Surface 3 and Apple Watch – Red Oceans v Blue Oceans

Surface 3 and Apple Watch – Red Oceans v Blue Oceans

Microsoft launched its new Surface 3 this week, and it has been gathering rave reviews.  Many analysts think its combination of a full Windows OS (not the slimmed down RT version on previous Surface tablets,) thinness and ability to operate as both a tablet and a PC make it a great product for business.  And at $499 it is cheaper than any tablet from market pioneer Apple.

Surface 3

Meanwhile Apple keeps promoting the new Apple Watch, which was debuted last month and is scheduled to release April 24.  It is a new product in a market segment (wearables) which has had very little development, and very few competitive products.  While there is a lot of hoopla, there are also a lot of skeptics who wonder why anyone would buy an Apple Watch.  And these skeptics worry Apple’s Watch risks diverting the company’s focus away from profitable tablet sales as competitors hone their offerings.

Apple Watch

Looking at these launches gives a lot of insight into how these two companies think, and the way they compete.  One clearly lives in red oceans, the other focuses on blue oceans.

Blue Ocean Strategy (Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne) was released in 2005 by Harvard Business School Press.  It became a huge best-seller, and remains popular today.  The thesis is that most companies focus on competing against rivals for share in existing markets.  Competition intensifies, features blossom, prices decline and the marketplace loses margin as competitors rush to sell cheaper products in order to maintain share.  In this competitively intense ocean segments are niched and products are commoditized turning the water red (either the red ink of losses, or the blood of flailing competitors, choose your preferred metaphor.)

On the other hand, companies can choose to avoid this margin-eroding competitive intensity by choosing to put less energy into red oceans, and instead pioneer blue oceans – markets largely untapped by competition.  By focusing beyond existing market demands companies can identify unmet needs (needs beyond lower price or incremental product improvements) and then innovate new solutions which create far more profitable uncontested markets – blue oceans.

Obviously, the authors are not big fans of operational excellence and a focus on execution, but instead see more value for shareholders and employees from innovation and new market development.

If we look at the new Surface 3 we see what looks to be a very good product.  Certainly a product which is competitive.  The Surface 3 has great specifications, a lot of adaptability and meets many user needs – and it is available at what appears to be a favorable price when compared with iPads.

But …. it is being launched into a very, very red ocean.

The market for inexpensive personal computing devices is filled with a lot of products. Don’t forget that before we had tablets we had netbooks.  Low cost, scaled back yet very useful Microsoft-based PCs which can be purchased at prices that are less than half the cost of a Surface 3. And although Surface 3 can be used as a tablet, the number of apps is a fraction of competitive iOS and Android products – and the developer community has not yet embraced creating new apps for Windows tablets. So Surface 3 is more than a netbook, but also a lot more expensive.

Additionally, the market has Chromebooks which are low-cost devices using Google Chrome which give most of the capability users need, plus extensive internet/cloud application access at prices less than a third that of Surface 3.  In fact, amidst the Microsoft and Apple announcements Google announced it was releasing a new ChromeBit stick which could be plugged into any monitor, then work with any Bluetooth enabled keyboard and mouse, to turn your TV into a computer.  And this is expected to sell for as little as $100 – or maybe less!


This is classic red ocean behavior.  The market is being fragmented into things that work as PCs, things that work as tablets (meaning run apps instead of applications,) things that deliver the functionality of one or the other but without traditional hardware, and things that are a hybrid of both.  And prices are plummeting.  Intense competition, multiple suppliers and eroding margins.

Ouch.  The “winners” in this market will undoubtedly generate sales.  But, will they make decent profits?  At low initial prices, and software that is either deeply discounted or free (Google’s cloud-based MSOffice competitive products are free, and buyers of Surface 3 receive 1 year free of MS365 Office in the cloud, as well as free upgrade to Windows 10,) it is far from obvious how profitable these products will be.

