Be Really Glad Bezos Bought The Washington Post

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon worth $25.2B just paid $250 million to become sole owner of The Washington Post

Some think the recent rash of of billionaires buying newspapers is simply rich folks buying themselves trophies.  Probably true in some instances – and that benefits no one.  Just look at how Sam Zell ruined The Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times.  Or Rupert Murdoch's less than stellar performance owning The Wall Street Journal.  It's hard to be excited about a financially astute commodities manager, like John Henry, buying The Boston Globe – as it has all the earmarks of someone simply jumping in where angels fear to tread.

These companies lost their way long ago.  For decades they defined themselves as newspaper companies.  They linked everything about what they did to printing a daily paper.  The service they provided, which was a mix of hard news and entertainment reporting, was lost in the productization of that service into a print deliverable. 

So when people started to look for news and entertainment on-line, these companies chose to ignore the trend.  They continued to believe that readers would always want the product – the paper – rather than the service. And they allowed themselves to remain fixated on old processes and outdated business models long after the market shifted.

The leaders ignored the fact that advertisers could obtain much more directed placement at targets, at far lower cost, on-line than through the broad-based, general ads placed in newspapers.  And that consumers could get a much faster, and cheaper, sale via eBay, CraigsList or than via overpriced classified ads. 

Newspaper leadership kept trying to defend their "core" business of collecting news for daily publication in a paper format.  They kept trying to defend their local advertising base.  Even though every month more people abandoned them for an on-line format.  Not one major newspaper headmast made a strong commitment to go on-line.  None tried to be #1 in news dissemination via the web, or take a leadership role in associating ad placement with news and entertainment. 

They could have addressed the market shift, and changed their approach and delivery.  But they did not.

Money manager Mr. Henry has done a good job of turning the Boston Red Sox into a profitable institution.  But there is nothing in common between the Red Sox, for which you can grow the fan base, bring people to the ballpark and sell viewing rights, and The Boston Globe.  The former is unique.  The latter is obsolete.  Yes, the New York Times company paid $1.1B for the Globe in 1993, but that doesn't mean it's worth $70M today.  Given its revenue and cost structure, as a newspaper it is probably worth nothing.

But, we all still want news.  Nobody wants the information infrastructure collecting what we need to know to crumble.  Nobody wants journalism to die.  But it is unreasonable to expect business people to keep investing in newspapers just to fulfill a public good.  Even Mr. Zell abandoned that idea. 

Thus, we need the news, as a service, to be transformed into a new, profitable enterprise.  Somehow these organizations have to abandon the old ways of doing things, including print and paper distribution, and transform to meet modern needs.  The 6 year revenue slide at Washington Post has to stop, and instead of thinking about survival company leadership needs to focus on how to thrive with a new, profitable business model.

And that's why we all should be glad Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post.  As head of  The Harvard Business Review ranked him the second best performing CEO of the last named him Business Person of the Year 2012, and called him "the ultimate disruptor."

By not doing what everyone else did, breaking all the rules of traditional retail, Mr. Bezos built into a $61B general merchandise retailer in 20 years.  When publishers refused to create electronic books he led Amazon into competing with its suppliers by becoming a publisher.  When Microsoft wouldn't produce an e-reader, retailer and publisher jumped into the intensely competitive world of personal electroncs creating and launching Kindle.  And then upped the stakes against competitors by enhancing that into Kindle Fire.  And when traditional IT suppliers like HP and Dell were slow to help small (or any) business move toward cloud computing Amazon launched its own network services to help the market shift.

Mr. Bezos' language regarding his intentions post acquisition are quite telling, "change… is essential… with or without new ownership….need to invent…need to experiment." 

And that is exactly what the news industry needs today.  Today's leaders are, and other web sites with wildly different business models than traditional paper media.  WaPo success will require transforming a dying company, tied to an old success formula, into a trend-aligned organization that give people what they want, when they want it, at a profit.

And it's hard to think of someone better experienced, or skilled, than Jeff Bezos to provide that kind of leadership.  With just a little imagination we can imagine some rapid moves:

  • distribution of all content via Kindle style eReaders, rather than print.  Along with dramatically increasing the cost of paper subscriptions and daily paper delivery
  • Instead of a "one size fits all" general purpose daily paper, packaging news into more fitting targeted products.  Sports stories on sports sites.  Business stories on business sites.  Deeper, longer stories into ebooks available for $.99 purchase.  And repackaging of stories that cover longer time spans into electronic short-books for purchase.
  • Packaging content into Facebook locations for targeted readers.  Tying ads into these social media sites, and promoting ad sales for small, local businesses to the Facebook sites.
  • Or creating an ala carte approach to buying various news and entertainment in an iTunes or Netflix style environment (or on those sites)
  • Robustly attracting readers via connecting content with social media, including Twitter, to meet modern needs for immediacy, headline knowledge and links to deeper stories — with sales of ads onto social media
  • Tying electronic coupons, and buy-it-now capabilities to ads linked to appropriate content
  • Retargeting advertising sales from general purpose to targeted delivery at specific readers, with robust packages of on-line coupons, links to specials and fast, impulse purchase capability
  • Increased use of bloggers and ad hoc writers to supplement staff in order to offer opinions and insights quickly, but at lower cost.
  • Changes in compensation linked to page views and readership, just as revenue is linked to same.

We've watched a raft of newspapers and magazines disappear. This has not been a failure of journalism, but rather a failure of business leaders to address shifting markets and transform old organizations to meet modern needs.  It's not a quality problem, but rather a failure of strategy to adapt to shifting markets.  And that's a lesson every business leaders needs to note, because today, as I wrote in April, 2012, every company has to behave like a tech company!

Doing more of the same, cutting costs and rich egos won't fix a newspaper.  Only the willingness to experiment and find new solutions which transform these organizations into something very different, well beyond print, will work.  Let's hope Mr. Bezos brings the same zest for addressing these challenges and aligning with market needs he brought to Amazon.  To a large extent, the future of news and "freedom of the press" may well depend upon it.


The Day TV Died – Winners and Losers (Comcast, Disney, CBS)

Remember when almost everyone read a daily newspaper

Newspaper readership peaked around 2000.  Since then printed media has declined, as readers shifted on-line.  Magazines have folded, and newspapers have disappeared, quit printing, dramatically cut page numbers and even more dramatically cut staff. 

Amazingly, almost no major print publisher prepared for this, even though the trend was becoming clear in the late 1990s. 

Newspapers are no longer a viable business.  While industry revenue grew for
almost 2 centuries, it collapsed in a mere decade.

Newspaper ad spending 1950-2010
Chart Source:

This market shift created clear winners, and losers.  On-line news sites like Marketwatch and HuffingtonPost were clear winners.  Losers were traditional newspaper companies such as Tribune Corporation, Gannett, McClatchey, Dow Jones and even the New York Times Company.  And investors in these companies either saw their values soar, or practically disintegrate. 

In 2012 it is equally clear that television is on the brink of a major transition.  Fewer people are content to have their entertainment programmed for them when they can program it themselves on-line.  Even though the number of television channels has exploded with pervasive cable access, the time spent watching television is not growing.  While simultaneously the amount of time people spend looking at mobile internet displays (tablets, smartphones and laptops) is growing at double digit rates.

Web v mobile v TV consumption
Chart Source: Silicone Alley Insider Chart of the Day 12/5/12

It would be easy to act like newspaper defenders and pretend that television as we've known it will not change.  But that would be, at best, naive.  Just look around at broadband access, the use of mobile devices, the convenience of mobile and the number of people that don't even watch traditional TV any more (especially younger people) and the trend is clear.  One-way preprogrammed advertising laden television is not a sustainable business. 

So, now is the time to prepare.  And change your business to align with impending new realities.

Losers, and winners, will be varied – and not entirely obvious.  Firstly, a look at those trying to maintain the status quo, and likely to lose the most.

