Microsoft’s Crazy Windows 8 Bet – How you can invest smarter

This week people are having their first look at Windows 8 via the Barcelona, Spain Mobile World Congress.  This better be the most exciting Microsoft product since Windows was created, or Microsoft is going to fail. 

Why? Because Microsoft made the fatal mistake of "focusing on its core" and "investing in what it knew" – time worn "best practices" that are proving disastrous! 

Everyone knows that Microsoft has returned almost nothing to shareholders the last decade.  Simultaneously, all the "partner" companies that were in the "PC" (the Windows + Intel, or Wintel, platform) "ecosystem" have done poorly.  Look beyond Microsoft at returns to shareholders for Intel, Dell (which recently blew its earings) and Hewlett Packard (HP – which says it will need 5 years to turn around the company.)  All have been forced to trim headcount and undertake deep cost cutting as revenues have stagnated since 2000, at times falling, and margins have been decimated. 

This happened despite deep investments in their "core" PC business.  In 2009 Microsoft spent almost $9B on PC R&D; over 14% of revenues.  In the last few years Microsoft has launched Vista, Windows 7, Office 2009 and Office 2010 all in its effort to defend and extend PC sales.  Likewise all the PC manufacturers have spent considerably on new, smaller, more powerful and even cheaper PC laptop and desktop models.

Unfortunately, these investments in their core expertise and markets have not excited users, nor created much growth.

On the other hand, Apple spent all of the last decade investing in what it didn't know much about in 2000.  Rather than investing in its "core" Macintosh business, Apple invested in the trend toward mobility, being an early leader with 3 platforms – the iPod, iPhone and iPad.  All product categories far removed from its "core" and what it new well.  But, all targeted at the trend toward enhanced mobility.

Don't forget, Microsoft launched the Zune and the Windows CE phones in the last decade.  But, because these were not "core" products in "core" markets Microsoft, and its partners, did not invest much in these markets.  Microsoft even brought to market tablets, but leadership felt they were inferior to the PC, so investments were maintained in traditional PC products.  The Zune, Windows phone and early Windows tablets all died because Microsoft and its partner companies stuck to investing their most important, and best known, PC business.

Where are we now?  Sales of PC's are stagnating, and going to decline.  While sales of mobile devices are skyrocketing.

Tablet sales projections 2012-2015
Source: Business Insider 2/14/12

Today tablet sales are about 50% of the ~300M unit PC sales.  But they are growing so fast they will catch up by 2014, and be larger by 2015.  And, that depends on PC sales maintaining.  Look around your next meeting, commuter flight or coffee shop experience and see how many tablets are being used compared to laptops.  Think about that ratio a year ago, and then make your own assessment as to how many new PCs people will buy, versus tablets.  Can you imagine the PC market actually shrinking?  Like, say, the traditional cell phone business is doing?

By focusing on Windows, and specifically each generation leading to Windows 8, Microsoft took a crazy bet.  It bet it could improve windows to keep the PC relevant, in the face of the evident trend toward mobility and ease of use. Instead of investing in new technologies, new products and new markets – things it didn't know much about – Microsoft chose to invest in what it new, and hoped it could control the trend. 

People didn't want a PC to be mobile, they wanted mobility.  Apple invested in the trend, making the MP3 player a winner with its iPod ease of use and iTunes market.  Then it made smartphones, which were largely an email device, incredibly popular by innovating the app marketplace which gave people the mobility they really desired.  Recognizing that people didn't really want a PC, they wanted mobility, Apple pioneered the tablet marketplace with its iPad and large app market. The result was an explosion in revenue by investing outside its core, in technologies and markets about which it initially knew nothing.

Apple revenue by segment july 2011

Apple would not have grown had it focused its investment on its "core" Mac business.  In the last year alone Apple sold more iOS devices than it sold Macs in its entire 28 year history!

IOS devices vs Mac sales 2.12
Source: Business Insider 2/17/2012

Today, the iPhone business itself is bigger than all of Microsoft. The iPad business is bigger than the desktop PC business, and if included in the larger market for personal computing represents 17% of the PC market.  And, of course, Apple is now worth almost twice the value of Microsoft.

