Will Steve Ballmer Be a Good LA Clippers Leader?

Will Steve Ballmer Be a Good LA Clippers Leader?

Anyone who reads my column knows I’ve been no fan of Steve Ballmer as CEO of Microsoft.  On multiple occasions I chastised him for bad decisions around investing corporate funds in products that are unlikely to succeed.  I even called him the worst CEO in America The Washington Post even had difficulty finding reputable folks to disagree with my argument.

Unfortunately, Microsoft suffered under Mr. Ballmer.  And Windows 8, as well as the Surface tablet, have come nowhere close to what was expected for their sales – and their ability to keep Microsoft relevant in a fast changing personal technology marketplace.  In almost all regards, Mr. Ballmer was simply a terrible leader, largely because he had no understanding of business/product lifecycles.

lifecycle slide  Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates, who did a remarkable job of taking a start-up company from the Wellspring of an idea into one of the fastest growing adolescents of any American company.

Under Mr. Gates leadership Microsoft single-handedly overtook the original PC innovator – Apple – and left it a niche company on the edge of bankruptcy in little over a decade.

Mr. Gates kept Microsoft’s growth constantly in the double digits by not only making superior operating system software, but by pushing the company into application software which dominated the desktop (MS Office.)  And when the internet came along he had the vision to be out front with Internet Explorer which crushed early innovator, and market maker, Netscape.

But then Mr. Gates turned the company over to Mr. Ballmer.  And Mr. Ballmer was a leader lacking vision, or innovation.  Instead of pushing Microsoft into new markets, as had Mr. Gates, he allowed the company to fixate on constant upgrades to the products which made it dominant – Windows and Office.  Instead of keeping Microsoft in the Rapids of growth, he offered up a leadership designed to simply keep the company from going backward.  He felt that Microsoft was a company that was “mature” and thus in need of ongoing enhancement, but not much in the way of real innovation.  He trusted the market to keep growing, indefinitely, if he merely kept improving the products handed him.

As a result Microsoft stagnated.  A “Reinvention Gap” developed as Vista, Windows 7, then Windows 8 and one after another Office updates did nothing to develop new customers, or new markets.  Microsoft was resting on its old laurels – monopolistic control over desktop/laptop markets – without doing anything to create new markets which would keep it on the old growth trajectory of the Gates era.

Things didn’t look too bad for several years because people kept buying traditional PCs.  And Ballmer famously laughed at products like Linux or Unix – and then later at entertainment devices, smart phones and tablets – as Microsoft launched, but then abandoned products like Zune, Windows CE phones and its own tablet.  Ballmer kept thinking that all the market wanted was a faster, cheaper PC.  Not anything really new.

And he was dead wrong.  The Reinvention Gap emerged to the public when Apple came along with the iPod, iTunes, iPhone and iPad.  These changed the game on Microsoft, and no longer was it good enough to simply have a better edition of an outdated technology.  As PC sales began declining it was clear that Ballmer’s leadership had left the company in the Swamp, fighting off alligators and swatting at mosquitos with no strategy for how it would regain relevance against all these new competitors.

So the Board pushed him out, and demoted Gates off the Chairman’s throne.  A big move, but likely too late.  Fewer than 7% of companies that wander into the Swamp avoid the Whirlpool of demise.  Think Univac, Wang, Lanier, DEC, Cray, Sun Microsystems (or Circuit City, Montgomery Wards, Sears.)  The new CEO, Satya Nadella, has a much, much more difficult job than almost anyone thinks.  Changing the trajectory of Microsoft now, after more than a decade creating the Reinvention Gap, is a task rarely accomplished.  So rare we make heros of leaders who do it (Steve Jobs, Lou Gerstner, Lee Iacocca.)

So what will happen at the Clippers?

Critically, owning an NBA team is nothing like competing in the real business world.  It is a closed marketplace.  New competitors are not allowed, unless the current owners decide to bring in a new team.  Your revenues are not just dependent upon you, but are even shared amongst the other teams.  In fact your revenues aren’t even that closely tied to winning and losing.  Season tickets are bought in advance, and with so many games away from home a team can do quite poorly and still generate revenue – and profit – for the owner.  And this season the Indiana Pacers demonstrated that even while losing, fans will come to games.  And the Philadelphia 76ers drew crowds to see if they would set a new record for the most consecutive games lost.

In America the major sports only modestly overlap, so you have a clear season to appeal to fans.  And even if you don’t make it into the playoffs, you still share in the profits from games played by other teams.  As a business, a team doesn’t need to win a championship to generate revenue – or make a profit.  In fact, the opposite can be true as Wayne Huizenga learned owning the Championship winning Florida Marlins baseball team.  He payed so much for the top players that he lost money, and ended up busting up the team and selling the franchise!