Giant consumer goods and retail companies benefitted from the domination of television.  Only huge companies like P&G, Kraft, GM and Target could afford to lay out billions of dollars for television ads to build, and defend, a brand.  But what advantage will they have when TV budgets no longer control brand building?  They will become extremely vulnerable to more innovative companies that have better products and move on fast lifecycles. Their size, hierarchy and arcane business practices will lead to huge problems.  Imagine a raft of new Hostess Brands experiences.

Even as the trends have started changing these companies have continued pumping billions into the traditional TV networks as they spend to defend their brand position.  This has driven up the value of companies like CBS, Comcast (owns NBC) and Disney (owns ABC) over the last 3 years substantially. But don't expect that to last forever. Or even a few more years.

Just like newspaper ad spending fell off a cliff when it was clear the eyeballs were no longer there, expect the same for television ad spending.  As giant advertisers find the cost of television harder and harder to justify their outlays will eventually take the kind of cliff dive observed in the chart (above) for newspaper advertising.  Already some consumer goods and ad agency executives are alluding to the fact that the rate of return on traditional TV is becoming sketchy.

So far, we've seen little at the companies which own TV networks to demonstrate they are prepared for the floor to fall out of their revenue stream.  While some have positions in a few internet production and delivery companies, most are clearly still doing their best to defend & extend the old business – just like newspaper owners did.  Just as newspapers never found a way to replace the print ad dollars, these television companies look very much like businesses that have no apparent solution for future growth.  I would not want my 401K invested in any major network company.

And there will be winners.

For smaller businesses, there has never been a better time to compete.  A company as small as Tesla or Fisker can now create a brand on-line at a fraction of the old cost.  And that brand can be as powerful as Ford, and potentially a lot more trendy. There are very low entry barriers for on-line brand building using not only ad words and web page display ads, but also using social media to build loyal followers who use and promote a brand.  What was once considered a niche can become well known almost overnight simply by applying the new dynamics of reaching customers on-line, and increasingly via mobile.  Look at the success of Toms Shoes.

Zappos and Amazon have shown that with almost no television ads they can create powerhouse retail brands.  The new retailers do not compete just on price, but are able to offer selection, availability and customer service at levels unachievable by traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.  They can suggest products and prices of things you're likely to need, even before you realize you need them.  They can educate better, and faster, than most retail store employees.  And they can offer great prices due to less overhead, along with the convenience of shipping the product right into your home. 

And as people quit watching preprogrammed TV, where will they go for content?  Anybody streaming will have an advantage – so think Netflix (which recently contracted for all the Disney content,) Amazon, Pandora, Spotify and even AOL.  But, this will also benefit those companies providing content access such as Apple TV, Google TV, YouTube (owned by Google) to offer content channels and the increasingly omnipresent Facebook will deliver up not only friends, but content — and ads. 

As for content creation, the deep pockets of traditional TV production companies will likely disappear along with their ability to control distribution.  That means fewer big-budget productions as risk goes up without revenue assurances. 

But that means even more ability for newer, smaller companies to create competitive content seeking audiences.  Where once a very clever, hard working Seth McFarlane (creator of Family Guy) had to hardscrabble with networks to achieve distribution, and live in fear of a single person controlling his destiny, in the future these creative people will be able to own their content and capture the value directly as they build a direct audience.  A phenomenon like George Lucas will be more achievable than ever before as what might look like chaos during transition will migrate to a much more competitive world where audiences, rather than network executives, will decide what content wins – and loses.

So, with due respects to Don McLean, will today be the day TV Died?  We will only know in historical context.  Nobody predicted newspapers had peaked in 2000, but it was clear the internet was changing news consumption behavior.  And we don't know if TV viewership will begin its rapid decline in 2013, or in a couple more years. But the inevitable change is clear – we just don't know exactly when.

So it would be foolish to not think that the industry is going to change dramatically.  And the impact on advertising will be even more profound, much more profound, than it was in print.  And that will have an even more profound impact on American society – and how business is done. 

What are you doing to prepare?



Buy Facebook, P&G’s CEO told you to

Buy Facebook.  I don't care what the IPO price is.

Since Facebook informed us it was going public, and it's estimated IPO valuation was reported, debate has raged over whether the company could possibly be worth $75-$100B.  Almost nobody writes that Facebook is undervalued, but many question whether it is overvalued. 

