We’ve added a new feature to our website, what we’re calling the “Phoenixionary” (see the links in the left-hand column). This is a dictionary of terms that we’ve used in the Phoenix Principle along with terms other thought leaders have used in describing a new model for management for the 21st century economy. We’ve started populating the Phoenixionary, but eventually want it to become “open-source” so that many people can participate in defining the new world of work. If you have a contribution to suggest, just email us. Periodically, we’ll feature one of the Phoenixionary terms as a blog entry.

Business can be SOOOOO serious, don’t you think? To do our part to lighten things up a bit, you’ll notice a second link below the Phoenixionary which is for a humorous dictionary. This is our way of being playful and letting off steam. We’re creating humorous definitions of terms related to experiences in the workplace. Check it out, and feel free to share your own humorous definitions with us and we’ll add them to the site.