We hear, all the time, to invest in what we know.  But it turns out that is NOT the best strategy.  Trends develop, and markets shift.  By constantly investing in what we know we become farther and farther removed from trends.  In the end, like Microsoft, we make massive investments trying to defend and extend our past products when we would be much, much smarter to invest in new technologies and markets that are on the trend, even if we don't know much, if anything, about them.

The odds are now stacked against Microsoft.  Apple has a huge lead in product sales, market position and apps.  It's closest challenger is Google's Android, which is attracting many of the former Microsoft partners (such as LG's recent defection) as they strive to catch up. Company's such as Nokia are struggling as the technology leadership, and market position, has shifted away from Microsoft as mobility changed the market.

Microsoft's technology sales used to be based upon convincing IT departments to use its platform.  But today users largely buy mobile devices with their own money, and eschew the recommendations of the IT department. Just look at how users drove the demise of Research In Motion's Blackberry.  IT needs to provide users with tools they like, and use platforms which are easy and low-cost to leverage with big app bases.  That favors Apple and Android, not Microsoft with its far, far too late entry.

You can be smarter than Microsoft.  Don't take the crazy bet of always doubling down on what you know.  Put your focus on the marketplace, and identify shifts.  It's cheaper, and smarter, to bet early on trends than constantly trying to fight the trend by investing – usually at an ever higher amount – in what you know.


Not All Earnings are Equal – Revenue Growth Matters! (Sell Microsoft)

Not All Earnings are Equal – Revenue Growth Matters! (Sell Microsoft)

For the first time in 20 years, Apple’s quarterly profit exceeded Microsoft’s (see BusinessWeek.comMicrosoft’s Net Falls Below Apple As iPad Eats Into Sales.) Thus, on the face of things, the companies should be roughly equally valued.  But they aren’t. This week Microsoft’s market capitalization is about $215B, while Apple’s is about $365B – about 70% higher.  The difference is, of course, growth – and how a lack of it changes management!

According to the Conference Board, growth stalls are deadly.

Growth Stall primary slide
When companies hit a growth stall, 93% of the time they are unable to maintain even a 2% growth rate. 75% fall into a no growth, or declining revenue environment, and 70% of them will lose at least half their market capitalization. That’s because the market has shifted, and the business is no longer selling what customers really want.

At Microsoft, we see a company that has been completely unable to deal with the market shift toward smartphones and tablets:

  • Consumer PC shipments dropped 8% last quarter
  • Netbook sales plunged 40%

Quite simply, when revenues stall earnings become meaningless. Even though Microsoft earnings were up, it wasn’t because they are selling what customers really want to buy. In stalled companies, executives cut costs in sales, marketing, new product development and outsource like crazy in order to prop up earnings.  They can outsource many functions.  And they go to the reservoir of accounting rules to restate depreciation and expenses, delaying expenses while working to accelerate revenue recognition.

Stalled company management will tout earnings growth, even though revenues are flat or declining.  But smart investors know this effort to “manufacture earnings” does not create long-term value.  They want “real” earnings created by selling products customers desire; that create incremental, new demand.  Success doesn’t come from wringing a few coins out of a declining market – but rather from being in markets where people prefer the new solutions.

Mobile phone sales increased 20% (according to IDC), and Apple achieved 14% market share – #3 – in USA (according to last quarter. And in this business, Apple is taking the lion’s share of the profits:

Apple share of phone profits 1Q 2011
Image provided by

When companies are growing, investors like that they pump earnings (and cash) back into growth opportunities.  Investors benefit because their value compounds. In a stalled company investors would be better off if the company paid out all their earnings in dividends – so investors could invest in the growth markets.

But, of course, stalled companies like Microsoft and Research in Motion, don’t do that.  Because they spend their cash trying to defend the old business.  Trying to fight off the market shift.  At Microsoft, money is poured into trying to protect the PC business, even as the trend to new solutions is obvious. Microsoft spent 8 times as much on R&D in 2009 as Apple – and all investors received was updates to the old operating system and office automation products.  That generated almost no incremental demand.  While revenue is stalling, costs are rising.