If you are a trader, moving in and out of positions monthly and using options to leverage short-term price swings then this article is not for you.  But, if you are an investor, someone who holds most stock purchases for a year or longer, then Facebook's IPO may be undervalued.  The longer you can hold it, the more you'll likely make.  Buy it in your IRA if possible, then let it build you a nice nest egg.

About 85% of Facebook's nearly $4B revenues, which almost doubled in 2011, are from advertising.  So understanding advertising is critical to knowing why you want to buy, and hold, Facebook

Facebook has 28% of the on-line display ad market, but only 5% of all on-line advertising.  On-line advertising itself is generally predicted to grow at 16%/year.  But there is a tremendous case to be made that the market will grow a whole lot faster, and Facebook's share will become a whole lot larger.

At the end of January Proctor & Gamble's stock took a hit as earnings missed expectations, and the CEO projected a tough year going forward.  He announced 1,600 layoffs, many in marketing, as he admitted the ad budget was going to be "moderated" – code for cut.  While advertising had grown at 24%/year sales were only growing at 6%.  He then admitted that the "efficiency" of on-line advertising was demonstrating the ability to be much higher than traditional advertising.  In other words, he is planning to cut traditional marketing and advertising, such as coupon printing and ads in newspapers and television, and spend more on-line.

P&G spends about $10B/year on advertising.  2.5x the Facebook revenue.  Now, imagine if P&G moves 10% – or 25% – of its advertising from television (which is now a $250B market) on-line.  That is $1-$2.5B per year, from just one company!  Such a "marginal" move, by just one company, adds 1-3% to the total on-line market.  Now, magnify that across Unilever, Danon, Kimberly-Clark, Colgate, Avon, Coke, Pepsi …… the 200 or 300 largest advertisers and it becomes a REALLY BIG number.

The trend is clear.  People spend less time watching TV and reading newspapers.  We all interact with information and entertainment more and more on computers and mobile devices.  Ad declines have already killed newspapers, and television is on the precipice of following its print brethren.  The market shift toward advertising on-line will continue, and the trend is bound to accelerate. 

Last year P&G launched an on-line marketing program for Old Spice.  The CEO singled out the 1.8 billion free impressions that received on-line.  When the CEO of one of the world's largest advertisers takes note, and says he's going to move that way, you can bet everyone is going to head that direction.  Especially as they recognize the poor "efficiency" of traditional media spending.

And don't forget the thousands of small businesses that have much smaller budgets.  Most of them rarely, or never, could afford traditional media.  On-line is not only more effective, but far cheaper.  Especially as mobile devices makes local marketing even more targeted and effective.  So as big companies shift to on-line we can expect small to medium sized businesses to shift as well, and new advertisers are being created which will expand the market even further.  This trend could lead to a much faster organic market growth rate beyond 16% – perhaps 25% or even more!

Which brings us back to Facebook, which will be the primary beneficiary of this market shift. 

Facebook is rapidly catching up with Google in the referral business.  850 million users is important, because it shows the ability Facebook has to bring people on-line, keep them on-line and then refer them somewhere.  The kind of thing that made Google famous, big and valuable with search a decade ago.  In fact, people spend much more time on Facebook than they do Google.  When advertisers want to reach their audience they go where the people are (and are being referred) and that is Facebook.  Nobody else is even close. 

The good thing about having a big user base, and one that shares information, is the ability to gather data.  Just like Google kept all those billions of searches to analyze and share data, increasingly Facebook is able to do the same.  Facebook will be able to tell advertisers how people interact, how they move between pages, what keeps them on a page and what leads to buying behavior.  Facebook uses this data to help users be more effective, just like Google does to help us do great searches.  But in the future Facebook can package and sell this data to advertisers, helping  them be more effective, and they can use it for selling, and placing, ads.

