"Samsung Seeks Some iPhone Magic" is the Wall Street Journal headline.  Hand it to the Korean company to demonstrate how to make money out of market shifts.  Not only is Samsung looking to add more capability to its mobile handsets – the obvious Defend & Extend action – but the company is developing applications for all its products to get into new, emerging markets.  It is now adding internet capability into almost all the devices it designs, makes and sells. 

Recognizing the market Challenge, in 2008 Samsung set up a White Space project with permission to explore just how it could coordinate software and content for cell phones.  But quickly the team recognized this charter was not sufficient permission.  They went back and asked to extend their opportunity development to everything Samsung makes (or considers making.)  By making sure it had the right permission to really think broadly about the opportunities, this White Space team made sure it could really accomplish the greatest gains. 

Kudos to the company for resourcing this effectively.  Samsung did not reach into the different business lines and ask each one to devote "some" resource onto this project.  That approach usually ends up getting almost no attention until year end when people remember this was on the checklist for bonuses.  Instead Samsung dedicated resources – money and people.  And Samsung made this into a business unit which is intended to make a profit!!  This isn't just an experiment – a lab – it's White Space that is intended to figure out new opportunities, as well as the business model which would make these new innovations profitable.

Samsung is a company historically known for manufacturing skills, supply chain management and lower cost.  Yet, it is showing that regardless of size (Samsung is one of the largest companies in Korea and one of the world's largest electronics companies) or history any company can establish White Space to connect with market shifts and introduce innovation. 

Do you have White Space in your company?  Or are you relying on your old Success Formula to return you to previous growth rates and profitability?  What are you doing to take advantage of market shifts – like what's happening with iPhones, Kindles, Tablet devices and other innovations?  You might want to take a tip from Samsung and set up some White Space with permission and resources to investigate how you could participate in market shifts to make more money!