Amidst this intense competition for sales of tablets and other low-end devices, Apple seems to be completely focused on selling a product that not many people seem to want.  At least not yet.  In one of the quirkier product launch messages that’s been used, Apple is saying it developed the Apple Watch because its other innovative product line – the iPhone – “is ruining your life.

Apple is saying that its leaders have looked into the future, and they think today’s technology is going to move onto our bodies.  Become far more personal.  More interactive, more knowledgeable about its owner, and more capable of being helpful without being an interruption.  They see a future where we don’t need a keyboard, mouse or other artificial interface to connect to technology that improves our productivity.

Right.  That is easy to discount.  Apple’s leaders are betting on a vision.  Not a market.  They could be right.  Or they could be wrong.  They want us to trust them.  Meanwhile, if tablet sales falter…..  if Surface 3 and ChromeBit do steal the “low end” – or some other segment – of the tablet market…..if smartphone sales slip….. if other “forward looking” products like ApplePay and iBeacon don’t catch on……

This week we see two companies fundamentally different methods of competing.  Microsoft thinks in relation to its historical core markets, and engaging in bloody battles to win share.  Microsoft looks at existing markets – in this case tablets – and thinks about what it has to do to win sales/share at all cost.  Microsoft is a red ocean competitor.

Apple, on the other hand, pioneers new markets.  Nobody needed an iPod… folks were  happy enough with Sony Walkman and Discman.  Everybody loved their Razr phones and Blackberries… until Apple gave them an iPhone and an armload of apps.  Netbook sales were skyrocketing until iPads came along providing greater mobility and a different way of getting the job done.

Apple’s success has not been built upon defending historical markets.  Rather, it has pioneered new markets that made existing markets obsolete.  Its success has never looked obvious. Contrarily, many of its products looked quite underwhelming when launched.  Questionable.  And it has cannibalized its own products as it brought out new ones (remember when iPods were so new there was the iPod mini, iPod nano and iPod Touch? After 5 years of declining iPod sale Apple has stopped reporting them.)  Apple avoids red oceans, and prefers to develop blue ones.

Which company will be more successful in 2020?  Time will tell.  But, since 2000 Apple has gone from nearly bankrupt to the most valuable publicly traded company in the USA.  Since 1/1/2001 Microsoft has gone up 32% in valueApple has risen 8,000%.  While most of us prefer the competition in red oceans, so far Apple has demonstrated what Blue Ocean Strategy authors claimed, that it is more profitable to find blue oceans.  And they’ve shown us they can do it.

Alligators Gal


Dell – Take the Money and Run! Innovation trumps execution.

Michael Dell has put together a hedge fund, one of his largest suppliers and some debt money to take his company, Dell, Inc. private.  There are large investors threatening to sue, claiming the price isn't high enough.  While they are wrangling, small investors should consider this privatization manna from heaven, take the new, higher price and run to invest elsewhere – thankful you're getting more than the company is worth.

In the 1990s everybody thought Dell was an incredible company.  With literally no innovation a young fellow built an enormously large, profitable company using other people's money, and technology.  Dell jumped into the PC business as it was born.  Suppliers were making the important bits, and looking for "partners" to build boxes.  Dell realized he could let other people invest in microprocessor, memory, disk drive, operating system and application software development.  All he had to do was put the pieces together. 

Dell was the rare example of a company that was built on nothing more than execution.  By marketing hard, selling hard, buying smart and building cheap Dell could produce a product for which demand was skyrocketing.  Every year brought out new advancements from suppliers Dell could package up and sell as the latest, greatest model.  All Dell had to do was stay focused on its "core" PC market, avoid distractions, and win at execution.  Heck, everyone was going to make money building and selling PCs.  How much you made boiled down to how hard you worked.  It wasn't about strategy or innovation – just execution. 

Dell's business worked for one simple reason.  Everybody wanted PCs.  More than one.  And everybody wanted bigger, more powerful PCs as they came available.  Market demand exploded as the PC became part of everything companies, and people, do.  As long as demand was growing, Dell was growing.  And with clever execution – primarily focused on speed (sell, build, deliver, get the cash before the supplier has to be paid) – Dell became a multi-billion dollar company, and its founder a billionaire with no college degree, and no claim to being a technology genius.

But, the market shifted.  As this column has pointed out many times, demand for PCs went flat – never to return to previous growth rates.  Users have moved to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, while corporate IT is transitioning from PC servers to cloud services.  iPad sales now nearly match all of Dell's sales.  Dell might well be the world's best PC maker, but when people don't want PCs that doesn't matter any more.

Which is why Dell's sales, and profits, began to fall several years ago.  And even though Michael Dell returned to run the company 6 years ago, the downward direction did not change.  At its "core" Dell has no ability to innovate, or create new products.  It is like HTC – merely a company that sells and assembles, with all of its "focus" on cost/price.  That's why Samsung became the leader in Android smartphones and tablets, and why Dell never launched a Chrome tablet.  Lacking any innovation capability, Dell relied on its suppliers to tell it what to build.  And its suppliers, notably Microsoft and Intel, entirely missed the shift to mobile.  Leaving Dell long on execution skills, but with nowhere to apply them.

Market watchers knew this. That's why  Dell's stock took a long ride from its lofty value on the rapids of growth to the recent distinctly low value as it slipped into the whirlpool of failure.

Now Dell has a trumped up story that it needs to go public in order to convert itself from a PC maker into an IT services company selling cloud and mobile capabilities to small and mid-sized businesses.  But Dell doesn't need to go private to do this, which alone makes the story ring hollow.  It's going private because doing so allows Michael Dell to recapitalize the company with mountains of debt, then use internal cash to buy out his stock before the company completely fails wiping out a big chunk of his remaining fortune.

If you think adding debt to Dell will save it from the market shift, just look at how well that strategy worked for fixing Tribune Corporation. A Sam Zell led LBO took over the company claiming he had plans for a new future, as advertisers shifted away from newspapers.  Bankruptcy came soon enough, employee pensions were wiped out, massive layoffs undertaken and 4 years of legal fighting followed to see if there was any plan that would keep the company afloat.  Debt never fixes a failing company, and Dell knows that.  Dell has no answer to changing market demand away from PCs.

Now the buzzards are circlingHP has been caught in a rush to destruction ever since CEO Fiorina decided to buy Compaq and gut the HP R&D in an effort to follow Dell's wild revenue ride.  Only massive cost cutting by the following CEO Hurd kept HP alive, wiping out any remnants of innovation.  Now HP has a dismal future.  But it hopes that as the PC market shrinks the elimination of one competitor, Dell, will give newest CEO Whitman more time to somehow find something HP can do besides follow Dell into bankruptcy court.

Watching as its execution-oriented ecosystem manufacturers are struggling, supplier Microsoft is pulling out its wallet to try and extend the timeline.  Plundering its $85B war chest, Microsoft keeps adding features, with acquisitions such as Skype, that consume cash while offering no returns – or even strong reasons for people to stop the transition to tablets. 

Additionally it keeps putting up money for companies that it hopes will build end-user products on its software, such as its $500M investment in Barnes & Noble's Nook and now putting $2B into Dell.  $85B is a lot of money, but how much more will Microsoft have to spend to keep HP alive – or money losing Acer – or Lenovo?  A billion here, a billion there and pretty soon it adds up to a lot of money!  Not counting losses in its own entertainmnet and on-line divisions.  The transition to mobile devices is permanent and Microsoft has arrived at the game incredibly late – and with products that simply cannot obtain better than mixed reviews.

The lesson to learn is that management, and investors, take a big risk when they focus on execution.  Without innovation, organizations become reliant on vendors who may, or may not, stay ahead of market transitions.  When an organization fails to be an innovator, someone who creates its own game changers, and instead tries to succeed by being the best at execution eventually market shifts will kill it.  It is not a question of if, but when.

Being the world's best PC maker is no better than being the world's best maker of white bread (Hostess) or the world's best maker of photographic film (Kodak) or the world's best 5 and dime retailer (Woolworth's) or the world's best manufacturer of bicycles (Schwinn) or cold rolled steel (Bethlehem Steel.)  Being able to execute – even execute really, really well – is not a long-term viable strategy.  Eventually, innovation will create market shifts that will kill you.

