hopefully a little better, faster and cheaper.

But long forgotten is that all this attention to detail isn't moving the needle for investors.  For all its size, and cheap products, the only people benefiting from Wal-Mart are consumers who save a few cents on everything from jeans to jewelry. 

The Wal-Mart Disease is becoming so obsessive about execution, so focused on doing more of the same, that you forget your prime objective is to grow the investment.  Not just execute. Not just expand with more of the same by constantly trying to enter new markets – such as Europe or China or Brazil. You have to improve the rate of return.  The Disease keeps management so focused on trying to work harder, to somehow squeeze more out of the old success formula, to find new places to implement the old success formula, that they ignore environmental changes which make it impossible, despite size, for the company to ever again grow both revenues and rates of return.

Today competitors are chipping away at Wal-Mart on multiple fronts.  Some retailers offer the same merchandise but in a better environment, such as Target.  Some offer a greater selection of targeted goods, at a wider price range, such as Kohl's or Penney's.  Some offer better quality goods as well as selection, such as Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.  And some offer an entirely different way to shop, such as Amazon.com.  These competitors are all growing, and earning more, and in several cases doing more for their investors because they are creating new markets, with new ways to compete, that have both growth and better returns.

It's not enough for Wal-Mart to just be cheap.  That was a keen idea 40 years ago, and it served the company well for 20+ years.  But competitors constantly work to change the marketplace.  And as they learn how to copy what Wal-Mart did, they can get to 90%+ of the Wal-Mart goal.  Then, they start offering other, distinctive advantages.  In doing so, they make it harder and harder for Wal-Mart to be successful by simply doing more of the same, only better, faster and cheaper.

Ten years ago if you'd predicted bankruptcy for GM or Chrysler or Circuit City you'd have been laughed at.  Circuit City was a darling of the infamous best seller "Good To Great."  Likewise laughter would have been the most likely outcome had you predicted the demise of Sun Microsystems – which was an internet leader worth over $200B at century's turn.  So it's easy to scoff at the notion that Wal-Mart may never hit $500B revenue.  Or it may do so, but at considerable cost that continues to hurt rates of return, keeping the share price mired – or even declining.  And it would be impossible to think that Wal-Mart could ever fail, like Woolworth's did.  Or that it even might see itself shredded by competitors into an also-ran position, like once powerful, DJIA member Sears.

The Disease is keeping Wal-Mart from doing what it must do if it really wants to succeed.  It has to change.  Wal-Mart leadership has to realize that what made Wal-Mart once great isn't going to make it great in 2020.  Instead of obsessing about execution, Wal-Mart has to become a lot better at competing in new markets.  And that means competing in new ways.  Mostly, fundamentally different ways.  If it can't do that, Wal-Mart's value will keep moving sideways until something unexpected happens – maybe it's related to employee costs, or changes in import laws, or successful lawsuits, or continued growth in internet retailing that sucks away more volume year after year – and the success formula collapses.  Like at GM.

Comparatively, if Apple had remained the Mac company it would have failed.  If Google were just a search engine company it would be called Alta Vista, or AskJeeves.  If Google were just an ad placement company it would be Yahoo!  If Nike had remained obsessed with being the world's best athletic shoe company it would be Adidas, or Converse.

Businesses exist to create shareholder value – and today more than ever that means getting into markets with profitable growth.  Not merely obsessing about defending & extending what once made you great.  The Wal-Mart Disease can become painfully fatal.


Fire the Status Quo Police! – Forbes, AT&T, Microsoft, DEC, P&G, Sears, Motorola


Fire The Status Quo Police

Adam Hartung, 09.08.10, 06:00 PM EDT

Their power to prevent innovation can devastate your business.

“That’s not how we do things around here.” How often have you heard that? And what does it really mean? It is said to stop someone from doing something new. It is no way to promote innovation, is it?”

That’s the lead paragraph to my latest column on Forbes.com, published yesterday evening.  Forbes launched a new editorial page covering Change Management, and gave my column’s link the premier placement!  

All companies want to grow.  But early in the lifecycle they Lock-in on what works, and then implement Status Quo Police that intentionally do not allow anything to change.  Their belief is that if nothing changes, the business will always grow.  So conformance to historical norms is more important than results to them.  To Status Quo Police results will return when conformance to old norms is returned!

Of course, this completely ignores the marketplace.  Market shifts, created by competitors launching new technologies, new pricing models, new delivery models or other new solutions cause the value of old solutions to decline.  No matter how well you do what you always did, you can’t achieve historical results.  The market has shifted! 

To keep any company growing you must know who the Status Quo Police are in your organization.  They can be in HR, controlling hiring, promotions and pay.  In Finance controlling what projects receive resources.  In Marketing, tightly controlling branding, product development or distribution.  The Status Quo Police are committed to keeping things tightly controlled, and saving the organization from change that could send the company in the wrong direction!  No matter what the marketplace may require.

But it’s not enough to know who the Status Quo Police are, its up to leaders to eliminate them!  If you want to have a vibrant, profitably growing organization you have to constantly adjust to market shifts.  You have to sense what the market wants, and move to deliver it.  You have to be very wary of the Status Quo, and instead be open to making changes in order to grow.  To do that, you have to hold those who would be the Status Quo Police in check.  Otherwise, you’ll find the obstacles to innovation and growth overwhelming!

Please read the article at Forbes, review it and comment!  Let me know what you think!