At the argument is made “Microsoft Q3 2011: Priced for Failure“.  Author Alex Morris contends that because Microsoft is unlikely to fail this year, it is underpriced.  Actually, all we need to know is that Microsoft is unlikely to grow.  Its cost to defend the old business is too high in the face of market shifts, and the money being spent to defend Microsoft will not go to investors – will not yield a positive rate of return – so investors are smart to get out now!

Additionally, Microsoft’s cost to extend its business into other markets where it enters far too late is wildly unprofitable.  Take for example search and other on-line products: Microsoft online losses 3.2011
Chart source

While much has been made of the ballyhooed relationship between Nokia and Microsoft to help the latter enter the smartphone and tablet businesses, it is really far too late.  Customer solutions are now in the market, and the early leaders – Apple and Google Android – are far, far in front.  The costs to “catch up” – like in on-line – are impossibly huge.  Especially since both Apple and Google are going to keep advancing their solutions and raising the competitive challenge.  What we’ll see are more huge losses, bleeding out the remaining cash from Microsoft as its “core” PC business continues declining.

Many analysts will examine a company’s earnings and make the case for a “value play” after growth slows.  Only, that’s a mythical bet.  When a leader misses a market shift, by investing too long trying to defend its historical business, the late-stage earnings often contain a goodly measure of “adjustments” and other machinations.  To the extent earnings do exist, they are wasted away in defensive efforts to pretend the market shift will not make the company obsolete.  Late investments to catch the market shift cost far too much, and are impossibly late to catch the leading new market players.  The company is well on its way to failure, even if on the surface it looks reasonably healthy.  It’s a sucker’s bet to buy these stocks.

Rarely do we see such a stark example as the shift Apple has created, and the defend & extend management that has completely obsessed Microsoft.  But it has happened several times.  Small printing press manufacturers went bankrupt as customers shifted to xerography, and Xerox waned as customers shifted on to desktop publishing.  Kodak declined as customers moved on to film-less digital photography.  CALMA and DEC disappeared as CAD/CAM customers shifted to PC-based Autocad.  Woolworths was crushed by discount retailers like KMart and WalMart.  B.Dalton and other booksellers disappeared in the market shift to  And even mighty GM faltered and went bankrupt after decades of defend behavior, as customers shifted to different products from new competitors.

Not all earnings are equal.  A dollar of earnings in a growth company is worth a multiple.  Earnings in a declining company are, well, often worthless.  Those who see this early get out while they can – before the company collapses.

Update 5/10/11 – Regarding announced Skype acquisition by Microsoft

That Microsoft has apparently agreed to buy Skype does not change the above article.  It just proves Microsoft has a lot of cash, and can find places to spend it.  It doesn’t mean Microsoft is changing its business approach.

Skype provides PC-to-PC video conferencing.  In other words, a product that defends and extends the PC product.  Exactly what I predicted Microsoft would do. Spend money on outdated products and efforts to (hopefully) keep people buying PCs.

But smartphones and tablets will soon support video chat from the device; built in.  And these devices are already connected to networks – telecom and wifi – when sold.  The future for Skype does not look rosy.  To the contrary, we can expect Skype to become one of those features we recall, but don’t need, in about 24 to 36 months.  Why boot up a PC to do a video chat you can do right from your hand-held, always-on, device?

The Skype acquisition is a predictable Defend & Extend management move.  It gives the illusion of excitement and growth, when it’s really “so much ado about nothing.”  And now there are $8.5B fewer dollars to pay investors to invest in REAL growth opportunities in growth markets.  The ongoing wasting of cash resources in an effort to defend & extend, when the market trends are in another direction.

Getting Rich vs. Getting Lost – Smartphones – Google & Apple vs. RIM, Nokia, Samsung, Microsoft


  • Most planning systems rely on extending past performance to predict the future
  • But markets are shifting too fast, making such forecasts wildly unreliable
  • To compete effectively, companies must anticipate future market shifts
  • Planning needs to incorporate a lot more scenario development, and competitor information in order to overcome biases to existing customers and historical products
  • Apple and Google have taken over the mobile phone business, while the original leaders have fallen far behind
  • Historical mobile phone leaders Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, RIM and Microsoft had the technologies and products to remain leaders, but they lacked scenarios of the future enticing them to develop new markets.  Thus they allowed new competitors to overtake them
  • Lacking scenarios and deep competitor understanding, companies react to market events – which is slow, costly and ineffective.

Apple, Android Help Smartphone Sales Double Over Last Year” is the Los Angeles Times headline.  Google-supplied Android phones jumped from 3% of the market to 26% versus the same quarter last year.  iPhones remained at 17% of the market.  Blackberry is now just under 15%, compared to about 21% last year.  What’s clear is people are no longer buying traditional mobile phones, as #1 Nokia share fell from 38% to 27%.  Like many market changes, the shift has come fast – in only a matter of a few months.  And it has been dramatic, as companies not even in the market 5 years ago are now the leaders. Former leaders are struggling to stay in the game as the market shifts.

The lesson Google and Apple are teaching us is that companies must have a good idea of the future, and then send their product development and marketing in that direction.  Although traditional cell phone manufacturers, such as Motorola and Samsung, had smartphone technology many years prior to Apple, they were so focused on their traditional markets they failed to look into the future.  Busy selling to existing customers an existing technology, they didn’t develop scenarios about 2010 and beyond that would describe how the market could expand – far beyond where traditional phone sales would take it.  Both famously said “so what” to the new technology, and used existing customer focus groups of people who had no idea the potential benefit of a smart phone to justify their willingness to remain fixated on the existing business.  Lacking a forward planning process based on scenario development, and lacking a good market sensing system that would pick up on the early market shift as novice competitor Apple started to really change the market, these companies are now falling rapidly to the wayside. 

Even smartphone pioneer Research in Motion (RIM) was so focused on meeting the needs of its existing “enterprise” customers that it failed to develop scenarios about how to expand the smartphone business into the hands of everyone.  RIM missed the value of mobile apps, and the opportunity to build an enormous app database.  Now RIM has been surpassed, and is showing no signs of providing effective competition for the market leaders.  While the Apple and Android app base continues to explode, based upon 3rd and 4th generation product inducing more developers to sign up, and more customers to buy in, RIM has not effectively built a developer base or app set – causing it to fall further behind quarter by quarter.

Even software giant Microsoft missed the market.  Fixated upon putting out an updated operating system for personal computers (Vista then later Windows 7) it let its 45% market share in smart phones circa 2007 disappear.  Now approaching 2011 Microsoft has largely missed the market.  Again, focused clearly upon its primary goal of defending its existing business in O/S and office automation software, Microsoft did not have a forward focused planning group that was able to warn the company that its new products might well arrive in a market that was stagnating, and on the precipice of a likely decline, because of new technology which could make the PC platform obsolete (a combination of smart mobile devices and cloud computing architecture.)  Microsoft’s product development was being driven by its historical products, and market position, rather than an understanding of future markets and how it should develop for them.

We can see this lack of future scenario development and close competitor tracking has confused Microsoft.  Desperately trying to recover from a market stall in 2009 when revenues and profits fell, Microsoft has no idea what to do in the rapidly expanding smartphone market today.  Its first product, Kin, was dropped only two months after launch, which industry analysts saw as necessary given the product’s lack of advantages.  But now informs us in “Return of the Kin?” Microsoft is considering a re-launch in order to clear out old inventory.

This amidst a launch of the Windows Phone 7 that has gone nowhere.  Firstly, there was insufficient advertising to gain any public awareness of the product launch earlier in November (Mediapost “Where’s the Windows Phone 7 Ad Barrage?“)  Initial sales have gone nowhere “Windows Phone 7 Lands Without a Sound” [Mediapost], with many stores lacking inventory, very few promoting the product and Microsoft keeping surprisingly mum about initial sales. This has raised the question “Is Windows Phone 7 Dead On Arrival?” [Mediapost] as sales barely achieving 40,000 initial unit sales at launch, compared to daily sales of 200,000 Android phones and 270,000 iphones! 