In short, owning a sports franchise doesn’t require the owner to understand lifecycles. You don’t have to understand much about business, or about business competition. You are protected from competitors, and as one of a select few in the club everyone actually works together – in a wholly uncompetitive way – to insure that everyone makes as much money as possible.  You don’t even have to know anything about managing people, because you hire coaches to deal with players, and PR folks to deal with fans and media.  And as said before whether or not you win games really doesn’t have much to do with how much money you make.

Most sports franchise owners are known more for their idiosyncrasies than their business acumen.  They can be loud and obnoxious all they want (with very few limits.)  And now that Mr. Ballmer has no investors to deal with – or for that matter vendors or cooperative parties in a complex ecosystem like personal technology – he doesn’t have to fret about understanding where markets are headed or how to compete in the future.

When it comes to acting like a person who knows little about business, but has a huge ego, fiery temper and loves to be obnoxious there is no better job than being a sports franchise owner.  Mr. Ballmer should fit right in.

So many good die young – SGI, Sun Micro, DEC, Wang, Univac, etc.

How many of these company names do you remember — Sperry Rand? Burroughs? Univac? NCR? Control Data? Wang? Lanier?  DataPoint?  Data General? Digital Equipment/DEC? Gateway? Cray? Novell?  Banyan? Netscape?

I'm only 50, yet most of these companies were originated, became major successes, and failed within my lifetime.  Now, prepare to add a couple more.  In the 1980s Silicon Graphics set the standard for high-speed computing, using their breakthrough technology to open the door on graphics.  There never would have been a PS3 or Wii were it not for the pioneering work at SGI. The company invented high speed graphics calculating methods that allowed for "real-time" animation on a computer, as well as "color fill" and "texture mapping" – all capabilities we take for granted on our computer screen today but that were merely dreams to early GUI users.  But now SGI has disappeared according to the Cnet.com article "First GM, Now Silicon Graphics.  Lessons Learned?"  The company that expanded the high-speed computing market most on SGI's early lead was Sun Microsystems, building the boxes upon which the first all-computer animated movie was made – Toy Story.  But 2 weeks ago we learned Sun will most likely soon disappear into the bowels of IBM ("Final Chapter for Sun Micro Could be Written by IBM" at WSJ.com)

When Clayton Christensen wrote The Innovator's Dilemma he said academics like to talk about the tech industry because the product life cycles are so short.  Actually, he would have been equally accurate to say their company life cycles were so short.  For business academics, looking at tech companies is like cancer researchers looking at white lab mice.  Their lifespan is so short you can rapidly see the impact of business decisions – almost like having a business lab.

What we see at these companies was an inability to shift with changes in their markets.  They all Locked-in on some assumptions, and when the market shifted these companies stayed with their old assumptions – not shifting with market needsLike Jim Collins' proverbial "hedgehog" they claimed to be the world's best at something, only to learn that the world put less and less value in what they claimed as #1.  Either the technology shifted, or the application, or the user requirements.  In the end, we can look back and their lives are like a short roller coaster – up and then crashing down.  Lots of money put in, lots spent, not much left for investors, vendors or employees at the end.  They were #1, very good (in fact, exceptional), and met a market need.  Yet they were unable to thrive and even survive – because a market shift emerged which they did not follow, did not meet and eventually made them obsolete.

Today we can see the same problem emerging in some of the even larger tech companies we've grown to admireDell taught everyone how to operate the world's best supply chain.  Yet, they've been copied and are seeing their market weaken to new products supplied by different channels.  Microsoft monopolized the "desktop", but today less and less computing is done on desktops.  Computing today is moving from the extremes of your hand (in your telephone) to "clouds" accessed so serrendipituously that you aren't even sure where the computing cycles are, much less how they are supplied.  And software is provided in distributed ways between devices and servers such that an internet search engine provider (Google) is beginning to provide operating systems (Android) for new platforms where there is no "desktop."  As behemoth as these two companies became, as invincible as they looked, they are equally vulnerable to the fate of those mentioned at the beginning of this blog

Of course, their fate is not sealedApple and IBM both are tech companies that came perilously close to the Whirlpool before finding their way back into the RapidsWhen businesses decide their best future is to Defend & Extend past strengths they get themselves into trouble.  To break out of this rut they have to spend less time thinking about their strengths, and more about market needs.  Instead of looking at similar competitors and figuring out how to be better, they have to look at fringe competitors and figure out how to change with emerging market requirements.  And just like they disrupted the marketplace once with their excellence, they must be willing to disrupt their internal processes in order to find White Space where they can create new market disruptions

Today, with change affecting all companies, it is important that leaders look at the "lab results" from tech.  It's important to recognize past Lock-ins, and assumptions about continuation (or return to) past markets.  Markets are changing, and only those that take the lead with customers will quickly return to profitability and emerge market leaders.  It's those new leading companies that will get the economy growing again, so waiting is really not an option.