Not All Earnings are Equal – Revenue Growth Matters! (Sell Microsoft)

Not All Earnings are Equal – Revenue Growth Matters! (Sell Microsoft)

For the first time in 20 years, Apple’s quarterly profit exceeded Microsoft’s (see BusinessWeek.comMicrosoft’s Net Falls Below Apple As iPad Eats Into Sales.) Thus, on the face of things, the companies should be roughly equally valued.  But they aren’t. This week Microsoft’s market capitalization is about $215B, while Apple’s is about $365B – about 70% higher.  The difference is, of course, growth – and how a lack of it changes management!

According to the Conference Board, growth stalls are deadly.

Growth Stall primary slide
When companies hit a growth stall, 93% of the time they are unable to maintain even a 2% growth rate. 75% fall into a no growth, or declining revenue environment, and 70% of them will lose at least half their market capitalization. That’s because the market has shifted, and the business is no longer selling what customers really want.

At Microsoft, we see a company that has been completely unable to deal with the market shift toward smartphones and tablets:

  • Consumer PC shipments dropped 8% last quarter
  • Netbook sales plunged 40%

Quite simply, when revenues stall earnings become meaningless. Even though Microsoft earnings were up, it wasn’t because they are selling what customers really want to buy. In stalled companies, executives cut costs in sales, marketing, new product development and outsource like crazy in order to prop up earnings.  They can outsource many functions.  And they go to the reservoir of accounting rules to restate depreciation and expenses, delaying expenses while working to accelerate revenue recognition.

Stalled company management will tout earnings growth, even though revenues are flat or declining.  But smart investors know this effort to “manufacture earnings” does not create long-term value.  They want “real” earnings created by selling products customers desire; that create incremental, new demand.  Success doesn’t come from wringing a few coins out of a declining market – but rather from being in markets where people prefer the new solutions.

Mobile phone sales increased 20% (according to IDC), and Apple achieved 14% market share – #3 – in USA (according to last quarter. And in this business, Apple is taking the lion’s share of the profits:

Apple share of phone profits 1Q 2011
Image provided by

When companies are growing, investors like that they pump earnings (and cash) back into growth opportunities.  Investors benefit because their value compounds. In a stalled company investors would be better off if the company paid out all their earnings in dividends – so investors could invest in the growth markets.

But, of course, stalled companies like Microsoft and Research in Motion, don’t do that.  Because they spend their cash trying to defend the old business.  Trying to fight off the market shift.  At Microsoft, money is poured into trying to protect the PC business, even as the trend to new solutions is obvious. Microsoft spent 8 times as much on R&D in 2009 as Apple – and all investors received was updates to the old operating system and office automation products.  That generated almost no incremental demand.  While revenue is stalling, costs are rising.

At the argument is made “Microsoft Q3 2011: Priced for Failure“.  Author Alex Morris contends that because Microsoft is unlikely to fail this year, it is underpriced.  Actually, all we need to know is that Microsoft is unlikely to grow.  Its cost to defend the old business is too high in the face of market shifts, and the money being spent to defend Microsoft will not go to investors – will not yield a positive rate of return – so investors are smart to get out now!

Additionally, Microsoft’s cost to extend its business into other markets where it enters far too late is wildly unprofitable.  Take for example search and other on-line products: Microsoft online losses 3.2011
Chart source

While much has been made of the ballyhooed relationship between Nokia and Microsoft to help the latter enter the smartphone and tablet businesses, it is really far too late.  Customer solutions are now in the market, and the early leaders – Apple and Google Android – are far, far in front.  The costs to “catch up” – like in on-line – are impossibly huge.  Especially since both Apple and Google are going to keep advancing their solutions and raising the competitive challenge.  What we’ll see are more huge losses, bleeding out the remaining cash from Microsoft as its “core” PC business continues declining.

