As may already know, I am a top Forbes Contributor on market trends and predictions, providing insights into the future of major corporations like Walmart, Amazon, Cisco, Facebook, etc.

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Click to download Hartung Infographics
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Infographic, ways ceo eddie lampert destroyed sears

Ways CEO Lampert Destroyed Sears

Infographic Amazon Growth Hurts Local Economy, Hartung

Amazon Growth Hurts Local Economy

Infographic, How the cloud is killing personal computer sales

How the Cloud is Killing PC Sales




Infographic, telltale signs walmart is in trouble, hartung

Telltale Signs Walmart is in Trouble

Infographic: Why Amazon Bought Whole Foods, Hartung

Why Amazon Bought Whole Foods

Infographic: Why Demographic Trends are a threat to US Economic Leadership, Hartung

Demographics Threaten US Leadership