Innovation killers – Collins in the lead

Jim Collins has decided to start telling people how to manage innovation.  In "How Might We Emphasize Cost Effective Evaluation Tools" at the Blog Collins lays out his prescription for managing innovation.  And it's pure Collins, because he's a lot more interested in focus than results.  In fact, he is more concerned that before attempting innovation companies put in place a review process to rapidly cut off funds for innovations that go awry than figuring out how to behave differently.

Jim Collins has decided to tell people how to innovate.  Only his first recommendations don't sound anything like the road to innovation.  His five rules are timely, efficient, focused, sharable and actionable.  There's no mention of getting market input, or figuring out how to behave differently.  In Collins' world if you are efficient, mindful of the clock, focused and committed to extending your past Success Formula he's sure profits will evolve.

His passion for evaluation is paramount.  He loves to talk about being efficient in innovation, prototyping toward some goal that is pre-set.  Being "efficient" about the exercise drives his discussion – as if markets are efficient, or understanding how to make money in a shifted future marketplace is an efficient process.  And he is obsessed with being vigilant.  Collins is fearful that people will waste money on their innovation exercises.  Efficiency, ala Taylor and scientific management, is a dogma Collins cannot escape.  He wants his followers to be efficient, pre-planned, and obsessed about making sure money is not wasted from this escapade into innovation.

Jim Collins' prescription for success is one of the biggest snake oil
sales in business history.
  His book sales, and speaker fees,
demonstrate what a big PR budget from an aggressive publisher can
accomplish with content that sounds like "common sense."  Jim Collins'
"great" companies are anything but.
  Just run the list and you'll find
he loved companies like Circuit City, Fannie Mae, Wells Fargo and
Phillip Morris.  Companies that failed at innovation and ended up
smaller and less profitable (or gone completely.)

Today's economy has shifted. While Collins and Hamel spent years looking backward to see what worked in the 1970s, 80s and 90s those analyses are of no value today.  We aren't in an industrial economy any longer where building economies of scale or entry barriers works.  Being good at something is the mantra Collins lives upon, but when the market can shift in months, weeks or days to something entirely different being good at something that's obsolete does not create high rates of return. 

Collins is so afraid that companies will over-invest in something new he would rather kill an innovation than possibly spend too much.  His obsession with efficiency indicates an approach that is bankrupt intellectually, and has demonstrated it cannot produce better returns.  It sounds so good to be very focused, to be fearful of pouring good money after bad.  But reality is that businesses regularly accomplish just that – making bad investmentsby trying to defend & extend a business that is no longer competitive.

Only participating in changing markets creates high returns.  No business, not even huge companies like GM, Chrysler or Sun Microsystems, can "direct" a market.  There are no entry barriers in a globally connected digital economy.  If companies aren't willing to abandon their BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) in favor of creating new solutions they simply are made obsolete.  Nobody's "hedgehog concept" will save them when the market shifts and previous sources of value are simply no longer valuable (just ask newspaper publishers, who never imagined that customers would move so fast to the web instead of waiting for their daily paper.) 

Almost 100 years ago a little known economist named Schumpeter said that value was created by introducing new solutions.  His work demonstrated that pursuing optimization led to lower rates of return, not higher.  As a result, he concluded that those who are flexible to market shifts – bringing new solutions to market rapidly – end up the big winners.  As we look at companies today, comparing Google, Apple, Cisco and Nike to GM, Kraft, Sara Lee and AT&T we can see that Schumpeter had it right. 

The gurus of business management helped us all realize how you could make improvements via optimization.  Peters told us to seek out excellence,  Hamel and Prahalad encouraged us to understand our core capabilities and leverage them.  Collins drummed into us that we should focus.  And most recently, a New Yorker editor with no business training or experience at all, Malcolm Gladwell, has admonished us to practice, practice, practice.  Yet, when we really look at performance we see that these practices make organizations more brittle, and subject to competitive attacks from those who would change the markets.

We know today that innovation leads to higher rates of return than optimization of old strategies.  But few recognize that innovation must be tied to market inputs.  We build organizations that are designed to execute what we did last year – not move toward what is needed next year.  This can be changed.  But first, we have to eliminate the innovation killers — and that includes Jim Collins.

Spend on what pays off – not what your used to spending on – movie studios

How do you pick a movie to see – whether at the theatre or at home?  The movie studios think you pick movies by what you see on TV ads, according to the Los Angeles Times "Studios struggle to rein in marketing costs." 

I remember the old days when my friends and I grabbed a newspaper and shopped the ads looking for a flick to go see.  And we were influenced by television ads as well.  But, as time went by, we started asking each other, "Is that movie any good, or are all the best parts in the ad?"  (Admit it, you've asked that question too.)  Then we found out we could get sneak peaks from shows like "Siskel & Ebert at the movies," so one of us would try to watch that and see if we liked the longer scenes.  And we didn't ever agree with the critics, but we could listen to hear if they described a movie we would like.  Now, not only myself but my sons follow the same routine.  Only we go to the internet looking for a YouTube! clip, and for reviews from all kinds of people – not just critics.  Mostly when we see a TV ad we hit the mute button.

Everywhere, businesses are still wasting money on old business notions.  For movie studios, they keep trying to get people to watch a big budget by advertising the thing.  (To death.  Until nobody watches the ad any more because they have it memorized.  And get angry that the ad keeps showing.)  But even the above article admits that studios know this isn't the best way any more.  With the internet around, we all listen less to advertisements, and gain access to more real input.  From web sites, or Twitter, or friends on Facebook, or colleagues on Linked-in.  We watch a lot less TV, and what we watch is more targeted to our interest and available on cable.  Or we download our TV from the web using  Yet, the studios are so Locked-in to their outdated Success Formula that they keep spending money on TV ads – even though they know the value isn't there any more.

So why do the studios spend so much on advertising?  Because they always haveThat's Lock-in.  Lacking a better idea, a better plan, a better approach that would really reach out to potential viewers they keep doing what they know how to do, even as they question whether or not they should do it!  The industrial era concept was "I spent a fortune making this movie, and distributing it into theatres, so I better not stop now.  Keep spending money to advertise it, create awareness, and get people into the theatres."  The studios see movie making as an industrial enterprise, where those who spend the most have the greatest chance of winning.  Spend a lot to make, spend to distribute, spend to advertise.  To industrial era thinkers, all this spending creates entry barriers that defends their business.

And that's why movie studios struggle.  It's unclear how well those ideas ever worked for filmmaking – because we all saw our share of blockbuster bombs and remember the "American Graffiti" or "Blair Witch Project" that was cheap and good.  But for sure we all know the world has now permanently shifted.  Today, small budget movies like "Slum Dog Millionaire" can be made (offshore in that case – but not necessarily) quite well.  The pool of new actors, writers, directors, cinematographers and editors keeps growing – driving production quality up and cost down.  And distribution can be via DVD – or web download – between low cost and free.  A movie doesn't even have to be shown in a theatre for it to be commercially successful any more.  And any filmmaker can promote her product on the internet, building a word of mouth driving popularity and sales.

From filmmaking to recordings to short programs to books, the market has shifted.  Things don't have to be big budget to be good.  The old status quo police, like Mr. Goldwyn or Mr. Meyer, simply have far less role.  Digitization and globalization means that you don't need film for movies – or paper for books.  Thus, democratizing the production, as well as sales, of "media" products.  Thus the old media companies are struggling (publishers, filmmakers, magazines, newspapers and recording studios) because they no longer have the "entry barriers" they can Defend to allow their old Success Formulas to produce above average returns.  And they never will again.  The world has changed, and the market has permanently shifted.

Is your business still spending money on things that don't matter?  Does your approach to the market, your Success Formula dictate spending on advertising, salespeople, PR, external analysts, paid reviewers or others that really don't make nearly as much difference any more?  When will you change your approach?  The movie studios are preparing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on summer ad promotions for new movies.  Is this necessary, given that the downturn has increased the demand for escapist entertainment?  Is your business doing the same? 

If you want to cut your cost, you shouldn't cut 5% or 10% across the board.  That won't help your Success Formula meet market needs better.  Instead, you need to understand market shifts and cut 90% from things that no longer matter – or that have diminishing value.  Quit doing the things you do because you always did them, and make sure you do the things you need to do.  You want to be the next "Slumdog Millionaire" not the next "Ishtar."  You want to be Apple, not Motorola.  You want to be Google, not Tribune Corporation.  Spend money on what pays off, not what you've always spent it on.