Many analysts will examine a company’s earnings and make the case for a “value play” after growth slows.  Only, that’s a mythical bet.  When a leader misses a market shift, by investing too long trying to defend its historical business, the late-stage earnings often contain a goodly measure of “adjustments” and other machinations.  To the extent earnings do exist, they are wasted away in defensive efforts to pretend the market shift will not make the company obsolete.  Late investments to catch the market shift cost far too much, and are impossibly late to catch the leading new market players.  The company is well on its way to failure, even if on the surface it looks reasonably healthy.  It’s a sucker’s bet to buy these stocks.

Rarely do we see such a stark example as the shift Apple has created, and the defend & extend management that has completely obsessed Microsoft.  But it has happened several times.  Small printing press manufacturers went bankrupt as customers shifted to xerography, and Xerox waned as customers shifted on to desktop publishing.  Kodak declined as customers moved on to film-less digital photography.  CALMA and DEC disappeared as CAD/CAM customers shifted to PC-based Autocad.  Woolworths was crushed by discount retailers like KMart and WalMart.  B.Dalton and other booksellers disappeared in the market shift to  And even mighty GM faltered and went bankrupt after decades of defend behavior, as customers shifted to different products from new competitors.

Not all earnings are equal.  A dollar of earnings in a growth company is worth a multiple.  Earnings in a declining company are, well, often worthless.  Those who see this early get out while they can – before the company collapses.

Update 5/10/11 – Regarding announced Skype acquisition by Microsoft

That Microsoft has apparently agreed to buy Skype does not change the above article.  It just proves Microsoft has a lot of cash, and can find places to spend it.  It doesn’t mean Microsoft is changing its business approach.

Skype provides PC-to-PC video conferencing.  In other words, a product that defends and extends the PC product.  Exactly what I predicted Microsoft would do. Spend money on outdated products and efforts to (hopefully) keep people buying PCs.

But smartphones and tablets will soon support video chat from the device; built in.  And these devices are already connected to networks – telecom and wifi – when sold.  The future for Skype does not look rosy.  To the contrary, we can expect Skype to become one of those features we recall, but don’t need, in about 24 to 36 months.  Why boot up a PC to do a video chat you can do right from your hand-held, always-on, device?

The Skype acquisition is a predictable Defend & Extend management move.  It gives the illusion of excitement and growth, when it’s really “so much ado about nothing.”  And now there are $8.5B fewer dollars to pay investors to invest in REAL growth opportunities in growth markets.  The ongoing wasting of cash resources in an effort to defend & extend, when the market trends are in another direction.

Looking for Winners – Dell

It's easy to recognize a company in the winner's circle.  Like Apple or Google.  Most of us want to know how to spot the winners early.  And that can be hard, because often the reported information will make an emerging winner sound horrible.  Like the expected demise of Apple in 2000.

Last week Dell reported sales and earnings, and valuation fell ( "Dell Shares Fall as Company Net Slips").  The article notes that sales were "surprisingly strong," but claims that a dip in profits was bad news sending the stock price downward.  Of particular concern was a lack of growth in desktop PCs.  Many analysts are expecting (I should say hoping) that System 7 is going to spur additional desktop sales and are upset that Dell isn't getting "its fair share" versus Hewlett Packard.

This is entirely the wrong way to evaluate Dell's results.  Simultaneously, the Mobile unit had very strong performance.  As did Services, greatly aided by the Perot acquisition.  As I blogged months ago, Dell has started moving in a new direction.  Toward the growth markets of mobile devices and the need to build out applications using Cloud computing architectures.  These markets are certain to grow in the future.  Meanwhile, desktop PC sales are destined to decline.  There is no doubt about this.

Dell has been undertaking some Disruptions, and using White Space to develop and go to market with new products in these newer, growing markets.  Amidst this effort, it has put less money into the hotly contested and profit-margin-declining old fashioned PC business.  This is clearly the right move.  If Dell is the first and strongest to transition to new markets it has the best chance of regaining old growth rates.  For Dell, the best thing possible is to see it growing beyond anticipation in these markets. 

