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Key Examples of Underlying Trends and What they Signal

In the last newsletter, I talked about the importance of incorporating trends into business plans, organizations and innovation programs. An analysis of the subtle features behind a surface trend, or event, often shows they are born from changes in underlying conditions. Most of an iceberg is below the surface. Here are two examples of surface events and understanding how they can be analyzed to expose underlying trends:

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Trends in the New Year-2016

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping you had a restful and pleasant holiday season, and you are recharged for completing the flurry of activity that typically begins every new year. What we once considered the safest of investments – real estate – did a 180 in the first decade of the 2000s. Bonds lost all value as interest rates fell to zero. And although the stock market climbed a world of worry from 2008 to 2014, 2015 ended negatively and 2016 started with the worst 4 day record in history! Given stock market events in December and January, many readers are confused about where they should invest – or if they should invest at all!

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Holidays 2015 Newsletter

The newsletters of Adam Hartung. Keynote Speaker, Managing Partner, Author on Trends Happy Holidays! Over the last few months I have had a number of international meetings in Hong Kong, Bali, Rome, Madrid and Marrakesh.  Companies and associations in many countries...

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On the Road- Speaking on Trends

Where have I been? For the last 2 years, I’ve been deeply involved with the National Association of Corporate Directors. After completing coursework on legal and strategic elements of public directorship, I achieved certification as an NACD Board Leadership Fellow. Also because “black hat” activities have reached into the corporate world, as a director, I needed to be prepared and I completed the certification training on “Cybersecurity and the Board of Directors.”

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