Companies, like Apple and Google, that have clear views of the future, based upon careful analysis of what can be done and tracking market trends, create scenarios that allow them to break out of the pack.  Scenario development helps them to understand what the future can be like, and drive their product development toward creating new markets with more customers, more unit sales, higher revenues and improved cash flow.  By studying early competitors, especially fringe ones, they create new products which are more highly desired, breaking them out of price competition (remember the Motorola Razr fiasco that nearly bankrupted the company?) and into higher price points and better earnings. Creating and updating future scenarios becomes central to planning – using scenarios to guide investments rather than merely projections based upon past performance.

Companies that base future planning on historical trends find themselves rapidly in trouble.  Market shifts leave them struggling to compete, as customers quickly move to new solutions (old fashioned notions of “exit costs” are now dead).  Instead of heading for the money, they are confused – lost in a sea of options but with no clear direction.  Nokia, Samsung, RIM and Microsoft all have lots of resources, and great historical experience in the market.  But lacking good scenario planning they are lost.  Unable to chart a course forward, reacting to market leaders, and hoping customers will seek them out because they were once great. 

Far too many companies do their planning off of past projections.  One could say “planning by looking in the rear view mirror.” In a dynamic, global world this is not sufficient.  When monster companies like these can be upset so fast, by someone they didn’t even think of as a traditional competitor (someone likely not even on the radar screen recently) how vulnerable is your company?  Do you plan on 2015 looking like 2005?  If not, how can future projections based on past actuals be valuable?  it’s time more companies change their approach to planning to put an emphasis on scenario development with more competitive (rather than existing customer) input.  That’s the only way to get rich, instead of getting lost.



Phoenix Principle Power – Microsoft Stalling, Apple Growing

When will Apple have more revenues than Microsoft?  How about later this year?

MSFT vs AAPL revenue forecast 4.10
Source:  Robin Bloor, Bloor Group, Reproduced in

Many of us remember the first Apple vs. Microsoft battle.  Apple pioneered much of the personal computer business, and led the innovation curve for years with its implementation of the mouse and on-screen graphics.  But eventually Microsoft successfully copied the innovations with Windows, and went on to drive Apple to the brink of bankruptcy at the turn of the millenium.  At that time, it was inconceivable that Apple would ever challenge Microsoft for sales domination.

But the impact of a decade of Defend & Extend Management has left Microsoft with little to no growth.  Its growth in operating systems now looks like it has been a single quarter event, with the OS7 launch which has done little to drive new PC sales.  Meanwhile, office automation products actually saw a net decline in revenue year-over-year last quarter.  Signs of a growth stall are imminent for Microsoft – and we all know that fewer than 8% of companies ever consistently grow at a mere 2% once revenues stall for 2 consecutive quarters.

Stall Points Chart 1
It's not often we see a big company stall, and then falter.  But I've been predicting this for months through this blog.  Microsoft has been working at Defending its "base" but it has done too little trying to enter new markets and find growth.  As people shift to mobile devices – from the smartphone to ereaders – Microsoft simply is seeing its "base" in the PC market threatened.  How many PCs will be purchased in 2015?  Versus how many smartphones or iPads (there will be 12million iPads sold in 2010 alone). 

This inability to maintain growth translates into serious value deterioration for investors.

Stall Points Chart 2

We now can see that Apple is entering new markets, and gaining revenue at 20-40% per year by moving beyond Defending the Mac.  Because Microsoft has not done something similar, preferring Defend & Extend Management applied to old markets rather than applying The Phoenix Principle and getting into new markets aggressively, not only is its revenue superiority threatened, but Microsoft most likely will have a lower market capitalization than Apple within a few months

Apple valuation v MS

If it seems like I'm beating this horse — well it's not often we see the kind of changes happen to competitors in such short time as we're seeing happen to Microsoft and Apple.  It takes more than a little courage to predict the demise of a behemoth (see "Microsoft's Dismal Future" at that has had near-monopolistic power in a market the way Microsoft has. 

More importantly, more companies are behaving like Microsoft in 2008-2010 than acting like Apple.  And that is a shame.  Until management teams reverse their thinking, how can we expect America to successfully return to high industrial growth rates and job creation?

There is little about Microsoft to excite investors.  I'd go so far to say that there's little more exciting about Microsoft than there is at General Motors, or AIG.  These companies are huge, and were once great, but unending defense of their outdated Success Formulas is leaving them extremely vulnerable to decline and failure.

In the end, you have to ask yourself – do you want to be Microsoft in 3 years, or Apple?  Do you want to be working hard to maintain revenues and valuation – or growing and driving higher value?  I think most of us know which is better.  It's time we start

  1. using scenario planning to develop future plans
  2. obsess about competitors so we learn better ways to compete
  3. implement Disruptions to move our businesses into growth markets and
  4. use White Space teams to help us update into new Success Formulas. 

Companies that follow these 4 steps of The Phoenix Principle can expect to have a great 2011. They can perform like Apple, Google, Cisco Systems, Virgin, Nike, Johnson & Johnson.   For everyone else, we can expect growth stalls and, well, …..

White Space overcomes D&E – Apple and Microsoft

Apple's most recent earnings surprised almost everyone, to the topside. At "Apple Soars: Is this a Great Country or What" the author points out that all analysts are now calling for Apple's equity value to continue increasing.  Most expect prices to achieve $330 – $350/share.  Right now Apple is worth about $235B.  At $330/share it is worth $300B.  Microsoft is worth $273B.  That means within the next few months the expectation among investors is that Apple's value will eclipse Microsoft's.

Why?  Because Apple has much faster growing revenue sources than Microsoft.  Despite a plethora of products, Microsoft still depends for sales and profits on PC operating system and office automation products.  And that market simply isn't growing.  Even Microsoft optimists are depending upon a "PC replacement cycle" to drive more sales rather than any real growth in demand.

While Microsoft has spent the last decade Defending & Extending (D&E Management) its PC business, its value has been flat.  Meanwhile, Apple has developed other revenue sources:

Source:  Silicon Alley Insider

In 2000 Apple relied on Mac sales.  But now, it has 2 businesses that are as large as the computer business. While defending the Mac business has maintained its sales, using White Space to launch other businesses has more than tripled Apple's revenue.  Today the iPod/iTunes business is as large as the Mac business, and the iPhone business is as large as well.  Both are growing.  And with estimates that already a million iPads have been sold – with some estimates of reaching 6 million units in 2010 – who knows how big the publishing business could become for Apple. 

As points out in "Everybody Loves Apple but Who's Left to Buy It" there are ample reasons to forecast substantial revenue and profit growth for Apple – causing it to lure many more investors to own the stock.  Not only hardware sales are going up, but in both the music and smartphone business Apple has the envious draw of pulling follow-on download sales – songs, videos, and apps.  Thus, each device pulls a series of ongoing revenue bites. 

Readers should also note how fast this has happened.  What has happened to your business in the last decade?  In the last 3 years?  As we can see, Apple created a $20B/year business since 2007 just in the iPhone.  Another $16B/year business in iPod/iTunes during the last decade.  That's over $36B/year of revenue from new sources, all organic (no acquisitions) in under 10 years.  And that's the power of White Space.  Instead of planning how to defend an understood and predictable market (like Microsoft) Apple studied new market needs, then launched a product and gave the team Permission to do what it took to succeed – unencumbered by the  history of the Mac, or Apple or any of the Lock-ins that were part of the old Success Formula.  This White Space teams then spawned revenue streams that are envied by everyone.

My recent Forbes column (Microsoft's Dismal Future) portended this week's earnings announcement and the changing fortunes of these two companies Lacking White Space, Microsoft is an uninteresting company with limited growth forecasts and negligible value growth.  By using White Space Apple is growing much faster, and will soon have a higher value than "the world's largest software company." 

Effective use of scenario planning, competitor analysis, disruptions and White Space can launch growth in any company.  You don't need a "hot economy" to generate growth.  And Apple has been demonstrating this quarter after quarter for nearly a decade – with several more good quarters coming.