Some analysts complained that both mobile and services are too small as businesses at Dell, and therefore the company needs to put more resources (meaning price actions) into traditional PCs.  These same analysts will lambaste Dell when the market shift is completely pronounced and the traditionalist (which now appears to be HP) is left in decline.  Dell has used White Space to begin launching products.  If it uses these White Space efforts to learn the company can become smart, faster than other competitors, and "jump the curve" from its old business/market to the new one.  Isn't that what every business needs to do?

What we want to see now is ongoing investment in these growth markets,
with breakout products that can make a big revenue difference.
Space is good, but it is critical that Dell invest fast and smart to
replace old revenues as quickly as possible.

I was encouraged by Dell's results.  The company is growing where it needs to, and de-emphasizing businesses that can become slaughterhouses.  For investors, employees and suppliers this is a good thing.  When companies are using White Space it is easy to beat them up and ask them to "refocus" on traditional markets.  It also can kill them.  Here's hoping Dell stays on track.

Recognizing Lock-in – Be worried about Dell

In "Why Apple Can't Sell Business Laptops" Forbes gives the case to be pro-Dell.  The author points out that Dell has 32% of the computer market within companies that have more than 500 employees.  He then explains this happens because Dell makes machines that are constantly the next generation beyond the previous laptop – a little better, a little faster, a little cheaper.  Comparing the new Lenovo Z to the Mac Air, the author concludes that anyone who sits in a corporate office, with a lot of corporate IT requirements, who wants the next small laptop would find it easiest to fit the Dell product into their work.

He's right.  Which is why investors, employees, suppliers and customers should worry.

Everything described is Lock-in.  Dell has focused on big IT departments, and sells products which cater to them.  Dell is listening to its dominant customers.  Each quarter Dell gets more dependent upon these customers – and walks further out on the PC gangplank when servicing their needs. 

But, large corporations are laying off more workers than any other part of the economy.  Both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of employment.  They are not the "growth engine" or the companies that will lead us out of this recession.  And while Dell caters to these customers, Dell is missing major shifts that are happening in how people use computers.  Shifts that are already demonstrating the market for traditional laptop technology is waning.

In PC technology, people are moving away from laptops and toward netbooks.  By far, netbooks have overtaken laptops as users shift how they access the web and get work done.  Additionally, people are moving away from traditional computing platforms for lots of things, like email and web browsing (to name 2 big ones), and using instead mobile devices like Blackberry and iPhoneApple appears to be very careful to not chase the netbook curve, instead appearing to advance the mobile device curve with future iPhones and a possible Tablet product. 

As Dell keeps getting closer and closer to its "core" customers, its customer and technology (traditional PC) Lock-ins are making it increasingly vulnerable.  When users simply stop carrying laptops, what will Dell sell them?  When corporations move applications to cloud computing, and users no longer need their "heavy" laptop, where will that leave Dell?  

The Forbes writer made the big mistake of measuring Dell by looking at its past – and glorifying its focus.  But this points out that Dell is really very vulnerable.  Technology is shifting, as are a lot of users.  The author, and Dell, should spend more time looking at the competition — including solutions that aren't laptops.  And they should spend more time building scenarios for 2015 to 2020 — which would surely show that having a better "corporate laptop" today is not a good predictor of future competitiveness for changing user needs.

Apple keeps looking better and smarter.  Instead of going "head-to-head" with the PC makers, Apple is helping users migrate to mobile computing via different sorts of devices with better connectivity (the mobile network) and lighter interfaces.  They are providing applications that support a wider variety of user needs, like GPS as a simple example, which make their devices addictive.  They are pulling people toward the future, rather than trying to hold on to historical computing structures.  As the shift continues, eventually we'll see corporate IT departments make this shift – just as they shifted to PCs from mainframes and minicomputers throwing IBM and DEC into the lurch.  As this shift progresses, the winners will be those with the solutions for where customers are headed.  And Dell doesn't have anything out there today.