Facebook usage is dominant in social media, but becoming more dominant in all internet use.  Like how Windows became the dominant platform for PC users, Facebook is well on its way to being the platform for how we use the web.  Email will be less necessary as we communicate across Facebook with those we really want to know.  Information on topics of interest will stream to us through Facebook because we select them, or our friends refer them.  Solving problems will use referrals more, and searching less.  The platform will help us be much more efficient at using the internet, and that reinforces more usage and more users.  All the while attracting more advertisers.

The big losers will be traditional media.  We may watch sports live, but increasingly we'll be unwilling to watch streaming TV as the networks trained boomers.  Companies like NBC will suffer just as newspaper giants such as Tribune Corp., New York Times and Dow Jones.  Ad agencies will have a very tough time, as ad budgets drop their placement fees will decline concomittantly.  Lavish spending on big budget ads will also decline. 

Anyone in on-line advertising is likely to be a winner initially.  Linked-in, Twitter, Pinterest and Google will all benefit from the market shift.  But the biggest winner of all will be Facebook.

What if the on-line ad market grows 25%/year (think not possible? look at how fast the smartphone and tablet markets have grown while PC sales have stagnated last 2 years as that market shifted.  And don't forget that incremental amount could easily happen just by the top 50 CPG companies moving 10% of their budget!)?   That adds $20-$25B incrementally.  If Facebook's share shifts from 5% to 10% that would add $2-2.5B to Facebook first year; more than 50%! 

Blow those numbers up just a bit more.  Say double on-line advertising and give Facebook 20% share as people drop email and traditional search for Facebook – plus mobile device use continues escalating.  Facebook revenues could double up, or more, for several years as trends obsolete newspapers, magazines, televisions, radios, PCs and traditional thoughts about advertising.

If you missed out on AT&T in the 1950s, IBM in the 1960s, Microsoft in 1980, or Apple in 2000, don't miss this one.  Forget about all those spreadsheets and short-term analyst forecasts and buy the trend.  Buy Facebook.

Are You More Like Rupert Murdoch Than You Think?

Bernie Ebbers (of WorldCom) and Jeff Skilling (of Enron) went to prison.  Less well known is Conrad Black – the CEO of Sun Times Group – who also went to the pokey.  What do they have in common with Rupert Murdoch – besides CEO titles?  The famous claim, “I am not responsible” closely allied with “I’ve done nothing wrong.” While Murdoch hasn’t been charged with crimes, or come close to jail (yet,) there is no doubt people at News Corp have been charged, and some will go to jail.  And there is public outcry Murdoch be fired.

Investors should take note; three bankruptcies killed 2 of the organizations the ex-cons led and investors were wiped out at Sun Times which barely remains in business. What will happen at News Corp? Given the commonalities between the 4 leaders, I don’t think I’d want to be a News Corp. stockholder, employee or supplier right now.

How in the world could something like this happen?

Like the infamous trio, Rupert Murdoch was, and is, a leader who defined the success formula of his company.  As time passed, the growing organization became adroit at implementing the success formula, operating better, faster and cheaper.  Loyal managers, who identified with, and implemented intensely, the success formula were rewarded.  Those who asked questions were let go.  Acquisitions were forced to conform to the success formula (such as MySpace) even if such conformance created a gap between the business and market needs.  Business failure was not nearly as bad as operating outside the success formula. Failure could be forgiven – but better yet was finding a creative way to make things look successful.

Supporting the company’s success formula – its identity, cultural norms and operating methods – using all forms of ingenuity became the definition of success in these companies.  This ingenuity was unbridled, even rewarded! Even when it came to skirting the edge of – or even breaking – the law.  Cleverly using outsiders to do “dirty work” was an ingenious way to create plausible deniability. Financial machinations were not considered a problem if there was any way to explain changes.  Violating accounting conventions not really an issue if done in the pursuit of shoring up reported results.  Moving money wherever necessary to avoid taxes, or fines, and pay off executives or their friends, not really a big deal if it helped the company implement its success formula.  Any behavior that reinforced the success formula, as the leader expressed it, made employees and contractors successful. 

Do the ends justify the means?  Of course! As long as the results appear good, and the leader is taking home a whopping amount of cash, everything appears “A-OK.” 

