How to Improve IT Performance and Deploy Technology

The “White Space” approach to innovation helps
to cut the time and cost of deploying new technologies.

That's the title of my first column, published yesterday, for CIOMagazine.  The four steps of The Phoenix Principle are as valuable inside a function as they are for running an entire business.  And for IT shops, the value of using White Space to implement new technologies and solutions is extremely valuable. 

This article overviews  how world class IT shops avoid getting stuck with most of their budget tied up supporting legacy (and aging) solutions by using White Space to keep their technology base, and user support, ahead of competition.  And the more they use White Space, the better they get at leading their companies to faster market reaction and superior rates of return.

Give it a read, you'll find it valuable for any function hoping to be an industry leader.

Here's a one minute video on the value of White Space – and how leading companies like Google master this capability: