Embracing a Higher Minimum Wage – to Win

Embracing a Higher Minimum Wage – to Win

There is a definite trend to raising the minimum wage.  Regardless your political beliefs, the pressure to increase the minimum wage keeps growing.  The important question for business leaders is, “Are we prepared for a $12 or $15 minimum wage?”

President Obama began his push for raising the minimum wage above $10 a year ago in his 2013 State of the Union.  Since then, several articles have been written on income inequality and raising the minimum wage.  Although the case to raise it is not clear cut, there is no doubt it has increased the rhetoric against the top 1% of earners.  And now the President is mandating an increase in the minimum wage for federal workers and contractors to $10.10/hour, despite lack of congressional support and flak from conservatives.

Whether the economic case is provable, it appears that public sentiment is greatly in favor of a much higher minimum wage.  And it will not affect all companies the same.  Those that depend upon low priced labor, such as retailers like Wal-Mart and fast food companies like McDonald’s have a much higher concern.  As should their employees, suppliers and investors.

A recent Federal Reserve report took a specific look at what happens to fast food companies when the minimum wage goes up, such as happened in Illinois, California and New Jersey.  And the results were interesting.  Because they discovered that a higher minimum wage really did hurt McDonald’s, causing stores to close.  But….. and this is a big but…. those closed stores were rapidly replaced by competitors that could pay the  higher wages, leading to no loss of jobs (and an overall increase in pay for labor.)

The implications for businesses that use low-priced labor are clear.  It is time to change the business model – to adapt for a different future.  A higher minimum wage does not doom McDonald’s – but it will force the company to adapt.  If McDonald’s (and Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, Dominos, Pizza Hut, and others) doesn’t adapt the future will be very ugly for their customers and the company.  But if these companies do adapt there is no reason the minimum wage will hurt them particularly hard.

The chains that replaced McDonald’s closed stores were Five Guys, Chick-fil-A and Chipotle.  You might remember that in 1998 McDonald’s started investing in Chipotle, and by 2001 McDonald’s owned the chain.  And Chipotle’s grew rapidly, from a handful of restaurants to over 500.  But then in 2006 McDonald’s sold all its Chipotle stock as the company went IPO, and used the proceeds to invest in upgrading McDonald’s stores and streamlining the supply chain toward higher profits on the “core” business.

Now, McDonald’s is shrinking while Chipotle is growing.  Bloomberg/BusinessWeek headlined “Chipotle: The One That Got Away From McDonalds” (Oct. 3, 2013.) Investors were well served to trade in McDonald’s stock for Chipotle’s.  And franchisees have suffered through sales problems as they raised prices off the old “dollar menu” while suffering higher food costs creating shrinking margins.  Meanwhile Chipotle’s franchisees have been able to charge more, while keeping customers very happy, and maintain margins while paying higher wages.  In a nutshell, Chipotle’s (and similar competitors) has captured the lost McDonald’s business as trends favor their business.

So McDonald’s obviously made a mistake.  But that does not mean “game over.”  All McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s need to do is adapt.  Fighting the higher minimum wage will lead to a lot of grief.  There is no doubt wages will go up.  So the smart thing to do is figure out what these stores will look like when minimum wages double.  What changes must happen to the menu, to the store look, to the brand image in order for the company to continue attracting customers profitably.

This will undoubtedly include changes to the existing brands.  But, these companies also will benefit from revisiting the kind of strategy McDonald’s used in the 1990s when buying Chipotle’s.  Namely, buying chains with a different brand and value proposition which can flourish in a higher wage economy.  These old-line restaurants don’t have to forever remain dominated by the old brands, but rather can transition along with trends into companies with new brands and new products that are more desirable, and profitable, as trends change the game.  Like The Limited did when selling its stores and converting into L Brands to remain a viable company.

Now is the time to take action.  Waiting until forced to take action will be too late.  If McDonald’s and its brethren (and Wal-Mart and its minimum-wage-paying retail brethren) remain locked-in to the old way of doing business, and do everything possible to defend-and-extend the old success formula, they will follow Howard Johnson’s, Bennigan’s, Circuit City, Sears and a plethora of other companies into brand, and profitability, failure.  Fighting trends is a route to disaster.

However, by embracing the trend and taking action to be successful in a future scenario of higher labor these companies can be very successful.  There is nothing which dictates they have to follow the road to irrelevance while smarter brands take their place.  Rather, they need to begin extensive scenario planning, understand how these competitors succeed and take action to disrupt their old approach in order to create a new, more profitable business that will succeed.

Disruptions happen all the time.  In the 1970s and 1980s gasoline prices skyrocketed, allowing offshore competitors to upend the locked-in Detroit companies that refused to adapt.  On-line services allowed Google Maps to wipe out Rand-McNally, Travelocity to kill OAG and Wikipedia to kill bury Encyclopedia Britannica.  These outcomes were not dictated by events.  Rather, they reflect an inability of an existing leader to adapt to market changes.  An inability to embrace disruptions killed the old competitors, while opening doors for new competitors which embraced the trend.

Now is the time to embrace a higher minimum wage.  Every business will be impacted.  Those who wait to see the impact will struggle.  But those who embrace the trend, develop future scenarios that incorporate the trend and design new business opportunities can turn this disruption into a big win.

Who Wants a Big Mac for Christmas? Bah! Humbug! McDonald’s Scrooge!

How would you recognize signs of a troubled business?  Often the key indicator is when leadership clearly takes "more of the same" to excess.

This week McDonald's leadership began encouraging franchisees to open on Christmas Day.  Their primary objective, clearly stated, was to produce more revenue and hopefully show a strong December. 

I nominate McDonald's for the 2012 Dickens' Award as the most Scrooge-est business behavior this season. 

"Christmas is but an excuse for workers to pick their employer's pockets every 25th December" is I believe how Charles Dickens put it in "A Christmas Carol."  Poor Bob Cratchet couldn't even have 1 day off per year.  And in McDonald's case the company founder actually made it corporate policy to never be open on Thanksgiving or Christmas days so employees could be with family. 

Bah! Humbug!

Now, there are a lot of trends McDonald's could legitimately cite when making a case for being open on Christmas – a case that could actually shed a positive light on the company:

  • The number of single people has risen over the last decade.  This trend means that many more people now have a need for at least one meal not in a family setting on 25 December.
  • America has a large and storied Jewish community for whom 25 December does not have a special religious meaning.  For these people enjoying their habitual norms such as eating at McDonald's would indicate an open-minded company supports all faiths.
  • America is a nation of immigrants.  While the founders were European Christians, today America has a very diverse group of immigrants, especially from Asia and the Indian sub-continent, who follow Islam and other faiths for which 25 December has, again, no particular meaning.  Offering them a place to eat on their day off could show a connection with their growing importance to America's future.  An act of understanding to their impact on the country.

These are just 3, and there are likely more and better ones (please offer your thoughts in the comments section.)  But truthfully, this is not why McDonald's is urging franchisees to toil on this national holiday.  Instead, it is just to make a buck. 

But then again, what trend has McDonald's successfully leveraged in the last… let's say 2 decades?  Despite the rapid growth of high end coffee, the "McCafe" concept was a decade late, and so missed the mark that it has made no impact when competing against Caribou Coffee, Peet's or Starbucks.  And it has had minimal benefit for McDonald's. 

To understand the dearth of new products just go to McDonald's web site where you'll see an animated ad for the "101 reasons to eat a McRib" – that mystery meat product which is at least 30 years old and rotated on and off the menu in the guise of "something new."

McDonald's had a very rough last quarter.  It's sales per store declined versus a year ago.  The number of stores has stagnated, sales are stagnant, new products are non-existent.  Even Ronald McDonald has aged, and apparently moved on to the nursing home.  What can you think about that is exciting about McDonald's?

Desperate to do something, McDonald's fired the head of North America.  But that doesn't fix the growth problem at McDonald's, it just demonstrates the company is internally fixated on blame rather understanding external market shifts and taking action.  McDonald's keeps doing more of the same, year after year; such as opening more stores in emerging markets, staying open longer hours at existing locations and even opening on Thanksgiving and Christmas in the U.S. 

McDonald's Ghost of Christmas past was its great strength, from its origin, of consistency.  In the 1960s when people traveled away from home they could never be quite sure what a restaurant offered.  McDonald's offered a consistent product, that people liked, at a consistent (and affordable) price.  This success formula launched tremendous growth, and a revolution in America's restaurant industry, creating a great string of joyous past Christmases. 

But the Ghost of Christmas present is far more bleak.  50 years have passed, and now people have a lot more options – and much higher expectations – regarding dining.  But McDonald's really has failed to adapt.  So now it is struggling to grow, struggling to meet goals, struggling to be a kind and gentle employer.  Now asking its employees to work on Christmas – and ostensibly eat Big Macs.

What is the Ghost of Christmas Future for McDonald's?  Not surprisingly, if it cannot adapt to changing markets things are likely to worsen.  No company can hope to succeed by simply doing more of the same forever.  Constantly focusing on efficiency, and beating on franchisees and employees to stay open longer, is a downward spiral.  Eventually every business HAS to innovate;  adapt to changing market conditions, or it will die.  Just look at the tombstones – Kodak, Hostess, Circuit City, Bennigan's ….

Take time between now and 2013 to ask yourself, what is your Ghost of Christmas past upon which your business was built?  How does that compare to the Ghost of Christmas present?  If there's a negative gap, what should you expect your Ghost of Christmas Future to look like?  Are you adapting to changing markets, or just hoping things will improve while you resist putting enough coal on the fire to keep everyone warm?


Hey Pfizer, learn a lesson from Google about how to grow!


  • Too many leaders spend too much effort minimizing uncertainty
  • Stock buybacks reflect fear of uncertainty, but are a losing investment
  • Good performing organizations invest in new markets, products and services
  • Success comes from not only investing, but in learning quickly what works (or doesn’t) and rapidly adapting

“If you don’t ever do anything, you can never screw up” my boss said.

I was 20 years old working in the blazing Oklahoma July sun at a grain elevator.  I had asked the maintenance lead to modify a tool, thinking I could work faster.  Unfortunately, my idea failed and my production started lagging.  Offload production was slowing.  I had to ask that the tool be put back to original condition, and I apologized to the elevator manager for my mistake. 

That’s when he used my opening line, and went on to say “Don’t ever quit trying to do better.  You’re a clever kid. Sometimes ideas work, sometimes they don’t, but if we dont’ try them we’ll never know.  That’s why I agreed to your idea originally.  I’ll accept a few well-intentioned ‘mistakes’ as long as you learn from them. Now go back to work and try to make up that production before end of day.”

Far too few leaders today give, or follow, such advice.  The Economist recently waxed eloquently about how much today’s leaders dislike any kind of uncertainty (see “From Tsunami’s to Typhoons“).  Most very consciously make decisions intended to reduce uncertainty – regardless of the impact on results!  Rather than take advantage of events and trends, doing something new and different, they intentionally downplay market changes and diligently seek ways to make it appear as if things are not changing – amidst massive change!  The mere fact that there is uncertainty seems to be the most troubling issue, as leaders don’t want to deal with it, nor know how. 

This fear of uncertainty manifest itself in decisions to buy back stock, rather than invest in new products, services and markets.  24/7 Wall Street reported $34B in announced share buybacks in early February (2011 Stock Buybacks on Fire), only to update that to $40B by end of the month.  Literally dozens of companies choosing to spend money on buying their own shares, which creates no economic value at all, rather than invest in something that could create growth!  And these aren’t just companies with limited prospects, but include what have been considered growth entities like Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, Electronic Arts, MedcoHealth, Verizon, Semantec, Yum! Brands, Quest, Kohl’s, Varian and Gamestop to name just a few. 

All of these companies have opportunities to grow – heck, all companies have the opportunity to grow.  But there is inherent uncertainty in spending money on something that might not work out.  So, instead, they are taking hard earned cash flow and spending it on buying back the company stock.  The real certainty, from this investment, is that it limits growth — and eventually will lead to a smaller company that’s worth less.  Don’t forget, the only investment Sara Lee made under Brenda Barnes the last 5 years was buying back stock – and now the company has shriveled up to less than half its former size while the equity value has disintegrated.  Nobody wins from share buybacks – with the possible exception of senior executives who have compensation tied to stock price.

At the Harvard Business Review Umar Haque admonishes leaders today “Fail Bigger Cheaper: A Three Word Manifesto.” Silicon valley investors, deep into understanding our change to an information economy, are far less interested in “scale” and more interested in how leaders, and their companies, are learning faster – so they see where they might fail faster – and then being nimble enough to adjust based upon what they learned.  And not just to do more of the same better, but in order to identify bigger targets – larger opportunities – than originally imagined.  Often the “failure” can direct the business into grander opportunities which have even higher payoffs.

That’s why we don’t see companies like Google, Apple, Netflix, Virgin, or Cisco buying back their own stock.  They see opportunities, and they invest.  They don’t all work out.  Remember Google Wave?  Looked great – didn’t make it – but so what?  Google learns from what works, and what doesn’t, and uses that information to help it develop newer, more powerful growth markets. 

Long ago Apple let its lack of success with the Newton PDA cause it to retrench into strictly Mac development – which took the company to the brink of disaster by 2000.  Since then, by investing in new markets and new products, Apple has grown revenues and profits like crazy, making it more valuable than arch-rival Microsoft and close to being the most valuable publicly traded company.

Apple revenue by segment december 2011
Source: Silicon Alley Insider of BusinessInsider.com

Virgin used its success in music retailing to enter the trans-atlantic airline business (Virgin Atlantic).  Since then it has launched dozens of businesses.  Some didn’t work out – like Virgin Bridal – but many more have, such as Virgin Money, Virgin Mobil, Virgin Connect – to name just a handful of the many Virgin businesses that contribute to company growth and value creation.

Nobody wants to screw up.  But, unless you do nothing, it is inevitable.  No leader, or company, can create high value if they don’t overcome their fear of uncertainty and invest in innovation.  But, hand-in-glove with such investing is the requirement to learn fast whether an innovation is working, or not.  And to adapt.  Some things need time for the market to develop, others need technology advances, and others need a change in direction toward different customers.  It’s the ability to invest in uncertain situations, then pay attention to market feedback in order to recognize how well the idea is working, and constantly adapt to market learning that sets apart those companies creating wealth today. 

Update 4/1/2011 – AOLSmallBusiness.com reminds us of another great adaptation story, based upon entering an unknown market and learning, in “Yes, Even Apple Screws Up Sometimes.” When personal computers were all text-based machines Apple introduced the Lisa as the first commercial computer to utilize on-screen icons, and a mouse for navigation, as well as other key productivity enhancers like the trash can.  But the Lisa failed.  Apple studied the market, kept what was desirable and modified what wasn’t, re-introducing the product as the Macintosh in 1984.  The Mac was a huge success, creating enormous value for Apple which was undeterred by both the uncertainty of the fledgling PC market and its initial failure at various changes in the user interface.

Be Adaptive or go the way of Mr. Wagoner at GM

"Management is not a science, like physics, with immutable laws and testable theories.  Instead, management, at its best, is an intelligent response to outside forces, often disruptive ones."  So says Steve Lohr in " How Crisis shapes the Corporate Model" in The New York Times Saturday.

For years, many people thought of management as being all about execution.  How to build plants, make things, sell those things and finance the operations of building and making stuff.  In fact, whole books were written on execution, with the basis that strategy was pretty much unimportant.  If you could execute well, what's the need for strategy?

But the last year has shown everyone that the world is a dynamic place.  GM missed many changes, and now is barely alive.  Despite a focus on execution, the CEO Rick Wagoner has been forced to step down by the administration if GM is to get more bailout money (see "GM's Wagoner Will Step Down" WSJ.com March 29)  When you get behind, a "re-invention gap" emerges where the competition keeps going with the market further and further into the future, while you are left behind struggling to sell, grow and make money as you focus on execution.  The longer you keep focusing on execution, the bigger the gap gets.  Depending on size and competition, eventually you end up completely out of step with the market and unable to compete.  Like GM.

The pressure to change with market needs is high everywhere, from banks to manufacturers to newspapers.  From General Electric to Sara Lee to Sun Microsystems to The Tribune Corporation, companies that can't adapt to changes have seen their valuation hammered.  And the companies we like today are those demonstrating they can adapt to market needs – like Google, Apple, RIM and Virgin.  These companies are today investing in launching new products, investing in growth, rather than just trying to cut cost and execute on old business practices while waiting for the return of "better times." 

Globalization is now hitting everyone.  No industry, and no player in any industry, can ignore the impact of global competition in the way they compete.  Today, we can wire together businesses from various service providers, with precious little investment, and reach customers quite profitably while maintaining enormous flexibility.  Just ask Nike if you want to know how to "do it."

Focus, hard work, diligence – these have been the mantra for many business leaders.  It makes us feel good to think that if we work hard, if we keep our eye on execution, we can succeed.  But as readers of this blog have known for 4 years, those admirable qualities do not correlate to success (as academics and journalists have been pointing out when arguing with Jim Collins and his spurrious mathematical exercises).  To be successful requires adaptability.  You have to constantly scan the horizon for market shifts and emerging competitors that are ready to disrupt markets.  And be ready to change everything you do, not just part of it, if you want to compete in the markets as they shift.

The companies, and executives, that will fail as a result of these tumultuous times has not been determined.  You can keep from being one of the downtrodden if your focus remains on identifying future market needs and adapting to new competitors through White Space where you can develop new solutions.  It's very possible to succeed going forward, if you're adaptive.  Or you can end up like Mr. Wagoner and the management team at GM.

PS – The New York Times Company had better start reading its own material and undergo same radical adaptation of its own, or it may not survive to be a media player very soon.  To steal from an old saying, it's about time that cobbler started checking his own family's shoes.