Is this because these are crooks?  Far from it.  Rather, they are dedicated, hard working, industrious, smart, inventive managers who have been given a clear mission.  To make the success formula work.  Each small step down the ethical gangplank was a very small increment – and everyone believed they operated far from the end.  If they got away with something yesterday, then why not expect to get away with a little more today?  What are ethics anyway?  Relative, changeable, difficult to define.  Whereas fulfilling the success formula creates clear, measurable outcomes!

What is the News Corp’s Board of Directors position?  The New York Times headlined “Murdoch’s Board Stands By as Scandal Widens.”  Mr. Murdoch, like any good leader implementing a success formula,  made sure the Board, as well as the executives and managers, were as dedicated to the success formula as he.  Through that lens there are no difficult questions facing the Board. Everything was done to defend and extend the success formula.  Mr. Murdoch and his team have done nothing wrong – except perhaps a zealous pursuit of implementation.  What’s wrong with that?  Why should the Board object?

Could this happen to you, and your organization?  It may already be happening.

Answer this option, what’s more important to you and your company:

  1. Focusing on and identifying market trends, and adapting your strategy, tactics, products, services and processes to align with emerging future trends, or
  2. Focusing on execution.  Setting goals, holding people to metrics and making sure implementation remains true to the company’s history, strengths and core capabilities, customers and markets? Rewarding those who meet metrics, and firing those who don’t?

If it’s the latter, it’s an easy slide into Murdoch’s very uncomfortable public seat.  Very few will end up with an Enron Sized Disaster, as headlined.  But failure is likely.  Any time execution is more important than questioning, implementation is more important than listening and conforming to historical norms is more important than actual business results you are chasing the select group of leaders exemplified today by Mr. Murdoch.

Here are 10 questions to ask if you want to know how at risk you just might be.  If even a couple of these ring “yes,” you could be confidently, but errantly,  thinking everything is OK :

  1. Is loyalty more important than business results?  Do you have people working for you that don’t do that good a job, but do exactly what you want so you keep them?
  2. Do you hold certain aspects of your business as being beyond challenge – such as technology base, meeting key metrics, supporting historical distributors (or customers) or operating according to specified “rules?”
  3. Do you ask employees to operate according to norms before asking if they have a better idea?
  4. Does HR tell employees how to do things rather than asking employees what they need to succeed?
  5. Do employee and manager reviews have a section for asking how well they “fit” into the organization?  Are people pushed out that don’t “fit?”
  6. Are “trusted lieutenants” moved into powerful positions over talented managers just because leaders aren’t comfortable with the newer people? 
  7. Are certain functions (finance, HR, IT) expected (perhaps enforcers?) to make sure everyone operates according to the historical status quo?
  8. Is management meeting time spent predominantly on internal, versus external, issues?  Talking about “how to do it” rather than “what should we do?”
  9. Is your advisory board, or Board of Directors, filled with your friends and co-workers that agree with your success formula and don’t seek change?
  10. Do your customers, employees, or suppliers learn that demonstrating dissatisfaction leads to a bad (or ended) relationship?


Value is created in the future, not the past – U.S. News and other old brands


  • Business value requires meeting future needs
  • Businesses have to transition to remain valuable
  • U.S. News is smart to drop its print edition and go all digital
  • Print newspapers and magazines are obsolete
  • Old brands have no value
  • Businesses have to develop and fulfull future scenarios, and forget about what made them successful in the past.  Value comes from delivering in the future, not the past

Do you know any antique collectors?  They scour for old things, considered rare because they are the remaining few out of a bygone era.  For some people, these old things represent something treasured about the past – perhaps a turn in technology or some aspect of society.  But there is no useful purpose to an antique.  You can’t use the chair as a chair, for fear you’ll break it.  Mostly, old things are just that – old things. Once useful, but no longer.  They are remembrances. For most of us, seeing them in a museum once in a while is plenty often enough.  We don’t need a houseful of them – and would happily trade the old Schwynn bicycle from high-school days for an iPad.

So what’s the value of the Chicago Tribune, or the Los Angeles Times?  With the internet, tablets and other ereaders, mobile smartphones and laptops – why would anyone expect these newspapers to ever grow in value?  Yes, they were once valuable – when readers could be “current” with daily news, largely from a single source.  But now these newsapapers are practically obsolete.  Expensive to create, expensive to print, expensive to distribute.  And largely outdated by faster news outlets providing real time updates via the web, or television for those still not on-line. They are as valuable as a stack of 45 or 33 RPM records, or 8-track tapes (and if you don’t know what those are, ask your parents.)

As much as some of us, especially over 40, like the idea of newspapers and magazines – they really are obsolete.  When automobiles were first created many people who grew up riding horses said the auto would never be able to displace the horse.  Autos required petrol, where horses could feed anywhere.  Autos required roads, where horses could walk (or tow a cart) practically anywhere.  Mechanical autos broke down, where horses were reliable day after day.  And autos were expensive to purchase and use. To those raised with horses, the auto seemed interesting but unnecessary – and with drawbacks.  Yet, auto technology was clearly superior – offering better speed and longer distances, and the infrastructure was rapidly coming into place.  The horse was obsolete.  And this change made livery stables, saddle makers and blacksmiths obsolete as well.  It took only a few years.

Today, printed documents like newspapers and magazines are obsolete.  They have a purpose for travelers and commuters – but not for long.  Tablets are making even the travelers use of paper unnecessary.  With each of the 12million iPads sold (and who knows how many Kindles and other readers) another newspaper was unnecessary on the hotel room door.  So I was extremely heartened to read that “U.S. News [and World Report] is ending its print edition” on

Some might nostalgically say this decision is the end of something grand.   Contrarily, this is the smart move by leadership to help the employees, customers and suppliers all continue pushing forward.  As a print product U.S. News reached its end of life.  As a digital product, U.S. News has a chance of becoming an important part of future journalism.  While some are concerned the future digital product is not about the same old news it used to report, the facts are that we don’t need another magazine just for news.  But the rankings and industry reports U.S. News has long created have the most value to readers (and therefore advertisers) and so the editors will be focusing on those areas.  Smart move.  Instead of doing what they always did, the editors are going to produce what the market wants.  U.S. News has a fighting chance of survival, and thriving, if it focuses on the marketplace and meeting needs.  It can expand with new products as it continues to learn what digital readers want, and advertisers will support. As an obsolete weekly magazine it didn’t have any value, but as a digital product it has a chance of being worth something. 

I was shocked to read in Advertising AgeMeister Brau, Braniff and 148 other Trademarks to be Sold at Auction.”  Who would want to buy a trademark of an old brand?  It no longer has any value.  Brands and trademarks have value when they help you aspire toward something in the future.  A dead brand would have the cost not only of developing value — like Google in search or Android in phones has done; or the entire “i” line from Apple, or even Whole Foods or Prada.  But to resurrect Meister Brau, Lucky Whip or Handi-Wrap would mean first overcoming the old (worn out and failed) position, and then trying to put something new on top.  It’s even more expensive than starting from scratch with a brand that has no meaning – because you have to overcome the old meaning that clearly did not succeed. 

Value is in the future.  Yes, rare artifacts are sometimes cherished, and their tangible ownership (think of historical pottery, or rare furniture) can cannote something of a bygone era that provides an emotional trigger.  These occasionally (like real items from the Titanic) can be collected and valuable.  But a brand?  Do you want a plastic Lucky Whip tub to help you recall bad 1960s deserts?  Or a cardboard Handi-Wrap box to remind you of grandma’s leftovers?  In business value is not about the past, it’s entirely about the future.

For businesses to create value they have to generate and fulfull scenarios about the future.  Nobody cares if you were good last year (and certainly not if you were good last decade – anybody want an Oldsmobile?)  They care about what you’re going to give them in the future.  And all business planning needs to be looking forward, not backward. And that’s why it’s a good thing that U.S. News is going all digital.  Maybe if the turnaround pros at Tribune Corporation understood this they could figure out how to grow revenues at Tribune or the Times again, and maybe get the company out of bankruptcy.  Because trying to save any business by looking at what it used to do is never going to work.